Panzer Dragoon GENOS

You never saw the very first “trailer” for Panzer Dragoon Orta, did you dragoon lover? :slight_smile:

That had no game footage and no original material, except one still image. The video was basically a slideshow of old PD artwork, and it looked considerably less professional than what LC and SK have cooked up. There are of course many things that give this trailer away as not being real, but given Sega’s past record, a lack of game footage is not one of them :slight_smile:

Yeah, yeah, and when you saw 6th sense you knew all the time that Bruce Willis is a ghost because someone spoiled that for you. :wink:

But Lance is right, the first official trailers pretty much sucked.
Number one was a still image with music from Saga, the second one was a new background with videos and music from Saga in it.

But at least it featured some text from the fake teaser we made. :smiley:

I found these forums after a quick google search about Genos. Fear the n00b… :slight_smile:
I heard about this trailer reading a thread in digitpress forums. I didn’t see it but the screenshots looks like a professional work. Congrats to the guys who make it.

I will keep hoping for a new PDS in a next gen console. The greatest RPG ever IMO.

Welcome SegaTecToy.Be sure to post here everytime you can :slight_smile:

[quote=“SegaTecToy”]I found these forums after a quick google search about Genos. Fear the n00b… :slight_smile:
I heard about this trailer reading a thread in digitpress forums. I didn’t see it but the screenshots looks like a professional work. Congrats to the guys who make it.[/quote]

Welcome to the forums, SegaTecToy. By the way, if you want to download the trailer, all three versions of it are now available once again on

Thanks for the welcoming!

I was looking at the main site and I really liked it.
It is bookmarked now. :slight_smile:

Hey, welcome to the forums. Where did all these new members come from? :slight_smile:

what could be a possible reason for that? =)

Ahh, go make some fried chicken…

Btw, guys, the Chinese year of the dragon doesn’t come until 2012. Oh the torment!! >.<

And the chinese year of the Matrix is 2199 - so who cares. :wink: