Panzer Dragoon GENOS

I study Games Design at the Hull Campus of Lincoln University in England.

Just wondering incidentally if you’d ever consider re-uploading the trailers that used to be on

For one of my briefs this term I’m probably going to design a game very-much inspired by Panzer, just wish I could create something as quality as you have :stuck_out_tongue:

Could someone give me a link to this video, the ones at the top of this string don’t seem to take me to it. Even though it’s a hoax i’d still like to see it…

Unfortunately, it seems that the video has been taken down for the time being. Hopefully it’ll be available somewhere else soon, as it’s honestly one of the most interesting video-game hoaxes that I’ve ever seen. Oh well.

For anyone who’s interested, I grabbed some small screenshots of the images from the video, which you can check out below.

By the way, SK / lordcraymen: what exactly did the English text in the video say? I’m curious, as it was impossible to make all of it out…

Check out, you will be able to download a normal and a hi-res version of the taped fake trailer there. I don’t post the direct link because I do not want to nuke KFCs account, too. :wink:

That IGN article proclaiming the Genos video as fake was hilarious, it was also the most poorly written piece of gaming Journalism i’ve ever seen. This part detailing who created the video had me laughing real good:

[quote]created by a German fellow who frequents some Panzer Dragoon forums.

Again, nice work SK and Lord Craymen, i really i enjoyed that video.

They must have been in shock to discover it was fake :wink:

Just so you know, I’m trying pretty hard right now.

Look, I can sympathize with some fans that might be down upon discovering that the video is fake. I can understand that some people really had their hopes up, and I’m sure all of us are very apologetic for that.

BUT, I do not pity certain people who register to a forum and post there just to criticize and bitch about a video, which even so, is undeniably VERY well made.

If you do not like us, know that we do not like you either. Since you truly hate us so much, fuck off and stay off, cause it will be better for all of us.

Aw, poor lil baby. First off, if you really liked PD then you wouldn’t have sold Orta. Secondly, it does exist in your area, it belongs to the guy you sold your copy to. Lastly, to get ready for a game based on a single trailer is baring on the edge of madness. Think of all the games that have been canned in the past, particularly for the Saturn (if you’ve been around that long) despite being way into development.

[quote=“S o G”]as for this message board no.
Its a fan site bout a game that happens to be one of the worst easiest games ever made.
its a rail shooter.
shoot shot and thats all u do.
u can beat every panzer dragoon game and master it with in a few days.
because its so easy.
So i have no respect for this game.[/quote]

Shooters have always been like that. That’s why they are called SHOOTERS. Baring in mind you have no respect for this game because you “shoot shoot and that’s all u do” you will undoubtably loathe Radiant Silvergun, Aleste, Axelay etc, which were all fantastic games.

Oh, maybe you have no respect for the game because it’s easy? Alright, I challenge you to have respect for Mario Party. It’s easy. Do you respect it? No, well son, I pity you.

[quote=“S o G”]
and i certainly have no respect for you neil. for a person that has no empathy with folks that love the panzer dragoon series and dont like being jerked bout by other folks that laugh at the misfortunes of others. [/quote]

You don’t know Neil. You don’t know any of us. You can’t even type in fucking ENGLISH properly. So why are you dissing someone like Neil? Do you have empathy for Neil, having just been dissed?

Neil likes Panzer just as much as the rest of us. Fact is, we aren’t obsessed with it. We’re just fans, not fanatics. Oh, and we all laugh at each other, particularly at my lack of success with girls, Gehn’s general ineptness and and a whole load of other things. Since you can’t see that, you have no right to pass such judgement on this board. BEGONE.

A general warning to all newbs from the unofficial third mod. If you’re going to come on this board to voice grivances, opinions or other vocal expressions, watch how you do it. Be polite, and we’ll welcome you with open arms. Be harsh, and you will feel the wrath of the Collective.

[quote=“White Dragster”]For the people that created this video; it was really stupid to pass it off and act like you didn’t know it was fake. Idiots.

I sold my copy of Panzer Dragoon Orta thinking that I’m going to get a Panzer game that starts off fresh. In my area, Panzer Dragoon Orta no longer exists, so I’m not only out good a game, but I’m extremely pissed off.[/quote]

Whose the idiot? You’re the one that sold Orta cos of seeing a Panzer video. I mean - It had stickmen in it!!!

Anyways, great one guys :slight_smile: I would love to make something like this and make sugh high profile sites mention and discuss it =D
I was wondering where KFC and SK went :stuck_out_tongue:


Aw, poor lil baby. First off, if you really liked PD then you wouldn’t have sold Orta. Secondly, it does exist in your area, it belongs to the guy you sold your copy to. Lastly, to get ready for a game based on a single trailer is baring on the edge of madness. Think of all the games that have been canned in the past, particularly for the Saturn (if you’ve been around that long) despite being way into development.

[quote=“S o G”]as for this message board no.
Its a fan site bout a game that happens to be one of the worst easiest games ever made.
its a rail shooter.
shoot shot and thats all u do.
u can beat every panzer dragoon game and master it with in a few days.
because its so easy.
So i have no respect for this game.[/quote]

Shooters have always been like that. That’s why they are called SHOOTERS. Baring in mind you have no respect for this game because you “shoot shoot and that’s all u do” you will undoubtably loathe Radiant Silvergun, Aleste, Axelay etc, which were all fantastic games.

Oh, maybe you have no respect for the game because it’s easy? Alright, I challenge you to have respect for Mario Party. It’s easy. Do you respect it? No, well son, I pity you.

[quote=“S o G”]
and i certainly have no respect for you neil. for a person that has no empathy with folks that love the panzer dragoon series and dont like being jerked bout by other folks that laugh at the misfortunes of others. [/quote]

You don’t know Neil. You don’t know any of us. You can’t even type in fucking ENGLISH properly. So why are you dissing someone like Neil? Do you have empathy for Neil, having just been dissed?

Neil likes Panzer just as much as the rest of us. Fact is, we aren’t obsessed with it. We’re just fans, not fanatics. Oh, and we all laugh at each other, particularly at my lack of success with girls, Gehn’s general ineptness and and a whole load of other things. Since you can’t see that, you have no right to pass such judgement on this board. BEGONE.

A general warning to all newbs from the unofficial third mod. If you’re going to come on this board to voice grivances, opinions or other vocal expressions, watch how you do it. Be polite, and we’ll welcome you with open arms. Be harsh, and you will feel the wrath of the Collective.[/quote]

Agreed. I actually didn’t notice the part where I got insulted heh. Maybe that’s because I stopped reading as soon as I noticed that the guy typed through the lazy, AOL-inspired word-shortening (ie: “u” instead of “you”) :stuck_out_tongue:

And for clarification people, I did not say that I had no empathy for folks that love PD, but there is a long line between liking a game and being obsessed with it to the point of unhealthiness. I personally do not care for people that throw temper tantrums when they find out that a game trailer was fake. I mean, there was no other evidence that a game would be released, so the fact that people actually were so easily convinced in the first place astounds me.

Stop this.I don’t understand why other PD fans(everyone but me) get pissed when they diss the games.

The more people diss it the more I love it cause it’s special. :slight_smile:

Oh and everyone is intitled to an opnion.

I’m not getting pissed at them dissing the games. I don’t mind if people diss something, but only when they have a good reason!

Hmm, I don’t think Lord Craymen and Senor Kaffee really wanted this thread to turn into a huge argument, so lets end it here, eh?

Anyway, the trailer is brilliant. Thanks for those screenshots too, Lance.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Hmm, I don’t think Lord Craymen and Senor Kaffee really wanted this thread to turn into a huge argument, so lets end it here, eh?

Anyway, the trailer is brilliant. Thanks for those screenshots too, Lance.[/quote]

Lock the thread! (seriously).

Hmm, I think things are under control now, even if they weren’t before. I’ll leave it open for people to post any ‘civilised’ thoughts on Genos that they may have.

My god, it seems like our small society is getting to be known.

Let’s hope this inspires someone from Andromeda to make another PD.

Of course, the chances of that happening are slim to none. :frowning:

Always hoping though. >:)

Whoa! Solo Wing Dragon!

I only moved to these forums 2 days after you!

Heh, I wonder what you all been up to since Die Welt shut down. (Heck, at this point, I’m not sure it still is.)

Anywho, nice bit of mischief there.

[quote=“Skeearmon”]Heh, I wonder what you all been up to since Die Welt shut down. (Heck, at this point, I’m not sure it still is.)

Anywho, nice bit of mischief there.[/quote]

Welcome back Skeearmon! What happened to you man?

Check this out guys (from: The Genos hoax has hit the big tymer game sites:

[quote]RUMOR #4: Sega is prepping Panzer Dragoon Genos, a sequel to the Saturn RPG Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Source: A professional-looking video teaser trailer that briefly surfaced on a German Web site.

The official story: Sega reps said the company currently has no plans to publish any game by that title.

What we heard: During its brief run, the professional-looking trailer showed off what appeared to be some of the game’s environments, but none of the characters or action. It ended with a title card saying “Panzer Dragoon Genos - 2005.” Sources told GameSpot that a group of developers is currently pitching Panzer Dragoon Genos to the powers-that-be at Sega, but that the video is unofficial. Like most videos not meant for public viewing, it quickly found its way onto the Internet and was seen by thousands. However, some insiders have speculated that the video was deliberately leaked to start generating buzz.

Bogus or not bogus?: Hard to say. We’ll know in 2005.



Now Gamespot is pushing the rumour further saying it could actually be an insider video.

I wonder just who thier sources are :slight_smile: