Nintendo Revolution

In the Gamecube’s case you can play both PSO’s online with a single fee though. Which alone is cheaper than most MMORPG fees out there. So I find that quite doable really.

Very true, in that sense the hunters lisence does have a good quality. Of course, Online PSO III isn’t as brill. as the first :anjou_disappointment:

I only said that TA because you kept repeating the fact about LIVE to me and others over and over as if I was disagreeing with it.
Yeah, F-Zero would be an excellent prospect, but I’ve found that online console gaming hasn’t been up to scratch so far…probably just due to the fact that not a hell of a lot of people have found out about it’s full potential so companies don’t really feel the need as of yet.
But if you’ve heard anything about up coming consoles, then you’ll know that Online gaming is an aspect they’re putting stronger aim into, which is good…

TA, what were you saying about one game and one fee? I don’t really understand that sentence…but I was just stating the price for a months worth of hunter’s lisence for PSO.
One thing I was annoyed with was that you were never really paying for a month of Online gaming…you were paying for permission that you could play for month.

Well, technically you COULD play all month and forsake sleep. XD But… that wouldn’t be good.

Oh and as an aside, woot, got PSO Ep. III and a broadband adaptor for new year’s. XD And with assorted collected money I got Ep. I & II, my PSO days have returned! (they originally ended after Sega Europe’s ISP went down. >.>)

We could meet up right? Servers are right I think…

My (main) chars: Dave, lv 125, Purplenum, black RAcast.
Berserker, lv…somewhere near 30, Bluefull (sp?), blue FOnewman with red hair.

I’ll probs be Dave most of the time, it’s fun to kick ass :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]Also that?s is why there is a friends system. Of course you get the kn*b heads ect on LIVE. But you can ask or vote for them to be kicked, and if all else fails you can send feed back and report them through LIVE to M$.

After a few months of gamming you should get a decent friends list of players that you can get on with, and like their games ect.[/quote]

I have actually had Live for about a year and a half. I got it nearly as soon as it came out. I was considering cancelling my subscription after the first 12 months, because I found playing endless deathmatches unbearably boring and I don’t like racing games, which would appear to be the only genres that make use of Live. However, people assured me that great games that might actually hold my interest were just around the corner, so I decided to keep my subscription.

I was very interested in getting True Fantasy Live, for example, as I have never played an online RPG before, and have always wanted to try them. Unfortunetly, I found out that that was cancelled very shortly after renewing my subscription.

As for PSO, I found it to be one of the most tedious, sleep enducing RPG ever created when I played the dreamcast version. Also, my parents already complain that the yearly Xbox Live fee is expensive, there is no way in hell that they would also pay the monthly fee for PSO.

Also, maybe it’s just me, but I find it incredibly difficult to make friends on Live, because the frantic nature of all the games that support live makes everyone far too concentrated on how well they do to keep up a proper conversation. In most games I have played, people tend to be completely silent, bar the occansion muttering of things like “bastard” when someone dies.

Well Live should be seen as a way to further extend a game’s length.I liked playing Halo 1 alot but afte rsometime repeating the campaign was dull.

Same thing with Halo 2.Live is meant for you to have someone with real skillz and real intellegence to fight with.It’s not really meant for making friends :stuck_out_tongue:

What I mean is you really get the kick out of it playing with friends.People you know pre-Live.

[quote]I was very interested in getting True Fantasy Live, for example, as I have never played an online RPG before, and have always wanted to try them. Unfortunetly, I found out that that was cancelled very shortly after renewing my subscription.

As for PSO, I found it to be one of the most tedious, sleep enducing RPG ever created when I played the dreamcast version. Also, my parents already complain that the yearly Xbox Live fee is expensive, there is no way in hell that they would also pay the monthly fee for PSO.[/quote]

Look you tried LIVE and that’s fair enough, but if you didn’t like PSO you were hardly going to like TFO. Which is just more of the same but on a far bigger scale (Thanks to the Hardware). I agree LIVE is moslty made up of Driving, sport and FPS games, but those are the game that work best Online or in Multi player

The fee people pay to SEGA for PSO if for them to update and check the servers ect. Iy cost SEGA a bomb to set those ups you know. MMORPG?s are huge and expensive profits , they have to make they money back somehow

But can see why people don?t pay the monthly fee (I won?t). But I really don?t see ?30 (With the Headset at Amazon)that expensive for a year’s worth of LIVE gamming at all


TA, what were you saying about one game and one fee? I don’t really understand that sentence…but I was just stating the price for a months worth of hunter’s lisence for PSO.
One thing I was annoyed with was that you were never really paying for a month of Online gaming…you were paying for permission that you could play for month.[/quote]

I know some LIVE owners moaned about the monthly fee on PSO, even thought they already paid for their year long subscription.

But it cost SEGA a lot of money to set up and maintain those servers. That is what you are paying for. Though I never liked the fact that SEGA never let players to play it offline mode like in the DC version

Actually, i’ve never tried a MMORPG. PSO was very different, it wasn’t a MMORPG because it only had four players at once, whereas an MMORPG has all the players playing similtaniously in the same game world.

A MMORPG would have a lot more depth than PSO, as it lets you roleplay in an RPG world, the difference being, instead of NPCs like an offline RPG has, you play almost entirely with other players. The games shops would be run by players, theif players would try steal goods from shops run by players, people who played as assassins would have to preform hits on other players warriors would fight in tournaments with each other, and people would go out exploring together (or, at least, this is the concept, anyway, I have no idea how well it works in practise). It’s this idea of roleplaying with real people in a fantasy world that makes me want to try an MMORPG, whereas PSO was basically just a multiplayer dugeon crawler.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]


TA, what were you saying about one game and one fee? I don’t really understand that sentence…but I was just stating the price for a months worth of hunter’s lisence for PSO.
One thing I was annoyed with was that you were never really paying for a month of Online gaming…you were paying for permission that you could play for month.[/quote]

I know some LIVE owners moaned about the monthly fee on PSO, even thought they already paid for their year long subscription.[/quote]

But I can see thier point, it does defeat the object of gettng the Live ubcription in the first place.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

I know some LIVE owners moaned about the monthly fee on PSO, even thought they already paid for their year long subscription.But I can see thier point, it does defeat the object of gettng the Live ubcription in the first place.[/quote]

No it doesn’t. Users of PSO in JP and USA had to pay to play it on the DC, even though all other DC games were free to play Online.

It’s the same with PSO on X-Box. It’s the only game you have to pay a fee for It’s diff with MMORPG’s.

Drenholm I take your point too. But the DC lack of Harddrive ment it could handle a true MMORPG. PSO was the best it could do.

And the X-Box version is just a simple port of that.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]No it doesn’t. Users of PSO in JP and USA had to pay to play it on the DC, even though all other DC games were free to play Online.

It’s the same with PSO on X-Box. It’s the only game you have to pay a fee for It’s diff with MMORPG’s.[/quote]

I think that was just PSO v2. Version 1 was free to play online in the US and Europe (I imported the US version). The NTSC-J version was pay-to-play as far as I know.

One of the main flaws of PSO for Xbox LIVE I see is that you’re required to pay two subscription fees for one game. If users didn’t have to pay the LIVE fee as well (like PSO on Gamecube) that would make it more like other online RPGs, and would seem more reasonable. Like sega91 said, it almost defeats the purpose of getting LIVE in the first place - a single subscription fee to play all online Xbox games.

Just a note: True Fantasy Live Online was running on the same standard “real-time” engine that every other MMORPG utilizes, which revolves around your character being set to auto-attack, and you throwing in some input here and there. Actual input beyond that varies from MMORPG to MMORPG. Some are very fast paced such as Ragnarok Online, while others are very slow paced, such as Final Fantasy XI. Ragnarok Online could have you very busy utilizing various skills, while Final Fantasy XI tends to be a lot slower, with you spending more time waiting for your TP bar to fill and timing your special attacks with other players to perform skill chains and magic bursts.

Phantasy Star Online may be an online RPG, but it is way, way different than any MMORPG. PSO is effectively a controller-based, 3D Diablo with Phantasy Star elements and themes, complete with Japanese styled artwork and more vibrant worlds.

True Fantasy Live Online and Phantasy Star Online are not even remotely similar in gameplay mechanics.

Personally, I’m awaiting True Fantasy Live Online since Level 5 has revived the project, and Phantasy Star Universe. Both are going to end up being pretty good games.

[quote=“Berserker”]We could meet up right? Servers are right I think…

My (main) chars: Dave, lv 125, Purplenum, black RAcast.
Berserker, lv…somewhere near 30, Bluefull (sp?), blue FOnewman with red hair.

I’ll probs be Dave most of the time, it’s fun to kick ass :anjou_happy:[/quote]

Yup, just give me a few days to acquire about 15 meters of network cable and find those ISP details again. XD (And to get to a decent level and/or to get a decent deck of cards)

For Xbox or Xbox 2? It seems almost too late in the Xbox’s lifetime for such a massive game.

Three words: Dragoon. Saga. Panzer.

And we all know how well that sold… :anjou_sad:

EDIT: Hmm, I see your point. At the same time I can’t help thinking that it may be overshadowed by upcoming Xbox 2 games, unless it comes out relatively soon.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

For Xbox or Xbox 2? It seems almost too late in the Xbox’s lifetime for such a massive game.[/quote]

I heard this too, actually. The developers aren’t saying what console it’ll be released for, but they are hinting towards a release on Playstation and PC. It won’t come out on Xbox, as it was microsoft who, inexplicably, cancelled it, and not the actual developers.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]


I know some LIVE owners moaned about the monthly fee on PSO, even thought they already paid for their year long subscription.But I can see thier point, it does defeat the object of gettng the Live ubcription in the first place.

No it doesn’t. Users of PSO in JP and USA had to pay to play it on the DC, even though all other DC games were free to play Online.

It’s the same with PSO on X-Box. It’s the only game you have to pay a fee for It’s diff with MMORPG’s.

Drenholm I take your point too. But the DC lack of Harddrive ment it could handle a true MMORPG. PSO was the best it could do.

And the X-Box version is just a simple port of that.[/quote]

But you pay for the connection, live support and subcribtion, seems a rip off to me

Name me 1 other Online RPG that people don’t pay for this gen ?. I really can’t think of one.

Also you don’t pay for connection that’s for your BB Provider.

?30 quid for a years worth LIVE gamming and extra downloads isn’t that bad at all.
Plus unlike with the Cube you don’t need to fork out for a BB adaptor .
Which only cost a liitle less than a year’s worth of LIVE subcritbtion it’s self