GameFAQs Poll of the Day

Hey, you never know with ORTA, perhaps she has robotic eyes with lasers for nipples.

Or something.

Now, we just need a game that lets us find out whether this nipple thing is true or not…


I never claimed to be a saint, however, I also never said that FFX’s music was superior to PD in any way shape or form. I merely stated that I liked certain portions. That doesn’t include FF as a whole. I contest your accusation.

Not a bad idea at all, and certainly something that I’ll look into. Since there appears to be a few requests coming in recently, I’ve made a serparate sticky topic to discuss suggested improvements to the site and forums.

Only recently I realized who Orta is modeled on, very directly, at least as one starting point. I’ve never seen it mentioned though, and I wonder who else knows? (aside from a couple forum members who I imagine could, yet not want to have mentioned it.)

I think the recognition had been jangling around somewhere in my mind at times, but I’d only seen the movie once, years ago. Some of my recent activity combined with stumbling across the film on TV though… and there can be no mistake about it. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Heretic Agnostic”]Only recently I realized who Orta is modeled on, very directly, at least as one starting point. I’ve never seen it mentioned though, and I wonder who else knows? (aside from a couple forum members who I imagine could, yet not want to have mentioned it.)

I think the recognition had been jangling around somewhere in my mind at times, but I’d only seen the movie once, years ago. Some of my recent activity combined with stumbling across the film on TV though… and there can be no mistake about it. :anjou_happy:[/quote]

So… feel like enlightening the rest of us? =P

Well, I was going to stay cagey and see if anyone responded, but since you’re going to just come right out and ask like that… :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of the studies for Orta on Lagi’s site make the connection more absolute. This one could almost be a still, with the hair bleached out:

So who else thinks Heretic has been smoking a bit too much crack? =P

I know a girl that looks just like Orta, slightly less retarded hair-cut (As you’d expect) but similar nontheless.

Natalie Portman, I imagine.

Yep, and Natalie Portman has just about exactly that haircut in Leon the Professional.

Hey, I’m a direct kind of gal, what can I say?

[quote=“Snow Girl”]

as far as FF’s music is concerned. I mean, C’MON!!! I equate it to Hans Zimmer’s movie scores. It’s popcornishly pretentious. Only someone who is new to videogame music can think of it as anything above average. So that makes you a heathen, snowgirlorta!


I never claimed to be a saint, however, I also never said that FFX’s music was superior to PD in any way shape or form. I merely stated that I liked certain portions. That doesn’t include FF as a whole. I contest your accusation.[/quote]

You like that one track, right?
I rest my case.

I say, we take Snow Girl out and snap off her cock as punishment for this blasphemy.






You would. =P

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]You like that one track, right?
I rest my case.[/quote]

One track versus the near thousands of other tracks I enjoy does not constitute blasphemy. You should go back to school. Your math skills 4r3 73h 5uck.

When did this start becoming a flame war? For the record, ever since that idiot bastard Uematsu left, the music has slowly been improving in regard to Square-Enix games (which still isn’t saying much). While it is true that I despise everything Square related, the core of the music problem was Uematsu who never seemed to get past the whole ‘midi’ thing. Mitsuda, on the other hand, is a great composer and he was the one responsible for making the song that Snowgirl likes; therefore, cut the girl some slack. She didn’t say she liked Final Fantasy (that would be true blasphemy) she just said that she liked a track from it. She doesn’t appear to be another ‘lightwing’; therefore, the criticism aimed at her is undeserved.

And no, this is not a feeble attempt to get into your panties, snowgirl.


She doesn’t wear panties. She wears IRON THONGS OF MAGIC RAINBOWS.

But yes, now you mention it, I don’t see how people can prefer FF7 over PDS when it has music that sounds like a collection of midi files. That was the WORST thing about that game. The music was utter toss. It’s pretty inexcusable when the hardware is capable of delivering a lot more.


She doesn’t wear panties. She wears IRON THONGS OF MAGIC RAINBOWS.

But yes, now you mention it, I don’t see how people can prefer FF7 over PDS when it has music that sounds like a collection of midi files. That was the WORST thing about that game. The music was utter toss. It’s pretty inexcusable when the hardware is capable of delivering a lot more.[/quote]

Same reason some people prefer N’Sync over opera. I didn’t mind the music in FFVII so much except for that blasted completely boring battle music. PDS’s music was leages above it in terms of artistry and emotion.