Panzer Dragoon GENOS

Checking the forum of the Panzer Dragoon Academy ( I stumbled upon a video that looks like taped at some Sega meeting or something.

The original download location no longer works (maybe because of traffic problems), but I mirrored it in time.

I need to get hold of KFC to translate all that japanese for me. :wink:
Where is he when I you need him? excited :smiley:[screener].mpg

Itā€™s beginning to look like all the rumors were true - THANK THE ANCIENTS!


The official website for Panzer Dragoon Genos is

Whats with ā€œIn the year of the Dragonā€?

2005 is the chinese year of the dragon (?).

I do not think 2003 was the chinese year of the Matrix. :wink:

Now all we need are some Skies of Arcadia-esque villains/fleets and a brooding dark hero as the main villain.

Itā€™s fakeā€¦ I thinkā€¦

Silence! :slight_smile:

Dont get me wrong. Iā€™ve been waiting since Saga for a new RPG set in the Panzer world. But itā€™s to good to be true. And I dont think itā€™s fully in the ā€œPanzerā€ style. With that, I mean that small moment in space (2 moons btw). And if you look at this:

You have to start doubting. But hopfully, itā€™s trueā€¦
I pray to god itā€™s true (that it aint fake ;))

For me the best reason to still pick up the ever expensive but slowly deteriorating Edge magazine is undoubtedly the page Toshihiro Nagoshi writes. In this months column he talks specifically about what he is doing at Sega more than usual, choice quotes:

  • ā€œwe [Amusement Vision] welcomed the Panzer Dragoon and Jet Set Radio Future teams into our foldā€

**- ā€œweā€™re currently working on three separate productions being developed in parallelā€

  • ā€œNone of them are sequels. Weā€™re only working on completely original stuffā€**

  • ā€œone of the three is based on an idea I first had four or five years agoā€

  • ā€œIā€™ve seen so many desirable, top-quality [Sega] titles [in development] recently, so many games with an incredibly high degree of challenge in their designā€

-ā€œI really think 2004 will be Segaā€™s yearā€

This looks very promising indeed! I always hoped there would be another PD RPG but didnā€™t really didnā€™t expect one to be madeā€¦

in short, YAY! :smiley:
crosses fingers

Toshihiro Nagoshi is the guy from AV right? The man worked on F-Zero GX and the Super Money Ball games? Was he ever an member of Team Andromeda or Smilebit? If not, then why had he planned a new Panzer game 4 or 5 years ago when he wasnt a member of these teams???

I have yet to see the movie (56k is sloooow) but, I seem to remember someone posting on the old Die Welt boards that in an interview Smilebit said they would like to try new creative designs in the next Panzer gameā€¦ considering the changes in Orta from the Saturn games, maybe a different style should be expected?

But, again, I havenā€™t seen the video yet, so I canā€™t really comment on itā€¦

this is fake indeed, sega has abondoned the xbox and xbox is dead in japan, so it wonā€™t be released on xbox, apart from the apalling sales of pdo

read my reply again!

There is no new panzer. This is a fake. Good fake indeed, right senor and lordcraymen? :wink:

2-3 years ago, there also was a fake Panzer Dragoon trailerā€¦

One would think that Smilebit would handle this sequal. Unless Amusement Vision absorbed smilebit or something like that.

It doesnā€™t look the style, but the cinema almost gave me an orgasm.

[quote=ā€œSenorKaffeeā€]Checking the forum of the Panzer Dragoon Academy ( I stumbled upon a video that looks like taped at some Sega meeting or something.

The original download location no longer works (maybe because of traffic problems), but I mirrored it in time.

I need to get hold of KFC to translate all that japanese for me. :wink:
Where is he when I you need him? excited :smiley:[screener].mpg[/quote]

Why oh why was the music from one of the Warcraft 3 introduction sequences used in thisā€¦ hoax?

[quote=ā€œLundiā€]One would think that Smilebit would handle this sequal. Unless Amusement Vision absorbed smilebit or something like that.

It doesnā€™t look the style, but the cinema almost gave me an orgasm.[/quote]

They did.
Ditto on that orgasmā€¦