Nintendo Revolution

I am a big nintendo fan. I am worried abou the Revolution. I am afraid it will be a gimmic that will not allow for miltiplatform games or standard games lke a FPS. Im scared.

This is Ninty here, they won’t let us down!
They haven’t before and I doubt they ever will :anjou_happy:

So I wouldn’t be scared…just wait for the new Zelda game and that’ll reassure you.

Emm… Off topic :slight_smile:
What’s Revolution tho (while waiting for someone to move this in another section)

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Emm… Off topic :slight_smile:
What’s Revolution tho (while waiting for someone to move this in another section)[/quote]

Revolution is Ninty’s new console in development.

I thoht the DS was a gimmic at first but after playing it I was wrong. Revolution is their next console, e know nothig about it but it is supposed to be revolutionary.

Ah, ok… Then I’m sure it will be good… And just cos they say they want it innovative doesn’t mean ‘standard’ games won’t be able to be created for it, that would be a stupid move…
Just look at the DS, it’s innovative but it has no problem having normal games as well… (see most of its current titles for example, most of them could be multiplatform easy - mario 64 - just with a few tweaks here n there that any developer would be willing to do as it doesn’t go much beyond putting the menu/map screens in a different place and adjusting the controls)

Please go to this link and read the short description below each section in order to know where to post the topics you want to in the future :slight_smile:

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Ah, ok… then I’m sure it will be good… And just cos they say they want it innovative doesn’t mean ‘standard’ games won’t be able to be created for it, that would be a stupid move…
Just look at the DS, it’s innovative but it has no problem having normal games as well… (see most of its current titles for example)[/quote]

Exactly, Ninty aren’t brainless and all their previous successes…why would they just abandon it all?

Its this little thing called the virtual boy that worries me.

Now…where have I heard that before…explain.

The virtual boy was nintendo’s faiure. It was a little stand you look into and its all red and black, it sucked and made you blind to the vcolor red for a while it sucked.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Emm… Off topic :slight_smile:
What’s Revolution tho (while waiting for someone to move this in another section)[/quote]

Someone get on with it already :anjou_wow:

Nintendo sucks. Though it could be argued that they do create innovative and quality games, the truth of the matter is, they haven’t been innovative since the NES era, and even then, they lacked that particular quality. One of the reasons for my dislike for Nintendo is they tend to recycle their main franchises, without any consideration of making new ones - I mean seriously…how many more Zelda’s, Marios, Warios, Pokemon’s, and Metroids are we going to see? To be quite honest, I don’t think Nintendo could create new franchises even if they wanted to - since they obviously show a lack of skill and talent…and most importantly, imagination.

Sega is the only company who has ever been able to truly innovate, and not, religiously, continue pumping out their main franchises without reinventing the wheel. Unfortunately, do to all the hardships in recent years, Sega is beginning to show the same signs that Nintendo has shown since the beginning…and I don’t like it. But as long as I get a PDS II that is of the same caliber of PDS, I can die a happy gamer - and not care what happens to companies who obviously don’t care about themselves.

nintendo said something about them making a new chaacter


[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Emm… Off topic :slight_smile:
What’s Revolution tho (while waiting for someone to move this in another section)[/quote]

Someone get on with it already :anjou_wow:[/quote]

Yes, threads like this would be more at home in one of the off-topic forums; I’ll relocate this one to the Holy District in a moment…

Welcome to the forums though Emmenite, and enjoy your stay.

You say that you want a PDS 2 right? Why? Because you loved the first. Nintendo did exactly the same thing, made another game that people enjoyed. But they didn’t just make an exact copy. They made it different, more challenging in some cases. They’re just giving the people what they like.

Don’t get me wrong I’m a massive Sega fan, huge. But what do you call Sonic? Sonic 2, 3, etc etc. SA1, SA2. You’re very contradictive of your own points. Ninty and Sega changed their games to make them better, bader and to kick more ass than Arnie in a single round of his new shiny Minigun.

If Nintendo can’t make new characters, franchises, whatever, then what would you call Pikmin and Animal Crossing?

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Ah, ok… Then I’m sure it will be good… And just cos they say they want it innovative doesn’t mean ‘standard’ games won’t be able to be created for it, that would be a stupid move…
Just look at the DS, it’s innovative but it has no problem having normal games as well… (see most of its current titles for example, most of them could be multiplatform easy - mario 64 - just with a few tweaks here n there that any developer would be willing to do as it doesn’t go much beyond putting the menu/map screens in a different place and adjusting the controls)

Please go to this link and read the short description below each section in order to know where to post the topics you want to in the future :slight_smile:[/quote]

The DS isn?t innontive at all. It?s a pathetic short term gimmick to try and counter the PSP.

Dual screens have been done before, Gizmondo features a touch screen , don?t see people calling that original .

Where the games that are only possible on the DS ?. There?s none most of them are ports. In fact it?s SEGA that made the best use of DS so far.

NCL have had it. The PSP sh8ts all over the DS, and it only cost ?20 more. When the casuals see both units running side by side. It will be no contest.

And NCL have been anything but innovative on the Cube. It’s the likes of SEGA , Sony, Konami, Namco that been giveing players new ways to play games. What with thier music series of games, and Eye Toy.

NCL made about 2 Original games for the Cube. All the rest have been sequels. And they have more or less given up on Cube development, much like they did with the last few years of the N64.

They have had it

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

The DS isn?t innontive at all. It?s a pathetic short term gimmick to try and counter the PSP.[/quote]

Counter the PSP? Which was announced first? Yes, thats right, the DS. I never knew Ninty where fortune tellers than can tell the future…

It’s not the touch screen it’s the way it’s used. Games are being developed that are properly using the touch screens capabilities.

Don’t see them being able to be used on the PSP do you? Metroid: Hunters for example.

?20? Last time I heard it was ?50. The DS has gone platinum in both America AND Japan in only the first 4 days of it’s sale. People have actually travelled miles away from the homes just so they can have one…wheres the PSP though? Hmm typical, it’s been pushed back into this year. Least Ninty keep to their word.

I’m sorry Sega? Don’t want to bash it at all, but two words for you: Sonic Heroes.
Just embarressing.
The Eye Toy is a great little gadget, but so far in homes I’ve seen it been used for a couple of days then left to gather dust. People come back to Ninty as they did with Sega games like PDS.

Seriously, don’t make me get out the list. And do you see more for the PS2? No, I don’t think so, look at all the Crash games and GTA games.

Profits are booming. Then there’s Zelda on GC. It made a grown man cry when he saw the trailer. On it’s own is expected to push up GC sales by 12%, which is pretty damn good for ONE game. People will be buying GCs JUST for this game.
They’ve had it? Open your eyes.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

The DS isn?t innontive at all. It?s a pathetic short term gimmick to try and counter the PSP.[/quote]

Counter the PSP? Which was announced first? Yes, thats right, the DS. I never knew Ninty where fortune tellers than can tell the future…

It’s not the touch screen it’s the way it’s used. Games are being developed that are properly using the touch screens capabilities.

Don’t see them being able to be used on the PSP do you? Metroid: Hunters for example.

?20? Last time I heard it was ?50. The DS has gone platinum in both America AND Japan in only the first 4 days of it’s sale. People have actually travelled miles away from the homes just so they can have one…wheres the PSP though? Hmm typical, it’s been pushed back into this year. Least Ninty keep to their word.

I’m sorry Sega? Don’t want to bash it at all, but two words for you: Sonic Heroes.
Just embarressing.
The Eye Toy is a great little gadget, but so far in homes I’ve seen it been used for a couple of days then left to gather dust. People come back to Ninty as they did with Sega games like PDS.

Seriously, don’t make me get out the list. And do you see more for the PS2? No, I don’t think so, look at all the Crash games and GTA games.

Profits are booming. Then there’s Zelda on GC. It made a grown man cry when he saw the trailer. On it’s own is expected to push up GC sales by 12%, which is pretty damn good for ONE game. People will be buying GCs JUST for this game.
They’ve had it? Open your eyes.[/quote]

Please the PSP came 1st. Sony announced it way back at E3 2003. Long before NCL announced the DS.

The control system in MP is a just a fancy version of analogue control, much like with Mario DS. Hardly new games anyway

Sony had trouble in making enough PSP units to go around. Fact is more people in JP cued up to get a PSP than the DS in the streets of JP.
We have to wait until Sony can sort their supply problems and launch in USA, and Europe to really see how they both do.

Lastly games like Getaway, Eye Toy, Sing Star, Fantavision, Drop Ship, ICO,
Flipnic, FreQuency, Ratchet & Clank, Jack and Dax, Siren, Mojib Ribbon to name but a few were all new IP.

How many new IP have NCL made for the Cube. There’s about 2.

Open you your eyes mate. The Cube can’t sell over a 100,000 units in the USA. That’s crap. It’s the same story in the UK most shops don’t even back the machine much now.

Even Capcom are porting all thier Cube games over to the PS2, becase the Cube is as good as dead.

Facy it, the PS2 and X-Box have won the casuals, and won this gen. And the way Sony is going it will clean the HH market too.

NCL will be screwed then, as the GBA is most of thier profits come from

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
The control system in MP is a just a fancy version of analogue control, much like with Mario DS. Hardly new games anyway[/quote]

What? And the PSP has come up with a much better version for controls?
How about the other games? Such as being able to carve, draw, slice etc etc, the possibilities are open now and many companies are VERY interested in what they can do for the DS.

That is true, we will have to wait, the fact that they haven’t actually sorted it all out by now like they said they would is still standing.

I’m not about to make a list of the many games…and no, that isn’t just an excuse, I’m sure someone round here will be able to come up with a lot more than just Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Viewtiful Joe etc etc.
Hmm most of the ones you mentioned I haven’t even heard of…no surprise to me, they mustn’t have done well to have made much of an impact.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t see the last part. Xbox? The Xbox is losing $330 on each sale it makes, I don’t think they’re perticually doing great. As for the PS2, the general market I have seen have wanted more from it…that it just can’t give. It’s just not standing up to what it’s rep. is meant to be. They don’t improve…they just fall backwards.

If I remember, at the time of when they reduced the price of the GC to an even lower amount, the profits sored 700%.
Not doing well? Pssh.