New areas

I dunno about you but I found Azel more attractive :stuck_out_tongue:


Anyways, itā€™s settled for me : the next PD chapter has to include the great Dark Dragon in it no matter what!!

I hope it doesnā€™t. Itā€™d be an interesting twist to fight Orta instead of another tower and another Empire and another dark dragon.

I wonder what part the remaining drones and the Seekers could play in such a story. The Empire itself could even be divided into two parts (new and old). We could have several factions fighting against each other.

In occurs to me that there are many more battles to be won and lost in the PD world. We need more games to cover these conflicts. It seems o have become a fight against each other than a fight against the elements.

I liek PD for itā€™s originality as far as plot is concerned.

Epic battles are a little cliche (just a little) and altho cool if itā€™s gonna be a sequel to Orta I canā€™t imagine much ā€œfactionsā€ā€¦

Theyā€™re cliched, yes, but its not something weā€™ve had in the Panzer series before, and I think that for the continuity of the series a huge battle would be required to kill off some of the factions so that the developers can concentrate more on what happens to the dragon and its rider.

No killing is required for that IMO.Anyways what do you call the Great Fall then?

A fall. Not a battle. Perhaps Iā€™m being bloodthirsty but the Panzer series do need a bit of life thrust back into them somehow.

A fall?Think agehn.You havenā€™t read PDOnraā€™s box have you?

ā€¦yes -.-; It was the fall of the Empire, was it not? Bah, I havenā€™t played Orta for ages.

The Great Fall was the most catastrophic event since the Ancient Age (Iā€™m not exaggerating here either). About half the population of the continent was wiped out after the Towers became inactive. The environment changed heaps as well. Pure chaos.

I guess it could be classed as a war. According to Pandoraā€™s Box ā€œa great many bio-engineered creatures emerged from the ruins and ran rampant, causing further damage to the Empireā€™s remote cities and regions.ā€ From what I gather, it was the monsters attempt at human genocide.

Oh right. Well we never got to see any of it, which is disappointing =P

Thatā€™s what I meant Solo.

I dont think we will see Orta become the enemyā€¦I meanā€¦come onā€¦she has Lagiā€™s offspring, who could ever defeat that :slight_smile: unless good ol heresy dragon re-awakens and does something about it :slight_smile: but I think I wouldnā€™t like thatā€¦ Iā€™m more fond of the idea of the heresy dragon becoming an enemyā€¦ or a Sestren backup/prototype in some closed off sector of sestren space that the heresy dragon didnā€™t have access to (and ofcourse Sestren wouldnā€™t have access to it either on purpose so that if something like this happened the prototype or whatever would be safe still) awakens and takes control again re-awakening all the Towers or something and going after Orta and Lagi II first at full power so that they wonā€™t mess with itā€™s plans again :slight_smile:

Anyway, Iā€™d like to see more underwater areas, more canyons, more villages, more cities, perhaps some very well preserved and functioning ruins allowing us to see how some things were during the ancient ageā€¦
Sure we saw Uru in Saga but that place was just a huge maze with nothing much to seeā€¦

I would enjoy fighting Orta with Lagi II =P

I hope we get to play either as a male drone or just some older rider.I mean all riders till now were just a bunch of kids :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, wasnā€™t Kyle in his 20ā€™s? Or waitā€¦was he still a teenager? (canā€™t remember)

Theyā€™ve all been teenagers =/


Nothing wrong with that imo. If the protagonist in the next game was older, he or she might lack the rebelliousness of a teenager and hesitate to stand for what he or she believes in.

Yeah right.If it was you,you wuld be ******* your pants :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah,I actually think we need a more ā€œchickenā€ character.All RPG main characters are brave;just give me a different one this timeā€¦