Panzer Dragoon GENOS

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

) I stumbled upon a video that looks like taped at some Sega meeting or something.

The original download location no longer works (maybe because of traffic problems), but I mirrored it in time.

I need to get hold of KFC to translate all that japanese for me. :wink:
Where is he when I you need him? excited :smiley:[screener].mpg

Why oh why was the music from one of the Warcraft 3 introduction sequences used in this… hoax?[/quote]

LOL - nice catch.

You know i really wish that wasn’t a fake though (i can hope). The scene with the classic imperial airships flying over a burning forest was very nice. It brought a tear to this imperial sympathizer’s eye.

Well, at least the english ‘subtitles’ that flash in the background goes as follows. Any words in parentheises are words I am not sure of. Dashes are words way to faint for me to make out.

A forsaken world
on the (fringe) of the galaxy

A (fall of an) Empire
----(on the brink) of destruction

(An) Ancient ------
----------------of Acendancy

In the year of the Dragon

The fate of the world
will be sealed forever.


LOL - nice catch.

You know i really wish that wasn’t a fake though (i can hope). The scene with the classic imperial airships flying over a burning forest was very nice. It brought a tear to this imperial sympathizer’s eye.[/quote]

SenorKaffee used a still shot of those ships burning the forest in the movie as an avatar some time back. We should have him executed. :wink:

Yes… lordcraymen made a good fake trailer

I’ve noticed this too :slight_smile:

I want a new panzer game like everyone in this board but Nagoshi wrote in his last Edge column they are working on three completely original stuff (none of them are sequels)
There isn’t any panzer game coming in near future. Maybe next gen…

Very nice work …Michael :slight_smile:

[quote=“Nightwalker”]I want a new panzer game like everyone in this board but Nagoshi wrote in his last Edge column they are working on three completely original stuff (none of them are sequels)
There isn’t any panzer game coming in near future. Maybe next gen…[/quote]

Toshihiro Nagoshi is a racing game guru who invented Daytona USA, anyway. Would he like to head up the development of a new Panzer game? Seeing as how the team who developed Panzer Dragoon Orta was merged with Amusement Vision, the reigns to the series can only be handed to that Sega subsidiary, if a new game was given the go ahead.

Michael Herzog
Buddestr. 74
Recklinghausen, N/A 45665

Solo just told me that this is indeed SenorKaffee, and I take my hat off to you sir. This way AV will realise just how much attention you are drumming up when they check their website logs :slight_smile:

Oh, and holy crpa, how long has it been since I was here? I thought I had registered on this forum, but apparently the last one I was on was

Oh well, I’m back now :slight_smile:

hahahahahahahahahaha… coughs hahahahahahahahaha

I’ve only just finished downloading the Genos video, and have completely lost the thread of the discussion: so it’s definitely a fake then?

yep I made it.

the foto of the imperial stinger model is also fake btw. ph33r my 3ds max skillz =)

I knew you guys would figure it out at once, but it was interesting to watch the different arguments coming up.

Just watched it… damn it looks good. Almost too real to be a fake. Shame it’s a hoax

Awesome video. I really wish it was real.

The thing that made me think “” was how it was similar in structure to the last one. One thing I must say though, you really did well to make this one more animated, as that was a sticking point on the previous one. I do like the way you delt with the company logos at the start too. Top stuff.

Perhaps you’d consider releasing a non-cam version of it?

You little…

All this work, but you can’t be fooled. Grant us the fun and spread the video a little so it was worth the effort. :wink:

A huge part of the credit goes to KFC, who rendered the animations and designed the logo. He also did all the translations to japanese. I wrote the text, cut everything together and mixed the soundtrack.

The room you see in the video is actually one of the meeting rooms in the office building I work in. Everything was carefully laid out, every bit of japanese you can see in this room and the trailer video is for real. I even did a dirty pullup from 25 to 29.97 frames and applied extra-hard compression to the video to make it look more realistic. I think we can only outdo this by releasing a playable demo next time. Not entirely impossible… so watch out. :smiley:

We chose not to fake the domain information or put a fake game site on the net. You can only go so far with such a project before angering people actually working for Sega or AV. We respect their work and their property.

Of course there is already a rough design document for Genos in case AV is interested. :smiley:

At the moment there is too much load on the server, but we will post the high-res version of the trailer you can see in the video soon.

It seems the movie is already spreading across the internet. It’s already in the news of (a dutch site):

They don’t seem to believe it’s real either but are waiting for Sega to comment on it :slight_smile:

Oh, KFC was faster with his post. Never mind.

well said SK

I have the sneaking suspicion that soon this video will become the Paris Hilton tape of the gaming world…

I fell for it cos of the first replies cos I hadn’t watched the video yet :’(

Ok, seriously now, great job in this, it does look not as much in style but still if a new rpg is made I expected to not be in style either…kinda like Orta started drifting away from the old PD i expect a new game would go toward that as well…
Anyway this is damn GOOD…

I do HATE YOU though…

/me runs off crying