Hi im new here

she stole my thunder! welcome!

hey is this too big or garish for a sig pic?


thanks again, lance :slight_smile:

[quote=ā€œMegatheriumā€]she stole my thunder! welcome!

hey is this too big or garish for a sig pic?


thanks again, lance :)[/quote]

Yes. By just a little bit.

Itā€™s 50 pixels too high.


My mistake; I was looking at the other forum FAQ (the tedious official one). Oops.[/quote]

Hmmā€¦ those FAQs need updating (makes a mental note to do so). The Holy District doesnā€™t require a pass anymore, in case anyone was wondering about the apparant contridiction.

In some programming languages like C++ and Javascript != means ā€˜not equal toā€™.

Is it still possible to remove a users access to that board though? That was what it was really about.

Actually it means different. :slight_smile:



different == not equal to


Thatā€™s exactly what I didnā€™t mean.

I meant that ā€œdifferentā€ and ā€œnot equalā€ are different (:P) concepts.

I love you Gehn.

Well, thatā€™s exactly what I didnā€™t not meanā€¦

Wait a minuteā€¦

That has got to be the most sincere ā€œI love youā€ I ever heardā€¦ >D

TWOTA couple watch:
Nevey and TheSharpEdge
Gehn and Shadow

Gehn, back off. Heā€™s taken, sadly. :smiley:

TWOTA couple watch (UPDATED):
Nevey and TheSharpEdge
Shadow and Arciesize=9[/size]

You mis-interepted the jokeā€¦

Iā€™m 50% taken myselfā€¦

Donā€™t ask ā€¦ X)

She couldnā€™t bring herself to take all of you, but she needed someone for comfort.