EURO 2004 Prediction Game

Right, well, I don’t know who exactly is going to be interested in this, but I thought I’d post it anyway and we’d find out. Basically, each week I’ll pick out a certain number of matches, and everyone who wants to posts their predictions for those games. The person with the highest number of points after the final wins.

Points are awarded as follows:

  • 2 points for correctly predicting how many goals a team will score.
    Example: If you predict Portugal will score once, and they do, then you get two points.
  • 1 point for predicting the correct match outcome.
    Example: Portugal win, Greece win, or draw.
  • 2 points if you predict the a score that turns out to be the wrong way around.
    Example: If you predict the score Portugal 2 Greece 1 but the real score turns out to be Portugal 1 Greece 2, you get two points.

Number of matches per “week”:
12/06 - 18/06: Nine
19/06 - 23/06: Six
24/06 - 27/06: All four Quarter Finals
30/06 - 01/07: Both Semi Finals
04/07: The final

Obviously you don’t have to post your predictions for every game, but the more you predict the more points you can get =P Predictions for a game must be posted an hour before the match itself.

This weeks matches:

Note: All times are Portuguese local times, and your predictions must be posted one hour before them. This site should allow you to work out the time differences.

12/06, 1700: Portugal vs Greece -
13/06, 1945: France vs England -
14/06, 1945: Sweden vs Bulgaria -
15/06, 1945: Germany vs Holland -
16/06, 1700: Greece vs Spain -
16/06, 1945: Russia vs Portugal -
17/06, 1700: England vs Switzerland -
17/06, 1945: Croatia vs France -
18/06, 1945: Italy vs Sweden -

Keep checking this thread for leaderboard updates and new matches posted. That is, of course, if anyone wants to actually take part =P

EDIT: I forgot to mention that you can change your predictions at any time before the one hour deadline.

EDIT2: Refined the scoring system.

12/06, 1700: Portugal vs Greece - 2-0
13/06, 1945: France vs England - 1-1
14/06, 1945: Sweden vs Bulgaria - 2-0
15/06, 1945: Germany vs Holland - 1-2
16/06, 1700: Greece vs Spain - 0-1
16/06, 1945: Russia vs Portugal - 1-1
17/06, 1700: England vs Switzerland - 2-0
17/06, 1945: Croatia vs France - 0-3
18/06, 1945: Italy vs Sweden - 2-1

12/06, 1700: Portugal vs Greece - 2-0
13/06, 1945: France vs England - 1-1
14/06, 1945: Sweden vs Bulgaria - 0-0
15/06, 1945: Germany vs Holland - 4-0
16/06, 1700: Greece vs Spain - 2-0
16/06, 1945: Russia vs Portugal - 1-3
17/06, 1700: England vs Switzerland - 4-2
17/06, 1945: Croatia vs France - 0-2
18/06, 1945: Italy vs Sweden - 4-2

Cool, nice one Shadow :slight_smile: Of course i’m always up for some friendly competition >=D

12/06, 1700: Portugal vs Greece - 3-1
13/06, 1945: France vs England - 3-2
14/06, 1945: Sweden vs Bulgaria - 1-1
15/06, 1945: Germany vs Holland - 2-4
16/06, 1700: Greece vs Spain - 1-2
16/06, 1945: Russia vs Portugal - 0-2
17/06, 1700: England vs Switzerland - 2-1
17/06, 1945: Croatia vs France - 1-2 << Changed from 1-3
18/06, 1945: Italy vs Sweden - 1-0 << Changed from 2-0

12/06, 1700: Portugal vs Greece - 2-1
13/06, 1945: France vs England - 1-2
14/06, 1945: Sweden vs Bulgaria - 2-0
15/06, 1945: Germany vs Holland - 0-2
16/06, 1700: Greece vs Spain - 2-2
16/06, 1945: Russia vs Portugal - 1-3
17/06, 1700: England vs Switzerland - 1-1
17/06, 1945: Croatia vs France - 2-3
18/06, 1945: Italy vs Sweden - 1-2

I know of a Greek Geek who is going to get his ass kicked today! XD

I’m laughing at you, 50 minutes into the match.

And now I’m laughing at you 90 minutes into the match.

We lost.I’m pissed beyond belief.I told numerous times how I hate Scolari for making the wrong choices.

I still dunno why Deco and Cristiano Ronaldo didn’t enter right in the beginning…

I dunno why Scolari keeps Figo in the field.Old geezer can’t even run!

Nor do I understand why Fernado Couto is playing and Ricardo Carvalho is not…

Still we got two games and I am as always…


Btw congrats Al3x, your team played well.

…Couto was playing? Damn. He did NOTHING.

So, the table after day one…

  1. Gehn - 2pts
  2. Daz - 0pts
  3. Scott - 0pts
  4. Shadow - 0pts

Some consolation for Gehn.

Next match is the France-England one tomorrow.

Come on the Frogs!

…So who are Scotland playing against in their first match?

Christiano was amazing. He done about 20 crosses and no one was there! He is an amazing player and should shine in this tourney! Not biast at all of course…

We don’t feel the need to participate in such feeble little tournaments as this. We’ll save ourselves for the World Cup.

In the meantime, come on Croatia!

Just as I thought. YOU’RE LOSERS! Mwahaha =x

I feel the need to quote Sven and Nancy’s big impression.
“England expects. Scotland doesn’t expect.”
“Oh, Scotland expects. Scotland expects to LOSE!”





But, at least we have the balls to parpicitate…