Just What I Always Wanted

I own her. The answer is no.

Bah, I would’t hire her unless I had a good pic of her first.You can’t work for Gehn if you don’t have the looks.

All pimps are ugly.

I’m not sure if that was an insult or not, so I’ll just continue in my fantasy world.



Hey, didn’t Arcie call Shadow a pimp? Shadow! You just insulted yourself!

… Uh… He did?


Shadow can’t be a pimp.

I already named him as the guy on my avie. Does that look like a pimp to you.

You are right.That just seems like a depressed britt who thinks he’s cool.


Speaking of avatars, like your new one Gehn. It suits ya.

Hell people, Arcie got my occupation wrong, capiche? Blimey, you bunch of gossip queens. And I am not depressed o.O

You might be fast but not fast enough!!!I saw you changing your location from Petersborough to Gondor.

to avoid your head from exploding :

Petersborough = England
England = Teh Depressed

Btw, thanx Orta your avatar is co… Erm… is… Hi Orta!!!

And this is why I’m not arguing anymore ^ What a retarded post.

Hey at least I’m no hypocrite.

Thats one thing i havent seen him say alot…

Gehn: What don’t you like about my avie? Should I change it again?

I don’t like horror movies and it’s charcaters that’s all :stuck_out_tongue:
If I were you I’d choose something more positive. :slight_smile:

Like a gargoyle?

Nah, it would look too much like him.