Panzer Dragoon V

We need you. :anjou_sad:

Funny how everyone begs for new Panzer games, yet the true fans bitched and moaned when they actually DID get a new game (Orta).

Who says there can’t be a better PD made the next time around? And, yes I was the first to bitch–because it was nowhere near as perfect (still good though) as the original trilogy. If you think it is, then your just wrong. :anjou_happy:

I’m still awating the true sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga.

It’s subjective. The first two games are inferior to Orta gameplay-wise. Orta isn’t as good a game as Azel was, but keep in mind that they are of two different genres (shooter and RPG) and thus can’t be fairly compared.

Apparently, I’m among the few who prefer great gameplay over stuff like consistensy with the art-style. Meh, whatever…

The first two games are inferior to Orta gameplay-wise

Just like you say you can’t compare Orta with Saga I say you can’t compare Zwei with Orta since Zwei is a 1996 game.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The first two games are inferior to Orta gameplay-wise

Just like you say you can’t compare Orta with Saga I say you can’t compare Zwei with Orta since Zwei is a 1996 game.[/quote]

What are you talking about? You can’t compare Orta and Azel because they belong in different genres, that’s the ONLY reason.

Zwei and Orta can easily be compared because they are both rail-shooters and also because they are apart of the same series.

I have NO IDEA where you get your logic sometimes Gehn…

it’s a little weird how everyone here LOVES saga soooooooooo much…

i consider myself a true fan of the series and i think orta is better than saga. you read correctly. in fact, i think saga is the worst in the series. it’s still one of my favorite games, but i liked what the other ones had to offer more. and actually, i think zwei is better than orta. it seems that i don’t constrain to any of the blanket statements made so far

  1. zwei
  2. orta
  3. PD1
  4. saga

zwei definitely has the best gameplay and the best improvements over its precursor. orta and PD1 are very close but orta wins out for the level of detail and gameplay variety. saga was like a great addendum to the rest of the series but the repetitive turn-based-ish gameplay can’t match up to the shooters and some of the dungeons suffered from very slow pacing.

condemn me if you wish but i will not submit to this cult-like idolization of saga. to further my heresy i would like to say that maybe the true fans of the series are the ones that don’t only worship the 1/4th of the series that is nothing like the rest :anjou_wow:

Sorry you feel that way, Mega…but the original Panzer Dragoon was medicore at best. Zwei was a huge improvement, and initially, was the very reason I purchased a Saturn all those years ago. However, both Ein and Zwei weren’t very deep, intellectually, at all, and it’s something that was very much needed for the series. Which is where PDS comes in. PDS, basically, is nothing more than a ‘tour guide’ of the Panzer Dragoon universe…and it could have had some ‘gameplay’ if the challenge level were increased several fold.

The reason why everyone here, including me, worships PDS over Eins, Orta, and Zwei, is because it’s intellectually stimulatating - it opened the Panzer Dragoon universe doors wide open for the imagination to take hold.

[quote=“Megatherium”]it’s a little weird how everyone here LOVES saga soooooooooo much…

i consider myself a true fan of the series and i think orta is better than saga. you read correctly. in fact, i think saga is the worst in the series. it’s still one of my favorite games, but i liked what the other ones had to offer more. and actually, i think zwei is better than orta. it seems that i don’t constrain to any of the blanket statements made so far

  1. zwei
  2. orta
  3. PD1
  4. saga

zwei definitely has the best gameplay and the best improvements over its precursor. orta and PD1 are very close but orta wins out for the level of detail and gameplay variety. saga was like a great addendum to the rest of the series but the repetitive turn-based-ish gameplay can’t match up to the shooters and some of the dungeons suffered from very slow pacing.

condemn me if you wish but i will not submit to this cult-like idolization of saga. to further my heresy i would like to say that maybe the true fans of the series are the ones that don’t only worship the 1/4th of the series that is nothing like the rest :anjou_wow:[/quote]

Now THAT I did not expect. You are truly the first person I’ve ever talked to who feels this way, congrats! gives you a cookie :anjou_happy:

no need to feel sorry, i quite like it this way.

i found PD1, zwei, and orta just as interesting as saga if not more so (in some cases). the intellectual material was not delivered in cutscenes or lengthy text documents, it was in the sights and sounds. the concepts they hold are not conveyed through dialogue, the feelings they elicit are not summed up in emotional facial expressions. you may not have noticed but there was a lot more detail in the environments of the shooters (save for episode 5 of PD1 an episode 9 of orta) than there was in just about any area of saga. the the sense of mystery, danger, amazement, despair, and beauty that you get of the world, if you pay close attention to what is not said, is truly the stuff dreams are made of.

as a surrealist, i appreciate the picturesque landscapes and haunting ruins of the shooters more than the mazes and arenas of saga. as a gamer i appreciate the challenge of actual gameplay and the development of my skill. you see? the intellectual material is there - a different side of the same coin.

and if you really feel PD1 was mediocre, then it is my turn to feel sorry.

oh don’t mind me, i’m kookoo for cocopuffs :anjou_disappointment:

Eh? >.> If it’s someone’s opinion that say, the original is his favourite one, how could that be wrong? It’s his opinion, his preferences, his tastes, and one can’t argue about those. =D It’s just as good an opinion as yours.

To be honest, I used to mainly be a fan of the series because of PDS too; I’d played PD1 and PDZ beforehand, and thought they were great, but they didn’t totally captivate me in the way PDS did. However, I really did enjoy Panzer Dragoon Orta when it came out; as a game I thought it was excellent, even if I didn’t think the aesthetic side of it was as coherent as in the Saturn trilogy. I ultimately ended up playing PDO quite a lot, first to achieve all the 100% ratios and “S” grades, then to try and get the highest scores possible for each episode (I’ve beaten most of the highest scores on Panzer Dragoon Academy’s scoreboards), purely because I found the game so enjoyable. In the last year I’ve gone back and seriously played PDZ and PD1 as well, and I’ve found that I appreciate them now a lot more than I used to; I guess my tastes have changed, and where I used to be more interested in the steady, exploration-based gameplay of RPGs, I now enjoy action-based gameplay just as much (if not more). It’s odd that TA decided to take the PD series in such completely different directions with the different games…

I’m not entirely sure on this issue, as objectively, critically speaking, PD1 was quite a limited game, even for the time when it was released. It was fairly short, and the only real replay incentive it had was for people to try and perfect their shot-down ratios - but due to the high difficulty level and lack of rewards / unlockables, very few people (even PD fans) seem to feel motivated to do that. Saying that though, I do really enjoy playing PD1 myself, and working out how to get the 100% on each level was (for me) a satisfying challenge.

[quote=“Megatherium”]it’s a little weird how everyone here LOVES saga soooooooooo much…

i consider myself a true fan of the series and i think orta is better than saga. you read correctly. in fact, i think saga is the worst in the series. it’s still one of my favorite games, but i liked what the other ones had to offer more. and actually, i think zwei is better than orta. it seems that i don’t constrain to any of the blanket statements made so far

  1. zwei
  2. orta
  3. PD1
  4. saga

zwei definitely has the best gameplay and the best improvements over its precursor. orta and PD1 are very close but orta wins out for the level of detail and gameplay variety. saga was like a great addendum to the rest of the series but the repetitive turn-based-ish gameplay can’t match up to the shooters and some of the dungeons suffered from very slow pacing.

condemn me if you wish but i will not submit to this cult-like idolization of saga. to further my heresy i would like to say that maybe the true fans of the series are the ones that don’t only worship the 1/4th of the series that is nothing like the rest :anjou_wow:[/quote]

I don’t think that there is anything strange about your veiws, Megatherium. You’re not an RPG fan and prefer more action in games, so it’s, well, obvious that you’d prefer the shooters. It’s the same world, same background, just a different style of play. :anjou_happy:

I on the other hand, am a massive RPG fan. I like to be able to sit and think about what to do each turn, undo things if I think of something better, and I like to be able to sit, playing the game with one hand, and drinking a cup of tea with the other, so obviously, Saga is my favorite. My second favorite is Zwei from an artistic point of veiw, and Orta from a gameplay point of veiw (The addition of morphing mid-fight, the ability to circle boss, and having multiple berserk attacks added another layer of strategy that Zwei doesn’t have).

Also, since people have been talking about why they love/hate Orta recently I thought i’d add my veiws: I think that, gameplay-wise, Orta is better than Zwei and Eins. I wouldn’t mind the change in artistic style if it wasn’t for a couple of things - mainly, that it looks too much like fantasy. To me, Panzer Dragoon has always been Sci-Fi, it’s set in the future, it explains most of the game in a factual, scientific style, the “monsters” are machine, albeit biological ones, and there is no hint of any sort of magic present in the games.

Now, Orta, as much as I love it, came across far too much like a fantasy game for my liking. For example, the giant plant boss at the end of ep2 really didn’t look like something you’d see it a Sci-Fi. It was brightly coloured, attacked with flowers with teeth, and it’s core itself seemed to be a flower. There have been plant-like enemies in Panzer before, sure, but they never seemed out of place in a Sci-Fi environment, like the arangatas (I think thats how it spelled, anyway), they looked plant like, but the had organic sheild generators, and bulges that could contain float-engines, and they unfolded in a mechanical manner to use their most weapons. Orta’s plant enemies just didn’t seem right for the Sci-Fi feel of the game.

Another thing that annoyed me was the way the way they explianed the worm riders control over the Baldors using “power stones”, now, to me at least, thats one step away from “A wizard did it and then he ran away”. The worm riders irritated me in general. Don’t get me started on the bloody statue.

In it’s defence, however, Orta did pick up a bit around half way. The change in the design for the ruins wasn’t as good as the original designs, but it was alright. I liked the Sestren level, the Imperial level, and the last level, as well.

Anyway, i’ve talked so much that I assume most people will just skim, or stop reading this post half way. It is a bit ranty. Infact, most of my post recently have been a bit ranty. Tell you what, I post a nice happy post soon, to make up for it, ok?

Raizen : my logic is the timeframe.If you don’t want to compare different genres you can’t really compare games done in different timeframes.

And Megatherium :True fans shmoofans.There are no true or untrue fans.I like all games but I loved the RPG approsch to the PanDra world because that’s what I like most in the series : the world!Maybe the reason you prefer orta is simple : you are a shooter fan.

I like Orta as a game.I like it very much.But I think they changed a lot of things to worse.

Just to add : I prefer shooting than RPG battling.

years after 100%ing the game, i still enjoy giving it a run through every so often.

my new goal is to be able to get winged death on orta WHILE drinking a cup of tea :anjou_happy:

you guys picked up on the part where i said that i like the shooter gameplay more, but you missed the part where i said that i also appreciated the greater detail to the environments in the shooters.

You want to say Zwei pays more attention to detail in terms of scenario than Saga?

no. i want to say that i get a much better feel of the panzer dragoon world while flying through the unique and marvellous settings of the shooters than i ever did with the labrynths and small, sparsely furnished, outdoor sections of saga.

Just checking.