Panzer Dragoon V

Actually, the script writer for PDO was one of the few leads that wasn’t an ex-Panzer team member. Mukaiyama-san, Iwade-san, Kikuchi-san, and co. were all heavily involved, but the script writer (yeah… can’t remember his name at this moment) wasn’t.

Actually I do have a fear that PANZER DRAGOON might find it’s audience with a future release and then end up getting Sonified like FF did with the eighth installment.

Actually I have a fear of that happening to SHINING FORCE and PHANTASY STAR…

I think that already happened with Phantasy Star. PSO isn’t that bad of a game (when played multi-player anyway), but it’s had several iterations already and while they were fun while they lasted I don’t know if I’d think of them as being good in the sense that I’ll remember them with a warm fuzzy feeling several years from now. I might remember gaming with my regular teammates as being fun, but not so much the game itself.

I’m have mixed feelings about Phantasy Star Universe, but we’ll see how it goes.

And sometimes reinvention is good. Koudelka was a mediocre RPG, but got a sequel that radically changed several aspects of it, leaving only the storyline alone, and we got Shadow Hearts, which still isn’t a hugely popular series, but more people have a higher opinion of.

i think one of the main problems is that the visual styles of some of sega’s games are no longer unique and are clearly playing to a specific demographic; such as the gamecube kiddies!!! :anjou_wow:

if you look at games like adventure island and that virtua fighter quest game and it seems to me that that same school of design is exterting its influence on PSU as well.

but i do not think that this will ever be done to panzer, it just seems inefficient. if they are trying to make a game that will sell, it would be easier to make a new series than work on shifting PD from hardcore to softcore. it’s like panzer is in the negatives of commercial appeal, so using the name for franchise would actually be setting them back :anjou_happy:

yes, exactly. if they are not capable to write a decent story set in the panzer universe, then why bother making a mediocre (panzer!, orta as a game is still high above standard) game? just because they can reuse some of the content (story, character designs, historical background) …

It really is a pity Miyazaki refuses to write videogame scripts.

I wish Amy Hennig wouldn’t be wasting her talent at Naughty Dog… :frowning:

She moved to Naughty Dog? Wow. Did she work on Jak? Apparently that has a really good story.
She shouldn’t touch PD though, I doubt she could do anything with it.

Why?She would need to do her homewor of course but she could handle it.

Yes she worked on Jak 3.I’m not entirely sure if her role was only story related tho.She didn’t do just story with LoK either.

This is more of the flawed logic that got Mega into trouble. You also need to back up and actually read my last post and you’ll see that you too have sunk into a technological debate. We have been discussing the merits of artistic expression not the limits of a systems’ hardware. I’ll just save you the trouble and paste it here:

[quote=“DivineDragon”]Your saying the Saturn graphics were not clear or accurate enough for TA to get their vision across or for fans to appreciate the world? How far do graphics have to evolve before you can appreciate a game? They were gorgeous and I prefer them more over Orta. And you must realize that every game ever released is art to a certain extent and must be appreciated as such. It’s like your comparing a Picasso portait to a photograph portrait–one might be less detailed but artistically you can “lose yourself” into it more and find it a much truer representation of the person’s soul/essence that the clearer image itself.

And your falling into the technological debate again “More Power, Better Graphics = Way Cooler!”. It’s really a matter of preference. I prefer the more artistic PD over your more “realistic” PD.[/quote]

Please read the above quote and comprehend it before posting an inane rebuttal, because I will not discuss this matter any longer otherwise.

I don’t subscribe to bad logic, so you can’t. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Rune Lai”]I think that already happened with Phantasy Star. PSO isn’t that bad of a game (when played multi-player anyway), but it’s had several iterations already and while they were fun while they lasted I don’t know if I’d think of them as being good in the sense that I’ll remember them with a warm fuzzy feeling several years from now. I might remember gaming with my regular teammates as being fun, but not so much the game itself.

I’m have mixed feelings about Phantasy Star Universe, but we’ll see how it goes.

And sometimes reinvention is good. Koudelka was a mediocre RPG, but got a sequel that radically changed several aspects of it, leaving only the storyline alone, and we got Shadow Hearts, which still isn’t a hugely popular series, but more people have a higher opinion of.[/quote]

Well this is the thing is n’t it? Should PANZER DRAGOON forsake it’s shooter routes for the RPG aspect? It depends IF Sega released another RPG based on PD and it did better than ORTA. Sega has a habit to branch their franchises out to other genres. While it may or may not have worked with PANZER DRAGOON it has worked with HOUSE OF THE DEAD semi spin of TYPING OF THE DEAD which has several sequels. maybe the same could happen in this case if it were to happen of course.

Regarding PHANTASY STAR. I don’t think it has happened yet. It still retaining the style it evolved into and not the standard semi real looks like Sony favors in it’s RPGs lately and PSU seems to retain the PS look to it. Of course the game is still a mystery until E3. SHINING FORCE on the other hand is a worry though.

you’re an ass. you didn’t even try to counter the points i made against you, i thought you had just given up. this is not just a technical debate so quit trying to play that card- it’s not going to fly.

team andromeda’s concept art and FMV sequences showed you a much clearer vision of their idea. the saturn clearly could not handle high polygon landscapes that stretched to the horizon. it could not handle detailed textures (in saga it was a garbled mass of pixels that made up a character’s face). it couldn’t handle countless highly detailed enemies swarming around you.

the graphical output of a system is the filter through which a developer’s vision is forced. the developer’s were able to much more accurately convey their ideas on the xbox than on the saturn. technical specs do matter.

i state facts, you state idiotic opinions.

You just become needlesly insulting Megatherium. Do you really have to get that emotional here, common.

The tools of an artist of course change the outcome of his work in some degree, but we’re not discussing the outer form but the inherit design concepts.
It really doesn’t matter if you make a drawing with pencil, oil or watercolors, copic markers or pastels, as long as it gets the design concept across it can’t be argued. Same goes for CG.

PDO clearly shows not a believable " livable" world as many of us imagined when we played PDS. PDO is a pretty classic manga/anime style, and is as far from realism as PDS.

I can’t wait untill wanda to kyozou (ICO2) comes out. For me ICO and ICO2 are the first games on a >32bit system that actually reach the level of quality PDS had. For me ICO2 could be monochrome, or sepia tinted, it would even look better =DDD

was i? perhaps you took me more seriously than i intended.

many things were being discussed; you an i were talking about artistic design but i was having a separate discussion with divine dragon concerning overall beauty and the importance of graphical output in the clarity of the artist’s vision.

i don’t think divine dragon will be deeply or personally insulted by my posts and i certainly do not intend him to. it’s just, he was acting like a dick and i didn’t care to pretend maturity is important enough in this case to not lower myself to his level.

:anjou_angry: so everyone relax!

So are you trying to say the world as seen in PDO was what they really had in their minds and what they really wanted to do when they did the three Staurn games?

no. it’s definitely a different idea than what they had in mind during the saturn trilogy. but it is a panzer dragoon game and that name carries with it a lot of beauty regardless of anything else.

the best way for me to show you the validity of my point is to have you ask yourself these two questions:

  1. what would the original trilogy look like if it had been made on the xbox?

  2. what would panzer dragoon orta look like if it had been made on the saturn?

in both cases, wouldn’t you prefer the xbox version for it’s clearer representation of what the developer’s had envisioned? if you say no, i really can’t continue to talk about this. but if you said yes, can we then not agree that orta (as much as you may not like whatever small stylistic changes there were) has that special aspect to it that the original trilogy does not?

so being able to convey a much clearer image of the developer’s idea is a positive trait that i can attribute to orta that IS part of the artistic beauty but IS NOT number crunching (as someone had mentioned).

thank you and goodnight.

there is not much logic in there because most of us prefer PDS over PDO anyway… regardless of platform or quality (and I think quality is a bad word because it does not judge that the quality of PDS is in relation to the Saturn hardware) so what does it prove? you are talking about how PDO is better because it’s an XBOX game, that’s all.

Well Megatherium you are forgetting about something evry important : the people responsible for Orta are not exactly the same team responsible for the SSPD’s.They have different ideas for the world they want to re/create.

Even if at their core they are the same : people’s ideas change with time.Especially if you are talking about a period of almost 8 years.

Exactly. The question is, is that a good thing, a bad thing, or a good thing and a bad thing? :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Exactly. The question is, is that a good thing, a bad thing, or a good thing and a bad thing? :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Definitely a BAD thing. The ONLY people who can give us what we want (a direct sequel to PDS) are the old artists and designers of the original trilogy. If done by anyone else, we’ll just get another product like Orta…which was a dumbed down version of the PD universe with great gameplay. Who wants that? I certainly don’t.

In Orta’s case it certainly was more bad than good.But I reckon I dind’t want to see the exact same things I saw in Saga.“Subtle” isn’t a word in the Panzerense dictionary tho.Or in the neo-panzerense dictionary anyways :frowning:

Regardless of the quality of the (a) next game I still want to see it released.

I think you are giving the old designer stoo much credit Kadmose.Sure they produced AAAA (not just AAA) art but in my opnion no one is indispensable.

The main problem is how “unattached” game developers can be to their own product.I don’t mean they don’t like it but developers wil never get the same feeling gamers have of the world they created.

Gamers are either hooked or bored but when they are hooked they tend to glue themselves to one idea of the world created by developers.

Developers tend to see it as work and know exactly where each idea came from when they created it.So it doens’t shock them as much as it does gamers when they make some drastic changes in artstyle.