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Same thing man.

Abadd needed Orta’s genes to reproduce her… if Azel got Edge’s from Sestren I don’t see why Abadd couldn’t have done the same.

Abadd didn’t want Orta’s genes to combine with his and create something else like Azel did. Abadd couldn’t do what Azel did for whatever reason therefor he needed the actual Orta in order to get the ability to create or “give birth” to drones.

And about Orta, I do not think she’s a weapon at all, perhaps she’s the “key” to somewhere that has a weapon however, and that might not be her actual “purpose” but just a “defect” of being a “key” to somewhere else as well (and that somewhere else doesn’t have a weapon but…something else…knowledge perhaps…)
Perhaps the Empire thought of her as a weapon due to being misled by Abadd. “She’s a powerful weapon capture her and I will show you how to use her!” while thinking “They’ll help me capture her and I’ll get to have her body and use it for my own goals” sorta…
Can’t say anythin about the Seekers, do they actually say she’s a weapon at any point? Or just that they are afraid of her and things like that?
Perhaps they knew of Abadd’s plans, I could call a drone manufacturing plant a weapon of sorts, maybe they called her a weapon for the same reason…

And by the way just cos she might have abilities like that it doesn’t mean she’s programmed for a purpose therefor cannot chose her destiny. she still has choices to make, it’s just that IN CASE she makes that kinda choice she has things to help through that path…possibly.

Exactly. I think Azel herself is different from regular drones in that her DNA allowed for hybridisation with human genes. Other than that, there’s always the possibility that Abadd simply didn’t know how Azel bio-engineered Orta, but if it was possible to combine human DNA with drone DNA at all, then Abadd should’ve been able to figure it out eventually.

Either there’s something unique about Azel and Orta, or Abadd couldn’t determine how Orta was created on his own.

Then why did the Seekers believe they could use her as such? Do we really believe the Seekers didn’t know why she was created? I can’t believe the Seekers would imprison Orta for the entirety of her childhood merely because they didn’t understand her. They kept Orta for a reason. In the very least they thought they could use her. The question is: why?

Orta is not a weapon. If she has the ability to control the tower network (which I think she has) she could be used as a weapon, but that doesn’t make it her destiny. The Seekers know Orta’s potential, that’s for sure. I don’t know what they had planned. Probably nothing good though since they imprisoned her.

About Azel; I don’t think it’s possible to combine human DNA with that of a drone. The Ancients made that impossible. However, things are different inside Sestren. Everything inside Sestren exists as data, and combining that is possible. The baby dragons in PD Saga and PD Orta could be the proof of that. Lagi was a pure-type, atleast in Saga, so how could he reproduce? Azel says Orta carries her spirit and “his spirit” too. That may hold more truth than one might think.

This has been discussed before…

I’d still like to know how the Seekers thought they could use Orta as a weapon.

Well she was the daughter of a weapon.They could have bad sources…

Needless to say, the Seekers knew more than we’ll perhaps ever know.

Maybe we’ll find out in the next game.

We don’t know for certain that they wanted to use her as a weapon. There’s always the possibility that they wanted to use her to activate the tower network and heal the world. If they were to use her as a weapon they would make the same mistake the Empire made when they were still Seekers themselves. Gehn does have a point though. Azel’s history may have led the Seekers to a wrong conclusion about Orta (ironically, her original creators hoped Azel would not become an instrument of destruction).

Azel was able to interface with Sestren. She was specifically designed to be able to connect to the Tower network.

“I am the only one who can destroy the Tower”

Now, from what we know, there’s no evidence that Abadd could also connect to this network as well. He waited until Orta entered Sestren before he could enter.

Azel’s ability to connect to Sestren enabled her to use a human’s DNA data to create her daughter. Orta may have inherited this ability somehow. Abadd would have needed Orta to breed new drones because he could not do that himself (by downloading data from Sestren).


But there something in your theory that doesn’t add up : if Abadd couldn’t enter Sestren before Orta did then I don’t knowwhy would he be possible to enter afterwards anyway.

The same way Edge did. Azel opened the gate and Edge and Lagi entered. So once Orta opened the gate (or maybe Lagi), Abadd was able to follow them.

It was clearly Lagi that opened the gate. The system recognized him as its master. In fact, the system only attacked Lagi because it didn’t recognize Orta. I always thought Abadd was capable of entering Sestren. After all, the system never seemed to attack him. He was even capable of reactivating the Cradle from within Sestren.

Ah I see what you mean Solo.I didn’t understand you at first :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes D-Unit I also think Abadd had to have some kind of control in Sestren…

Maybe Abadd didn’t have as much control as Azel did within Sestren. After all, Azel was specifically built with the ability to open the gate to Sestren, whilst Abadd’s main task was to resuscitate the Ancients.

If I were an Ancient than I would consider Abadd’s mission the most important one. So why would I restrict Abadd from using the Sestren system then? The Ancients are likely stored there.

Cause the Sestren network might have nothing to do with the task at hand…

Not needed I mean…