New areas

That would be something I’d like to see too. I’d love to know more about how they work, and what secrets they have to reveal. Maybe a drone or monster manufacturing plant? I know Uru was one, but we didn’t actually see any equipment that was used to create the creatures.

By the way Alex, your avatar is great :slight_smile:

this is my first post guys, and i’m gonna make it count…

how bout this:

Panzer Dragoon: The Dark Dragon

-play thru the events preceding and during PD1 with the Dark Dragon’s perspective


Panzer Dragoon: The Sky Rider

-play as the Sky Rider. That way we can finally know who he is

as for areas, how bout being able to go in an ancient, underground city that has survived for centuries

Sounds good. That’s the cool thing about the Panzer series: there are so many little ways to look at it and explore it, and think about it; I think that’s why they are such great games.

And btw welcome to the forums, temjin! :slight_smile:

thx sharpedge

one other area to add:
how bout a stage where you’re in the Imperial capital while facing the heart of the Empire’s military?

Good ideas man.And welcome btw :slight_smile:
Be sure to post here as much as you can. :wink:

Anyways, good to see I’m not the only Dark Dragon fan here :slight_smile:

And yes, a battle in the capital would sure rule!

Please…shut up about the dark dragon >.<

Why does every topic that Gehn posts on seems to have something DD related? (Even if it’s below surface level…)

i dont know if anyone said this yet but

I’d like to see a new Panzer Dragoon RPG
about ORTA and her life with the new dragon pup
you see at the end of Panzer Dragoon ORTA

in which she has flash backs that explain why
the seekers had her locked in thats tower cell

even tho she is daughter of there old allies…


Not the daughter of their old alies but the of the alies of their old leader :wink:

so there have a new leader … who dont see it quite the same was …
maybe he see’s her as … a thret or maybe he just see’s her
as a good opitunity to use as a wepon!!

right right … talking to other fans of the game … is sure easyer then
trying to figger it out yourself! {Oo}

Yes, I believe Orta was designed to be a weapon, too. Figuring out what she was built to do is the fun part. Of course, I make it sound as if she isn’t human at all.

well i dunno if Orta was suposed to be a Wepon… she was made by
Azel and Edge’s DNA and i dout she would make her daughter to be a wepon…

i think they all got the wrong idear about her…

and all wanted her as a wepon when she didnt even know
what she was … and didnt no anything about herself or why she was even there!

but i think they just wanted to test out there dragonmare on some seekers

I wouldn’t say Orta is designed as a weapon. She could be a weapon perhaps, but I seriously doubt Azel had that in mind when she created her. A lot depends on Orta’s own choices in the future. She’ll have to decide where her own destiny lies.

The Seekers thought they could harness her as a weapon regardless of whatever it was she was created to do. The question is: will she become the weapon of destruction she was meant to be? :slight_smile:

You have to admit the possibility that she was created with a specific purpose in mind. Maybe it has something to do with regenerating the planet.

Maybe she wasn’t created to do anything. Maybe the Seekers didn’t know why she was created and searched for a way to use her. Maybe I’ll gather the clues and write a new theory.

Only time will tell.

Yes but I think Azel made sure that Orta could make her own choice. If Azel created her with a specific purpose that would be too similar to what the Ancients did with their drones.

One thing we know : Azel knew that Orta would someday reach Sestren.Maybe she even knew Lagi was going to save her or at least meet her in someway…

Actually she didn’t know Orta would reach Sestren. She “hoped” that Orta would someday hear her message. I wonder if Azel asked Lagi to look after Orta. It seems to me that Azel actually planned to disappear. Maybe she had to leave in order to create Orta…

Perhaps she had to go into hiding for some reason.

I think she’s dead. I’d love to see how Orta would react if she found out the Empire dissected her mother. She wouldn’t hesitate to turn to the dark side. :slight_smile:

Nuuu… Azel has to have some living part to play in PDS2. I hope we see her die though, or something like that >.>

I don’t think she’s dead, she’s just not there anymore :slight_smile:
Abbad was unable to use the same technique Azel used to create Orta. Why? Wasn’t he intelligent enough? I doubt it. The real reason could be because Azel had to somehow “disappear” in order to create Orta. Abbad couldn’t afford that, he had to complete his mission.