EURO 2004 Prediction Game

Fucks sake. That was thieved from us.

  1. Gehn - 4pts
  2. Daz - 2pts
  3. Shadow - 2pts
  4. Scott - 1pts

XD!!Ironic wouldn’t you agree.

Just as I thought : already do we see “kissing” between French and English…

I can tell you something: You weren’t laughing at us 90 minutes into the match =)

He was laughing 93 minutes in though…

Well drawing at “the last minute” is laughable enough woulnd’t you agree?

I actually expected much more from England as far as attacking is concerned.

Btw what clube is that Rooney guy from?


ZIDANE! hahahahah i was getting angry but when he got that free kick i knew it was going in. England deserved that for being boring int he 2nd half, and the substitudes Sven made were appaling. England got pwned and that make me happy =D

Round here we get sad when our country looses and happy when it wins…

Someone needs to kill David Beckham.

Where’s a good hitman when you need them…

I’ve been saying that for years.

hahahahah the way you put that was so funny
Anyways Beckham is good, and i still love him. But he was much better at United. Now it just pisses me of that he is an england idol. The same people that hated him in 98. Anyways why is he the penalty take? Answer - because he is beckham. Look at his penalties compared to Zidanes. Now that is a penalty taker. Beckham is too overated by this country

After day three:

  1. Gehn - 7pts
  2. Shadow - 5pts
  3. Daz - 4pts
  4. Scott - 1pts

I knew Denmark would just surprise people.I bet they are going to the quarter finals.

Bulagria’s defeat at the hand sof the Swedes was heartbreaking.Bulgaria was playing some quality football and was this close to score…

But then came Larsson…

Welcome to Scotland. I wanted Bulgaria to do well but I guess it’s not to be.

Next matches that need predicting:

19/06, 1700: Latvia vs Germany -
20/06, 1945: Spain vs Portugal -
20/06, 1945: Russia vs Greece -
21/06, 1945: Croatia vs England -
22/06, 1945: Denmark vs Sweden -
23/06, 1945: Germany vs Czech Republic -

Just a reminder that anyone can submit a prediction at any time before the one hour deadline.

I’ll post the Quarter Final matches as soon as I know what they are, but be on your toes as it all happens a bit quickly.

Croatia are gonna get owned by England. They couldn’t beat 10 men in Switzerland, how are they going to beat 11 players who will probably be on pep pills following the France game?

19/06, 1700: Latvia vs Germany - 0-3
20/06, 1945: Spain vs Portugal - 1-4
20/06, 1945: Russia vs Greece - 2-0
21/06, 1945: Croatia vs England - 0-2
22/06, 1945: Denmark vs Sweden - 1-1
23/06, 1945: Germany vs Czech Republic -2-1

I actually made an error.I wanted to say Germany would win to Holland.
Oh well it seems it’s gonna be a draw anyways…

After day four:

  1. Gehn - 7pts
  2. Shadow - 7pts
  3. Daz - 4pts
  4. Scott - 1pts