Family Problems.....HELP!

… Well, you’ll be happy to know that through some sort of magic, Paine is okay now. Sort of. She’s still a little pessimistic, but she’s working on that…


YEAH IT’S GOOD! She doesn’t try to drag me down into her pit of dispair anymore. smiles

Okay, I realize that was really insensitive, but… She’d say the same thing if it was me in her shoes.

Yeah.I never liked hypocrites…

What is that supposed to mean?

sighWhy does everyone here that I’m always trying to offende people??

It means that I support your reaction.You could be lying about the effect Tika’s problems have in you but you aren’t.

Maybe because you leave extremely ambiguous responses that can be taken either way?

I assume I’m adressing people with a good heart…

Maybe I am the only person in this world with such a thing tho … :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s got nothing to do with having “a good heart.”

Remember, you’re not talking face to face with someone, so you don’t get the benefit of having facial expressions, body language, etc., so it gets much harder to read the subtext of what people say.

So, if you were to post something like, “Wow, you suck,” after a long string of posts…

  1. Nobody would know who you were talking to (therefore, what you were talking about)

  2. Nobody would know if you were being playful, sarcastic, etc.

That’s why you throw in little markers (as Arcie has pointed out) to show your emotion, or you give a little more explanation about your comments.

The fact that you would say “I hate hypocrites” without thinking about the fact that someone could be hurt by your post would show that perhaps you need to rethink your stance on you being the only person with “a good heart.”

Remember, people aren’t psychics, so let them in on the joke.

Personally I hadn’t second intentions with that “hypocrites” statement.I’m a very direct person when it comes to insulting trust me.

And for me beeing sarcastic is like breathing.A sarcasm isn’t a sarcasm if you announce it is it?

About the good heart thing : I meant that persons can opt between taking some things as insults or jokes.People should always opt for the second option with no fear of sounding naive…

Most interesting use of the english language

Again, with sarcasm, it’s sometimes hard to even decipher sarcasm in person, let alone through written word (single sentences, in particular). You don’t necessarily have to come out and say, “Hey! That was sarcasm!” every time you post, but at least throw in a little wink wink nudge nudge.

Taking the stance of “it’s just a joke” without taking into consideration that perhaps your wording or your general demeanor is what’s garnering these kinds of reactions (consistently) is a bit, I dunno, callous for someone who claims to have a good heart.

Not trying to be mean or anything here. Just letting you know that perhaps you should lighten the mood of your posts sometimes.

You mean more down to earth?Cause I’m sure lightened up :slight_smile:

The good heart thing was also a joke man.I don’t believe I have a better heart than most of the people here.

PS:Abadd you are very naive a person :slight_smile:

na?ive or na?・e ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-v, n・) also na?if or na?・ (n-f, n・

  1. Lacking worldly experience and understanding, especially:
    a. Simple and guileless; artless
    b. Unsuspecting or credulous

  2. Showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgment

  3. a. Not previously subjected to experiments: testing naive mice.
    b. Not having previously taken or received a particular drug: persons naive to marijuana.

Nope… don’t think any of those definitions fit.

P.S. My comments about the “good heart” were meant to be ironic.

Then throw a hint when you go ironic agehn will ya? lol

PS:Well you r unsuspecting sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why I put “a good heart” in quotes the first couple of times :wink:

I’m sure you can think of some arguement for that on my behalf can’t ya ;)?

Sorry, don’t have a good enough heart to do that. :wink:

Funny I often use “Altruistic?!” as my title in most forums…

Funny, I ofen use “Syntax?!” as my title in most forums…