EURO 2004 Prediction Game

Okay, well I’m back after a little net problem. Thanks Arc ^^

I’ve quickly worked out the table, and after the France game I think it looks like this:

  1. Shadow - 24pts
  2. Gehn - 19pts
  3. Scott - 19pts
  4. Daz - 18pts

I’ll be going through it with fine toothed comb later though.

And yes, analysis of England 2 Portugal 1 is coming up shortly =P

EDIT: Can’t be bothered with analysis. There was no foul as Terry wasn’t pressing down on Ricardo’s arm though.

Okay, I’ve fixed up the table and checked and checked and rechecked my maths…

1st. Shadow - 31 points from 17 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.82 points per prediction)[/size]
2nd. Scott - 22 points from 17 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.29 points per prediction)[/size]
3rd. Gehn - 19 points from 15 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.27 points per prediction)[/size]
4th. Daz - 18 points from 15 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.2 points per prediction)[/size]

The next matches for prediction are the semi finals:

30/06, 1945: Portugal vs Holland -
01/07, 1945: Greece vs Czech Republic -

Remember your predictions must be in before 1845.

Portugal vs Holland - 1-2
Greece vs Czech Republic - 2-0

That 2-0 for Greece is extemelly optimisitc I think Daz, the Czech are a very very strong team. I think we’ll lose to them. Maybe we’ll win but if we do I doubt it will be anything more than 1-0 or 2-1…
I’m glad we reached this far anyway :slight_smile:

30/06, 1945: Portugal vs Holland - 2-2 (Portuguese win on penalties)
01/07, 1945: Greece vs Czech Republic - 0-2

History would be on our side Shadow :slight_smile:


Portugal vs Holland : 3-1
Greece vs Czech Republic 1-0

The reason why Greece have a chance agehnst sucha good team is that they play very well defensively agehnst strong offensive teams.

And plus they have nothing to lose.The Czechs have a good reputation.Not a brilliant one but they are surely on Europe’s top 8…

[line about how Shadow is wrong about the 89th minute “goal”]

[line about how perplexed I am that Gehn can disagree with FIFA rules and still proclaim to be right]


Portugal vs Holland 2-3
Greece vs Czech Republic 0-3

Disagree with the Fifa rules?!Surely you jest.

Terry committed two faults.Pressed the goalkeeper on the “small area” and impeded his progress towards the ball.

The Referee committed already backed the referee of the match up.

Check for the news.

Of course the Refereeing Commitee backed him up o.o They can’t not do. Just imagine the reaction if they’d said he’d made the wrong decision. Urs Meier’s career would be over.

From the article:
“The referee had to make a judgement in a single fraction of a second,” said Ken Ridden. “He had to judge in terms of whether the England defender was holding the goalkeeper as well as limiting the goalkeeper. Certainly the Referees’ Committee has discussed this very thoroughly, and they feel the referee made the correct decision from his position.”

But… it isn’t the correct decision, because the linesman actually gave the goal, and had a better view of it than Meier. Meier, however, over ruled him. If it had been the other way around and Portugal had “scored” then I’d still say the same thing.

Terry didn’t apply pressure to Ricardo, and Ricardo had no chance of getting the ball, and I fail to see how Terry was in his way when Ricardo literally ran into him. Ricardo’s barge was the nearest thing to a foul in that penalty area, and even that wasn’t worth of a whistle blown.

Oh dear, England got put out of a major tournament by dodgy refereeing. It’s happened to Scotland so many times it’s beyond belief, not to mention the fact that the bloody league table for one world cup was MISCALCULATED, so we went out on goal difference. We’ve got over it, now get over Cole’s “goal”.

Whatever you say Shadow.I have “red” my rule book.

This doens’t matter anymore…

Um. Okay.

15 minutes for Ducth arses to fly up up and away! :B

I hate Scolari!I hate this dumbarse!We had football to attack after we suffered the goal but NO.He puts a defender and a defensive misdfielder AND he keep s the yellowed players on the pitch!

What an ass.Anyways, of course I’m happy for Portugal but quite frankly I dind’t doubt about our victory.

After the Portugal - Holland Semi Final:

1st. Shadow - 34 points from 18 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.89 points per prediction)[/size]
2nd. Scott - 24 points from 18 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.33 points per prediction)[/size]
3rd. Gehn - 22 points from 16 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.37 points per prediction)[/size]
4th. Daz - 20 points from 16 predicted matches [size=75](Average of 1.25 points per prediction)[/size]

After Greece-Czech Republic:

1st. Shadow - 34 points from 19 predicted matches (Average of 1.79 points per prediction)
2nd. Gehn - 27 points from 17 predicted matches (Average of 1.37 points per prediction)
3rd. Scott - 24 points from 19 predicted matches (Average of 1.33 points per prediction)
4th. Daz - 23 points from 17 predicted matches (Average of 1.25 points per prediction)

I am the champion, thank you very much ^^ Gehn was spot on with his 1-0 prediction, and that’s only two 100% predictions so far.

The final needs predicting:

04/07, 1945: Portugal vs Greece -

We are coming for ya Gehn :wink:
That match was so damn amazing wasn’t it :smiley:

I dind’t see it all.I went to see Shrek 2.

[Portuguese dub.It was still funny but when my sis bought me tickets she didn’t tell me it was the dubbed version :’(

I wanted to hear Eddie!!!]

See?I knew Greece would win.Now we can avenge the arse of our poor players playing in the first game.When you pu Porto players in the team it’s all reflected in victories.

Anyways it’s time to “Nekro” G®eek!!! :smiley: (@ Al3x)

Portugal vs Greece - hard one… i’m gonna have to go for 0-0
with Portugal winning on Penalties