Introduction... I guess >_> <_<

lance summed it up pretty well, the only thing i’d add is that… well, the developers spent so much time on the game working out the finest of details without blatantly presenting them to us. that is why most of us are here at twota, that is why there is still so much to talk about regarding 8 year old games. some people will play through the game(s) and just think “well that was interesting” referring to the face value mystery. they might think it’s a good game, they might think it’s a bad game but in the end it’ll just go to their shelves or they’ll sell it back to the store.

but that is not truly appreciating the work that the devs put into the game. they laid out all this evidence for different things, sometimes not even giving us the official terms for what we discuss but talking about it, analyzing it, hearing other’s interpretations of what you’ll see in the games… that is what can generate such a community devoted to figuring it all out. some other games will be mysterious, but not really have the content to back it up- it’s just supposed to make you think “ooh, that’s mysterious” for a moment, then you forget about it or they explain it in a way that insults your intelligence shortly after.

panzer dragoon truly has substance behind its mysteries, so wondering about them can actually generate revelations. those revelations, in turn, generate new ways of thinking about certain subjects, which may then lead to further understanding and further revelations, etc, etc.

i think the members of this forum need to eventually make a textbook about the PD world because there really is enough there to do so. :smiley:

Well that sounds better than a game that is blatantly obvious and has no subtlety…

You have a PS2 Mumei?

No, only a GCN… I might get one later this year… Probably… There are some games I want to get for it.

If you do get it be SURE to buy Soul Reaver 2.It’s so cheap a masterpiece(as far as price is concerned mind you) it would be a crime not to buy it.That goes for you too Geoff!

I assur eyou it’s ten times better than SR1.

Well said, Megatherium. I think that pretty much sums up a large part of the reason why so many of us here like the PD games.

The Panzer Dragoon Orta official guidebook has about 50 pages about all different aspects of the game world. The other guidebooks consist of maps, diagrams, and statistics. If they weren’t all in Japanese, we’d know so much more.

It’s in times liek this I wanted KFC to be a cool cat but alas… he wouldn’t even translate that little text concerning Orta’s making procedure…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]If you do get it be SURE to buy Soul Reaver 2.It’s so cheap a masterpiece(as far as price is concerned mind you) it would be a crime not to buy it.That goes for you too Geoff!

I assur eyou it’s ten times better than SR1.[/quote]

I’ll see about that ^_^.

Welcome to the forums Mumei.

Thank you very much ^_^.

looks around and sees everybody focused on her

… Uh… Whoops… Sorry.

Anyway, welcome Mumei!