Panzer Dragoon GENOS

I havent seen the video myself but wow, such a reaction it got!
It amuses me that it got such large attention as it did, it kinda shows what people really been wanting no?
Just a simple little nudge. ^^

Gamespot’s take on the video was 100 times better than IGN’s.

Well IGN are the biggest lamors I’ve ever seen.

It is a fact that the PD team is now with AV. Everybody knows that.

I’m happy, the Gamespot article is cool =) Thanks a lot for the link.

“professional”… wow…

Well you can thank the cool resolution :slight_smile:

Ok firstly, I’m a newb to these boards so PH34r my noob-dom… lol
Anyway Haven’t seen the video yet, searching actively. It came across my mind that since SEGA hasn’t been (In my opinion) very receptive to its audience, that since this video became so big and spread so quickly, that perhaps this will (well it definately should) reach their ears, and perhaps motivate them a little? I should have come to these boards a long time ago, proud owner of all panzer games, PD, PDZ, PDM, PDS, and PDO. I must find video…

yeah, someone on this forum MUST have saved the video! - apart from KFC, SK, and Solo that is :stuck_out_tongue:

now it would be so funny if Genos was actually released in 2005 muhahaha

This makes me proud to be a part of this community :slight_smile:

I’ve saved it, both the shaky cam version and also the small res version of the real rendered video but I’m on dial up so it’s not much use to u guys…:frowning:

I haven’t actually finished downloading the hires version yet, but I have the cam version. I think it’d probably be best to wait until the hires version is back up again.

Heh, well, I’ve been here and here.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

[quote=“Skeearmon”]Heh, I wonder what you all been up to since Die Welt shut down. (Heck, at this point, I’m not sure it still is.)

Anywho, nice bit of mischief there.[/quote]

Welcome back Skeearmon! What happened to you man?[/quote]

[quote=“Synbios16”]Ok firstly, I’m a newb to these boards so PH34r my noob-dom… lol
Anyway Haven’t seen the video yet, searching actively. It came across my mind that since SEGA hasn’t been (In my opinion) very receptive to its audience, that since this video became so big and spread so quickly, that perhaps this will (well it definately should) reach their ears, and perhaps motivate them a little? I should have come to these boards a long time ago, proud owner of all panzer games, PD, PDZ, PDM, PDS, and PDO. I must find video…[/quote]

Welcome :smiley:
That what i was hoping too for Sega.

Oh and I got it Scott but I’m evil enough not to giev it to you :stuck_out_tongue:

My computer is currently on strike, doesn’t boot at all. I’ll have to look for a new location later.

Well now I have seen the video. 0_0
Wow guys! Pretty good stuff! What programs did you use? and exactly how long did you have this ploy in mind?

To film it in the offices here was a pretty late idea, but the idea for a new trailer was there for over a year, since noone seemed to care about PD anymore.

Did someone get hold of the 1024 version before it was down?


well I think I made the planet scnene in april last year or so…

the forest scene must be october because we had so many forestfires that summer i was quite inspired.

Hey all, Where can I get this Vid? I have searched all over the place, someone HAS to have it!

SenorKaffee’s computer isn’t working, so the movie isn’t currently avalible for download.

Here it is again, but don’t spread it, i do not want to be kicked.

Does somebody have server space for the big files?

laughs That is very good stuff! But how could anybody in their right mind mistake that as being real? It features no game footage at all. But good filmmaking at any rate.

Do you have any idea how many video game ads and trailers are the same?