Nintendo Revolution

…you’ve officially lost all credibility.

Bye now.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]
The control system in MP is a just a fancy version of analogue control, much like with Mario DS. Hardly new games anyway[/quote]

What? And the PSP has come up with a much better version for controls?
How about the other games? Such as being able to carve, draw, slice etc etc, the possibilities are open now and many companies are VERY interested in what they can do for the DS.

That is true, we will have to wait, the fact that they haven’t actually sorted it all out by now like they said they would is still standing.

I’m not about to make a list of the many games…and no, that isn’t just an excuse, I’m sure someone round here will be able to come up with a lot more than just Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Viewtiful Joe etc etc.
Hmm most of the ones you mentioned I haven’t even heard of…no surprise to me, they mustn’t have done well to have made much of an impact.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t see the last part. Xbox? The Xbox is losing $330 on each sale it makes, I don’t think they’re perticually doing great. As for the PS2, the general market I have seen have wanted more from it…that it just can’t give. It’s just not standing up to what it’s rep. is meant to be. They don’t improve…they just fall backwards.

If I remember, at the time of when they reduced the price of the GC to an even lower amount, the profits sored 700%.
Not doing well? Pssh.[/quote]

Yes the PSP got a Analogue controller, you know the control that Mario 64 was built around. So it doesn?t the touch screen gimmick . It got the best screen to any Hand Held ever. Plus with it?s power it will cream the DS.
It?s so advance that?s one of the reasons why Sony is having trouble making enough.

2nd point is the games I talked about were ones made or published by Sony not 3rd party?s. Viewtiful Joe and Harvest moon were not made or published by NCL and anyway they are coming to the PS2 as well

So want if M$ is losing money on the X-Box. It willing to do that to get market share, and it?s working. NCl are losing market share all the time, know Sony have entered the HH market you?ll soon see NCL profits take a hit.


…you’ve officially lost all credibility.

Bye now.[/quote]

Sorry my mistake I ment over 100,000 units a month.

Bye now.

[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

So want if M$ is losing money on the X-Box. It willing to do that to get market share, and it?s working. NCl are losing market share all the time, know Sony have entered the HH market you?ll soon see NCL profits take a hit.[/quote]

Now you’re just speaking utter crap. I was willing to make a point before, but now that I’ve read this…I see that you’re just one of those anti-ninty sony made robots who infect forums to try (but fail) to change peoples minds.

So children…lets trying using his tactics against him.
“Ninty might be losing martket share in your opinion, but at least they’re willing to, so they gain some other total crap fact that I’ve just made. Once Sony enters the market, you’ll see that they’re really tiny little evil smurfs that run around in circles.”

Simple words for you: Prove it.

Microsoft *are *willing to lose money on the Xbox though. They’ve said so themselves. The Xbox is intended to give them a foothold in the market, in preperation for Xbox 2.

Yeah I never said they weren’t willing to.
I think everyone realised, that $330 to such a big company wouldn’t be such an big impact as a loss. Personally, I wouldn’t be aiming just to set up something else, I’d be wanting to make sure all my products went well…

It now just sounds as if the Xbox was just a prototype they dumped on the world to see how they would react until Xbox 2 came about…

to “casuals”, yes. To gamers? i don’t think so.

Its like PS2 and xbox for example. To general public will think the PS2 is great because its is the standard console, its what people think of when gaming is mentioned, everone has it, so general people want it too. However the people more interested in gaming will see the xbox as a more powerful machine. But of course, this doesn’t matter as much any more and Sony have the advantage by being the “cool” console to have.
(much like apple and the iPod)

In many ways it was Berserker.Do you think Microsoft honestly thought they could win the “conosle war” with their first console?Microsoft didn’t just say “okay, we are going to try and see what we can do in this market”.They told themselves that they would try almost everything to dominate the market.

Losing a battle is not losing a war just like people say.


In many ways it was Berserker.Do you think Microsoft honestly thought they could win the “conosle war” with their first console?Microsoft didn’t just say “okay, we are going to try and see what we can do in this market”.They told themselves that they would try almost everything to dominate the market.

Losing a battle is not losing a war just like people say.[/quote]

Hmm very good point…then again…that makes them sound really viscious :anjou_wow:
Which they are I knew that, but it just being said…scary.

Hehe, indeed. Although, luckily enough they won’t get a monopoly in consoles too, even if only because in Japan the X-box had to lose to the Dreamcast in console sales early in it’s carreer. XD It’s just not working over there.


to “casuals”, yes. To gamers? i don’t think so.

Its like PS2 and xbox for example. To general public will think the PS2 is great because its is the standard console, its what people think of when gaming is mentioned, everone has it, so general people want it too. However the people more interested in gaming will see the xbox as a more powerful machine. But of course, this doesn’t matter as much any more and Sony have the advantage by being the “cool” console to have.
(much like apple and the iPod)[/quote]

But that’s just it. The PSP has the name Playstation on it, and in this market place that’s is enough. Just look at the unit looks so cool

I’m not saying NCL are out of the Hardware race. They have a loyal fan base of 7 to 10 million that will buy thier machines come what may. And parents trust NCL products and games for thier kids (Big advantage).

But the days of NCL being a mass-market player are long gone.


[quote=“Team Andromeda”]

So want if M$ is losing money on the X-Box. It willing to do that to get market share, and it?s working. NCl are losing market share all the time, know Sony have entered the HH market you?ll soon see NCL profits take a hit.[/quote]

Now you’re just speaking utter crap. I was willing to make a point before, but now that I’ve read this…I see that you’re just one of those anti-ninty sony made robots who infect forums to try (but fail) to change peoples minds.

So children…lets trying using his tactics against him.
“Ninty might be losing martket share in your opinion, but at least they’re willing to, so they gain some other total crap fact that I’ve just made. Once Sony enters the market, you’ll see that they’re really tiny little evil smurfs that run around in circles.”

Simple words for you: Prove it.[/quote]

That’s right I liked the Snes more than the MD, and I say that as a SEGA fan.
I’ve bought the N64 (paid loads on import) and Cube at launch So I’m hardly anti NCL.

Just sick of the way they treat us Cube owners, and the lack of in-house games or anything new. Plus I hate thier stance on Online games.
F-Zero and Mario Kart would have been ace on Line. But no that would cost NCL money.

When you make 2 billion odd a year. M$ can well afford to loss money on the X-Box and LIVE. And they have said as much, They want market share ready for the X-Box II and it’s working.
X-Box as got plenty of 3rd party support, the Cube is losing 3rd party’s all the time. The X-Box was sold out over Christmas, the Cube wasn’t. That’s says it all.

Just like with the DC, the CUBE is pushed at the back of the shops, while PS2, and X-Box get the prime space and shops like GAME push them far more. That’s a simple fact


In many ways it was Berserker.Do you think Microsoft honestly thought they could win the “conosle war” with their first console?Microsoft didn’t just say “okay, we are going to try and see what we can do in this market”.They told themselves that they would try almost everything to dominate the market.

Losing a battle is not losing a war just like people say.[/quote]

Well they must have expected to sell double what they did. But M$ have said they are in it for the long haul.
Stuff like Word ect, took a few Took a few attempts before they took off, M$ don?t like to lose and they have the money to take the fight to Sony
And you can see just how seriously M$ wants the market, by the price cuts and bundles it’s done with the X-Box which is losing M$ a ton of money.

Look at LIVE it cost M$ over a Billion to set up. They’ll never make money off that for years. Shows that M$ intends to say a while in the Console market

Consider this:

When the Dreamcast appeared as a prize on “The Generation Game”, the announcer referred to it as “a playstation”.

To many people now, “playstation” is just another synonym for a games console.

That’s true for a while but now people have come out of the Playstation craze now and there’s more choice and games then there was when the DC was around.

The Rev. has to have the goods this time especially for the western market.
I felt that Nintendo did n’t try enough for this current system.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]That’s true for a while but now people have come out of the Playstation craze now and there’s more choice and games then there was when the DC was around.

The Rev. has to have the goods this time especially for the western market.
I felt that Nintendo did n’t try enough for this current system.[/quote]

To a certain degree I agree with you. Playstation have had the name up until these days, where more people are becoming interested in gaming and actually making proper choices.

Well, in a way, you could say that Sony and Mircosoft didn’t exactly try enough either. Microsoft were making a loss and Sony’s PS2 didn’t exactly give everything the people wanted.
Twas half empty after all :anjou_sigh:

Well yes Maybe but Sony’s advantage was that it had no real competition and it had all that goodwill from customers from the psx era. Yet as you said it took almost two years for sony to deliver on it’s promises like the online thing and others that has n’t/wont happen.

I can 't think of what Microsoft has n’t tried enough on besides promotion.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Well yes Maybe but Sony’s advantage was that it had no real competition and it had all that goodwill from customers from the psx era. Yet as you said it took almost two years for sony to deliver on it’s promises like the online thing and others that has n’t/wont happen.

I can 't think of what Microsoft has n’t tried enough on besides promotion.[/quote]

Even though I do own a Dreamcast I have to say that in the times when it was released, it didn’t have much of a chance :anjou_disappointment:
Great step forward…yet how many people’s DC’s have died on them? Know my first one did :anjou_sad:

Xbox did finally get around to online…Xbox Live as we all know, but I hardly know anyone who actually uses it. As has been said, it didn’t do all that well.
GC? They did have online and for PSO fans it was excellent! Man, I played a lot of that :anjou_wow: yet the lack of other online games and promised online games did let it down…

Hasn’t been a good time for online console gaming :anjou_disappointment:

If you want to read something interesting, here’s a take from Hiroshi Yamauchi. Read all three magazine scans.

Online gaming , all in all, is a bit overrated if you ask me. The best multiplayer gaming still occurs with your fellow players in the very same room if you ask me. ^.^;;

And wow, Parn, seems like Hiroshi’s a well and true old style Japanese citizen. XD Also quite bold it seems. XD (or easy on the insults)
Hm, even though I don’t like it, he may have a point about Sega there towards the end. They always were great game designers but it might indeed be that they lacked a bit of courage during the Dreamcast’s run. (But some random deity be damned, the DC still is one of the best consoles I’ve ever had!)