Panzer Dragoon GENOS

Da hood has got yo’ back SK :wink:

Hey, excellent work guys. Yeah, some people do take these things far too seriously.

The things that made me suspect it was a hoax were the stick men, and some of the visuals on the forest scene; and the old-school Imperial ships, and the mention of “the galaxy” at the start. But overall it was excellently done; complete with very professional logos, typically “teaser”-ish content and authentically dodgy camerawork!

Skillz or not, it must have taken you a while to put together. Keep up the good work.

I noticed it was fake as soon as I noticed it was done in the same style the last fake PD trailer LC made was.

Well done, good Sirs!

I was so impressed with the work, I’ve created my own version of the logo for use on our website :slight_smile: Heh!

Obviously we retraced some stuff and where skeptical, but for next time some pointers:

  • Web address, although it might add realism to a real trailer, it doesnt much make sense to an internal viewing. Same thing with showing only pre-rendered stuff, internal is much more often buggy code being flung around, or actual gameplay footage to interest the powers that be I’d think. :slight_smile:

  • The date was a tad obscure, so long ago, only now leaked. Plus the fact that a dude in the ‘internal viewing’ was touting a pocketcam in front of his face pretty obviously to shoot that well! :slight_smile: (my favorite!)

Great work, and you REALLY got us ourselves worked up for a masterpiece of these proportions. Touch?! i can only imagine the fun you guys had making this, I now hop eit would’ve lasted a tad longer though! It’s worth it. :slight_smile:

You know, in the past few hours, we’ve had an alarming number of visitors…

wonder why? glares at LC and SK


Eh? it’s supposed to be some kind of inside preview of a teaser before showing it to the public…Teasers have to be constructed/revised/etc as well u know, so in that sense that’s how it would be if it was real too, they are not supposed to be testing or working on the game here, just a supposed previewing of the teaser that if approved they would release to the public on a certain date…
So according to the above there’s nothin wrong with the web address being in it either.
And where’s the date, I didn’t see it :x

What you could do to make it more real next time (if you ever do it again that is) is to put a few chairs around and put accordingly dressed ppl watching it and make the viewing angle in a way that it shows it’s a hidden cam that the user wasn’t able to control much (have view obscured at times from the other viewers’ movement etc)

Again, great work :slight_smile:

This…is awesome, guys. Great work. I don’t really care if its fake or not, it’s awesome. I will keep it and fool my friends with it. Awesome.

It looks like SenorKaffee did a good job of spreading it to GameFaqs too! :slight_smile:
Anyways, they want to create a PDS II petition over there. Not that Sega will take much notice…

Although I still think that AV would be the right team unless you want Panzer Dragoon Extreme Beach Volleyball. But they obviously know better. :smiley:

For the people that created this video; it was really stupid to pass it off and act like you didn’t know it was fake. Idiots.

I sold my copy of Panzer Dragoon Orta thinking that I’m going to get a Panzer game that starts off fresh. In my area, Panzer Dragoon Orta no longer exists, so I’m not only out good a game, but I’m extremely pissed off.

Now just go ahead and make another. I guarantee you that my boots to your head will be very real. I have a friend who lives in Frankfurt, and he’ll gladly make some huhnschei?e. I’m very serious.

That video is awesome. Really great job- very very cool! You shouldn’t have admitted it so soon, I think you really could have left a lot of people wondering.

For the record, I was kidding when I said I hate you guys…
Just clarifying it cos I see a bit too many haters in here now so just wanted to make it clear to avoid any misunderstandings :slight_smile:
That was the best scam ever. Should have waited for April Fool’s maybe though :stuck_out_tongue:

Purely brilliant to me.

[quote=“Neil”]Some people take things way too seriously. SK and LC weren’t trying to pass it off as legit ffs, and they weren’t doing it last time they made one. They were just doing it for laughs people.

I almost pity anyone that gets all upset about something like that. “Almost” meaning I hope they burn in hell for eternity.[/quote]

they we’ren’t trying to pass it off as legit?

Ok so lets see your basic video gamer is a 12 year old. who doesn’t no much of computers, so how are they gonna find out this thing is fake.
as for that yes they we’re passing it off as legit.
if they we’rent they would have made a ugly lil trailer, and wouldn’t have even added xbox,or sega in the ending copyright notices.

To say they weren’t trying to pass it off as legit is kind of backwards to think.
they made it to laugh at people that believed it was real.
and dont say they didn’t.

What would be the point of commiting such a joke on people?
if they hadn’t wanted to laugh at people that thought it was real, then they wouldn’t have released it on the net, and would have just watched it them selves.

I do agree with what druff said, just not in so many bad words.
its sick and sad that people with talent would want to deceive people just so they could laugh at folks that love the panzer dragoon series, who think this is real, and believe it is a god send because they loved Panzer dragoon it self.

All I can say is that i hope sega sue’s the pants off the makers for useing the sega name in and official production.
as for that.

as for this message board no.
Its a fan site bout a game that happens to be one of the worst easiest games ever made.
its a rail shooter.
shoot shot and thats all u do.
u can beat every panzer dragoon game and master it with in a few days.
because its so easy.
So i have no respect for this game.
and i certainly have no respect for you neil. for a person that has no empathy with folks that love the panzer dragoon series and dont like being jerked bout by other folks that laugh at the misfortunes of others.
like the makers of this video did, and are doing.

yet again i hope u get sued for useing the sega name and xbox name in ur video.

^ They can’t be sued. It’s no different than writing a fanfic. This video just shows how hardcore some people are, not how much they like to see people suffer.

haha awwwww, comon, get real.

i’d like to use my skills in the industry, it’s not that simple though.
right now i study japanese and art history at college to learn japanese fast enough to enter the business.

for all griefers and trolls: you don’t like PD so what? I didn’t mean to make fools out of you gamers. IGN, Gamespot, everyone called SOA after 2 hours and asked if it was fake and that was it.
so the fake lasted basically like 3 hours??? and you still get pissed for a game you don’t even like?

for all those ultra hardcore fans look into the special thanks section of the orta cast and see if you can find my name there.

For all the other members of this forum, don’t answer griefer’s posts, don’t feed trolls, and don’t start flamewars. you’d just give those guys what they want: attention.

clutches at heart

Ngh. While I phsically hate yet love you at the same time, If I had believed this was real I think I would have hunted you down upon finding it fake.

The oddest thing is I checked the other day as I wanted to redownload the 2 trailers you did (Panzer Dragoon X, completely original, and the Orta one with the excellent music and piecing of footage). Somehow I must have sensed you b**tards were up to something!

I want a new PD RPG so badly. Just out of curiosity, how long did this take all in all KFC? I’m doing Games Design at Uni, and many of our briefs are to make game trailers and whatnot, and this would probably net you a degree in moments and the eternal scourn of my entire class.

Feels like this month is out to get me with romantic horrible problems and now tugging at my Panzer heartstrings…


I’ve been working on this one since june last year i think, i couldn’t do much at a time though, japanese is pretty demanding =(

I guess if I worked on it in a professional environment it would have taken about a month (planning, reviewing, etc included).

mainly I just wanted to learn some 2d digital painting skills.

haha, at wich uni do you study? I’d gratefully visit your class to give a short lecture!

WTF!!!I just went to get me some coffe (2 days away) and when I come back i get a whole bunch of new commers.Welcome all.

The movie is cool.Better than any PD real trailer.Good job uberfans :slight_smile:

White Dragster : cool avie XD

Hehe, gullibility got the best of me too, but good job anyway SK/KFC, it looked very professional indeed :wink:

Man, I knew it was too good to be true!


White Dragster : cool avie XD[/quote]


Okay, I got an abuse-mail from my webspace provider. That may stop the supply with the high-res video for a while.

But it was fun while it lasted.