GameFAQs Poll of the Day

Which stalled series would you most like to see a next-generation follow-up to?

Dino Crisis - 6.75%
Golden Sun - 24.99%
Legacy of Kain - 8.6%
Panzer Dragoon - 3.76%
Shenmue - 10.46%
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 29.98%
Viewtiful Joe - 6.06%
Zone of the Enders - 9.4%

Nice to see PD getting some recognition, even if it is dead last. I voted for Shenmue though.

I suppose the thing with Panzer Dragoon, is although questions are always left un-answered, the stories are written to work relativly well as bottle episodes.

The problem with Shenmue was the ridiculous cliff-hanger the game finished on…

Well, obviously I would love to see a Panzer Dragoon game above all else. Legacy of Kain would be my number two but I reckon some stuff needs to be resolved in order for that to happen. All people responsible for the story have left Crystal Dynamics.

Oh and Shadow, you are a heathen for not voting PD.

I’d love to see Orta re-released for the 360… and a Xbox live arcade or playstation network remake of the first game would be awesome as well!

I also voted for Shenmue, we need a conclusion :slight_smile:

There is speculation that both Shenmue I and II will be remade for the Wii: … es-coming/

Hopefully this is true and will pave the way for Shenmue III :anjou_love:

I remember CJayC wrote a PDS FAQ… so maybe (if he still does the polls himself) he has a sweet spot for the series and always includes it :anjou_love:

Zone of the Enders, easily. Well, I would have voted if it were still possible to. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love PD and LoK, but I don’t really feel the “need” for continued installments. PD was pretty well closed off with Saga, and Orta felt like a somewhat fan-fiction-y, but overall fairly satisfying “epilogue”. I’m satisfied. As far as LoK goes, Defiance is an incredible high point with which to end the series on. Everyone responsible for the storyline has since gone on to other things, and it’s quite obvious that the story being continued without its key players would lead to disaster.

I agree with Shenmue needing closure, and it’s awesome that it might be getting new exposure via the Wii!

I chose ZOE because I desperately want to see how ZOE3 can improve upon ZOE2 (if at all). The first ZOE was a study in missed potential and was mediocre. ZOE2, to my great surprise, ended up becoming my absolute favourite action game of all time, a title that it still holds since I picked it up back in '03! I really want to see if KojiPro and Murata can “improve upon perfection” and take the experience even further.


And LoK would be my second choice…

…obviously. However, my favourite protagonist seems to be long lost. Ah, well.

As noted, out of PD and Shenmue, Shenmue is unfinished. I agree with Alucard, PD was finished with Saga. PDO was just an extension.

I would give my right arm for Shenmue III.

Well, now, that would inhibit some of your extracurricular activities, wouldn’t it? =P

That’s a good point actually. I wouldn’t be able to play the game :anjou_sad:

My point, exactly. :wink:

Wow that’s your tattoo Snowie? Well in all fairness Raziel isn’t lost. He’s just resting for a bit. LoK deals with time traveling so everything is possible really. I’d really like to see Naughty Dog develop the next game. Unlikely but one can always dream.

As for PD being finished I disagree. PDS was the conclusion of only one of the threads. There are other stuff that could be expanded on. PDS brought most of it’s content as additions to the universe anyway so a new game could do that as well.

It begs the question however, how well would the Panzer Dragoon Universe react to expansion? (No Pun intended).

If we take the core elements of what already exists (which does already have a somewhat questionable continuity in some areas) and then start bolting crap on… the results might be less than pleasing in terms of plot continuity…

I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of the entire series done as a SAGA-style RPG, following the story from Ziew all the way through to Orta :stuck_out_tongue:

Although maybe skipping Panzer Dragoon Mini and the R-Zone cart :wink:

The plot wouldn’t have to be about the Heresy Dragon/Program or is it’s legacy. The PD world has quite a bit of depth to it and there are loads of possibilities. Yukio Futatsugi himself admitted the idea of making a game with no dragon riding involved at all, appealed to him.

I’m not talking continuity here, not even a sequel to Orta. It could be anywhere in time and place and scope.

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]The plot wouldn’t have to be about the Heresy Dragon/Program or is it’s legacy. The PD world has quite a bit of depth to it and there are loads of possibilities. Yukio Futatsugi himself admitted the idea of making a game with no dragon riding involved at all, appealed to him.

I’m not talking continuity here, not even a sequel to Orta. It could be anywhere in time and place and scope.[/quote]

I take it the game wouldn’t even be called Panzer Dragoon if it were like that, ;p

But no I can’t say that appeals to me, there is depth in the Panzer Universe, but it is not depth I feel needs to be expanded; I feel both SAGA and ORTA did perfectly good jobs with their back stories, journals and whatnot.

The idea of making a Panzer Dragoon related game with no Dragon… It just takes away a major part of the appeal :confused:

Yarr. I dubbed it my “geek tattoo.” I like that unless you know the game, you’ve no idea what it is. It’s a pretty neat symbol on its own.

And it’s true, you are right. They can pull anything these days. I would love for Raziel to return. The main reason why I really loved him so much was that in SR2, it became less about revenge and more about his humanity. Once he discovered the monster he was in life, he was left with the struggle of who he truly was now, and what he would choose to become.

I also agree with this. Every PD game has brought us a new protagonist, united by the common element of Lagi. Any further peek into the world of Panzer definitely intrigues me - yet, I would fret over the production being comprised of new and different faces, and the basic principles the original creators had being left behind for something more “marketable.”

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]The plot wouldn’t have to be about the Heresy Dragon/Program or is it’s legacy. The PD world has quite a bit of depth to it and there are loads of possibilities. Yukio Futatsugi himself admitted the idea of making a game with no dragon riding involved at all, appealed to him.

I’m not talking continuity here, not even a sequel to Orta. It could be anywhere in time and place and scope.[/quote]

That sounds like a cool idea! I don’t have Orta, but isn’t there some extra feature where the events of the game are viewed in the eyes of someone in the Empire? Maybe a game based on that would be nice.

Also, how the heck does Dino Crisis get more votes than panzer dragoon? That makes no sense to me

"panzer dragon? whats that… hmmm… i like dinosaurs… " clicky

[quote=“Gehpnaet”]The plot wouldn’t have to be about the Heresy Dragon/Program or is it’s legacy. The PD world has quite a bit of depth to it and there are loads of possibilities. Yukio Futatsugi himself admitted the idea of making a game with no dragon riding involved at all, appealed to him.

I’m not talking continuity here, not even a sequel to Orta. It could be anywhere in time and place and scope.[/quote]

Panzer Dragoon has so much story left that needs to be told. I would LOVE to see another PD that focuses on the reactivation of one of the Towers (like it or not, the Towers ARE the focus of the story in all of the PD games - except for Orta, which is one of the reasons that game sucked.)

The Towers NEED to come back in some shape or form because they are a huge part of what makes the PD universe so interesting.

PDS was NOT the conclusion of the PD story - far from it - it was just the conclusion of the story of the Towers…for now. Remember on the PD map, there are 13 huge Towers, similiar to Uru, scattered all around the world. It would be nice to see and explore them, as well as understand what they were truly used for during the war of the ancients.