Just What I Always Wanted

Room? I live in a cardboard box, buck. I can’t afford that. :slight_smile:

Green is actually my fav color too.After that its’ Orange and Blue.And then all the colors of the Rainbow baby :slight_smile:

Tip to Shadow : See “maggot”?I told ya flirtin’ will get you anywhere.You gotta eb yourself.


On second thought just be me! :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t take this seriously Orta.Ive already pissed a girl poster over this kind of things.On another forum

Take you seriously? Nah. You guys don’t take me too seriously (which I appreciate), so…

Wtf? The last person who needs flirting lessons is me o.o


I bet you keep telling yourself that everynight eh boy? XD

Not really. I don’t care what you think. You haven’t seen me in action.

Me? show off? Never!

[size=42]look at me! I can do a cartwheel! Wahey![/size]

Nice cartwheel.


Yes but can you take the kids to the kindergarden,cook,clean the house.go to work…

I’m sure she can. That’s something that inbuilt into all women. Fascinating creatures…

…until you get to know them. :wink:

Actually, I’ve been doing most of that all weekend.

You’re hired!

sorry Gehn, I was bought by shadow, remember?

Shadow da pimp daddy.

Now someone tell me that wasn’t messed up?


Buy?!No no no!I don’t wanna BUY you.I want you to work for me.