Introduction... I guess >_> <_<

I’m bored, so I made an introduction shrug. I don’t have any Sega systems… planning on getting Saturn sometime this month with Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon II Zwei. Then probably NiGHTs: Into Dreams…, Dragon Force, and Virtua Fighter 2 in July & August. And I’ll probably get Panzer Dragoon Saga in September, for my birthday :D.

My favorite games are Starcraft, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament 2004, Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3, Tetris Attack, Tetris, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy IX, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ikaruga, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time… I guess that is all I can think of off the top of my head. If I had to pick 5, they’d be Starcraft, FFVI, CT, LoZ: ALttP, SSBM and SoAL.

I don’t know how much I’ll post here, but I may end up posting a lot. I’ve had 160 posts in a single day on one forum :). Anyway, nice to meet you and I can’t wait until I play through the three Panzer Dragoon Saturn games so I can read most of the topics in The Seeker’s Stronghold without fear of spoilers >_<.

Hey dude.

Posting a lot is definitely okay, just try not to do stuff like going thru every single topic and posting something, even if it’s random and idiotic.

We’ve had others do that. x_x

Anyways, welcome to TWotA.

coughs violently

Well I wlecome you already but let me tell you : that kind of videogame background will not play in your advantage as far as Gehn popularity points are concerned.

jk :wink:

Have you played any PD game btw?Why are you so eager to know the PD series?I’m curious.

Welcome, Mumei.

I assume from your post, that you’ve played Orta, but not the three Saturn games, right? You should enjoy them.

Do you know about the website When it was still up, I read a review for Panzer Dragoon Saga… They made it sound absolutely incredible, but I couldn’t get it (no money). I got a job about 2 years ago, and was reminded about Panzer Dragoon Saga by something… forget what =/. Anyway, I started reading a few more reviews and looked on Ebay and it was going for about 80 to 90 dollars, which didn’t seem too bad. And after reading everything about it, I just really want to try it. But first I’m going to play through the other two Saturn games…

And I can’t really comment on the games :P. I figured I wouldn’t win points for having a lot of Square and Ninty games on a forum for a Sega game ^_^;;. I am going to be buying some old games… And Skies of Arcadia is one of my five favorite games, so I have to get something for that… :(.

You heathen. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do realize that I was really kidding about all that right?It’s not that I don’t wanty to give a bad impression is just that I really coulnd’t care less about what other people game.It does reflect your taste tho…

Anyways I still dunno if you played Orta or not.

You asked? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice. No, I haven’t even played Orta. I don’t even own an X-Box.

[quote]Hey dude.

Posting a lot is definitely okay, just try not to do stuff like going thru every single topic and posting something, even if it’s random and idiotic.[/quote]

Well I was referring to on-topic posts :).

Welcome to the forum; and don’t worry, you’re not alone in sticking up for non-Sega games. (Most of the Nintendo games on that list are probably among my favourite games, too).

Is that so? Well cool :). I’m going to be getting quite a few Saturn games in the next 3 - 4 months… So I might be able to add more Sega games :).


Shortest greeting ever :D.

Hi, nice to meet you ^_~. I suppose I should extend the introduction a bit more…

I am 17 years old and will be 18 in September. I am male and the name I use has nothing to do with gender; it means “Nameless” in Japanese.

welcome, how did you find this site if you hadn’t played a PD game? did you just search for PD sites out of your interest in getting saga?

i think it will be interesting to see if you actually do end up liking the panzer dragoon series… it’s not for everyone. to us it is one of, if not the most interesting visions of our time, but it seems some others would rather not look as deply into a game. it’s very unique compared to anything else sega has done- let alone square or nintendo.

Hi there.

Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ikaruga… what a nice taste in games.

Final Fantsy VI is personally my favorite out of this bunch here. Although PDS will always be my favorite.

I am quite interested in seeing your reaction as you play these games, It will be nice adding a new PD fan to us bunch here.

Hey there!


[size=75]I should lay off the Bud…[/size]

[quote=“Megatherium”]welcome, how did you find this site if you hadn’t played a PD game? did you just search for PD sites out of your interest in getting saga?

i think it will be interesting to see if you actually do end up liking the panzer dragoon series… it’s not for everyone. to us it is one of, if not the most interesting visions of our time, but it seems some others would rather not look as deply into a game. it’s very unique compared to anything else sega has done- let alone square or nintendo.[/quote]

I was looking around for sites - and they are far too rare :(. I could hardly find a thing =/. I saw the site about… a week or two ago, but I didn’t notice the forum until recently.

What exactly don’t people like about it; what are complaints? Some people complained about the length, right? That isn’t really a problem… What else?

[quote=“Atolm”]Hi there.

Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ikaruga… what a nice taste in games.

Final Fantsy VI is personally my favorite out of this bunch here. Although PDS will always be my favorite.

I am quite interested in seeing your reaction as you play these games, It will be nice adding a new PD fan to us bunch here.[/quote]

You forgot SoAL ^_~.

It’s not so much that people don’t like it and have complaints, but that PDS is very much a non-mainstream game; in fact, the whole series is pretty non-mainstream. The abstract artistic style of the games, the unique fictional world they portray and the fact that PD1 and PD2 are rail-shooters (a niche genre in itself) puts the series well off the beaten track: the games got great to amazing reviews from the critics, but the series has never really been in the popular eye.

[quote=“Lance Way”]

It’s not so much that people don’t like it and have complaints, but that PDS is very much a non-mainstream game; in fact, the whole series is pretty non-mainstream. The abstract artistic style of the games, the unique fictional world they portray and the fact that PD1 and PD2 are rail-shooters (a niche genre in itself) puts the series well off the beaten track: the games got great to amazing reviews from the critics, but the series has never really been in the popular eye.[/quote]

Hmm… About the first two being rail shooters, I think I might’ve played a rail shooter before >>… Is Star Fox a rail shooter, or am I stupid ><? And the abstract art wouldn’t bother me =/. I can’t really think of something I’d really dislike from what I’ve heard, or from reading a couple of FAQs about the basic gameplay mechanics… I’d rather try something new anyway :).

Oh and I forgot to mention Viewtiful Joe before >_<. I can’t believe I forgot that…

Not at all; Star Fox is a rail shooter, and Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars even borrowed some gameplay elements back from the Panzer Dragoon games (and Panzer Dragoon Orta in turn borrowed some gameplay elements back from Star Fox 64). The PD shooters arguably give a much greater sense of freedom though, as you can look all around you as you fly through the levels rather than just straight ahead. Most (but certainly not all) fans seem to think that Panzer Dragoon Saga really made the series what it is, though.

Thanks =D.