Panzer Dragoon GENOS

Shitty thing to do…

Can you be a little more specific? What was shitty, the video itself, or the fact that the video was a hoax?

Also, it’s not such a good thing when your first post on the forums is “Shitty thing to do…”

Kind of starts you off on the wrong foot :slight_smile:

Yes, making Al3xand3r cry was mean.
What was I thinking? :frowning:
I’m sorry.

The video has even come to the attention of some forum members at Shining Force Central. The question is: should I let them know it’s a fake?

let them think it’s real, maybe EGM will mention it in their Rumor Mill next month! :smiley:

Unless it gets out of hand… then destroy their hopes and their spirits as SK did Alex’s :slight_smile:

[quote=“Neil”]let them think it’s real, maybe EGM will mention it in their Rumor Mill next month! :smiley:

Unless it gets out of hand… then destroy their hopes and their spirits as SK did Alex’s :)[/quote]

Will do!

Maybe the video will encourage a few more fools to buy an Xbox. :slight_smile:

This thread has already been linked to’s boards, so it’s pretty widely known that it’s a fake.

Man… All this misinformation and trickery, and I hardly had anything to do with it. Shame on me! :wink:

So…we’re like… celebrities!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT: I’m glad I took that Mobo butt out of my avatar lol. Don’t want too many people seeing that.

Edited due to unnecessary use of profanity.

forum/asshole club is it now?

first of all, I meant no disrespect in my last comment. It was just a suggestion.

second of all, if you don’t like it, then get out


[quote=“Neil”]Also, it’s not such a good thing when your first post on the forums is “Shitty thing to do…”

Kind of starts you off on the wrong foot :)[/quote]

Obviously I didn’t come here to join your little forum/asshole club, dipshit.[/quote]

You joined a forum to say that you “obviously” didn’t come to join the forum!
Oh the irony of it all!

Edited due to needless profanity.

Somebody fell for it REAL bad…

Ah so it was fake as i suspected. Nice work though SK and Lord Craymen. I enjoyed the video a lot though.

Griefer alert! Griefer alert!

sigh Some people take these kinds of things waaaaay too seriously.

I mean, how upset would people be if, say, someone released a fake trailer for the next Hugh Grant love comedy movie?

[quote=“Druff”]You didn’t mean any disrespect, but I do. I have no respect for the type of people who pull this sort of crap, or the people who think it’s cute/funny/whatever. Making a ficitious trailer is great. Trying to pass it off as legit is just lame. “lol i funzord evry1 on tha intranet omg wtf lol!!!111” Grow the fuck up. And don’t worry about me staying somewhere I don’t like, I’m out of here. I wouldn’t stay if you paid me.

I registered on the forum. I didn’t join your little shit club. So flame away, little giggling bitches. I won’t be here to burn.[/quote]

And I have no respect for people that come to a forum, and make nothing but negative posts. If you have nothing good to say, then don’t bother posting at all.

And since when did usage of the word “fuck” make you more mature than us?

Personally, I hope you honestly plan to discharge yourself of our company.

Someone needs to take their own advice.

And watch thier language. This is a great forum that doesn’t need to be ruined with foul language/off topic flaming, etc…

Some people take things way too seriously. SK and LC weren’t trying to pass it off as legit ffs, and they weren’t doing it last time they made one. They were just doing it for laughs people.

I almost pity anyone that gets all upset about something like that. “Almost” meaning I hope they burn in hell for eternity.

This is the best hoax I’ve ever seen. Good job. To tell you the truth, when I first saw the video, it looked fake (stick figure men drawings on the dragon mural - haha) - but what made the video change my mind and seem genuine was the Panzer Dragoon Genos title screen. That was professional work and VERY convincing.

Very good job for fooling me - but, I’m very heartbroken right now.

No need to protect anyone, we can take it. :wink:

The website he mentioned in the fake will be updated tomorrow so it will no longer point to AV, instead you will be able to download the video there. But I’m too tired to do it now, only two hours of sleep left.