EURO 2004 Prediction Game

Hey what are you talking about?? I want Portugal to thrash England. Hatrick by Ronaldo will do me just fine! =D

And i knew the scandinavians would draw, poor italians…

The sad thing is the Italians fought till the last minute for the goasl and they actually made it.

The guy was running celebrating his goal but when he reached his coach he started crying.He dind’t know about the draw until that point…

Due to shadow losing net access I’ve been roped in to post these predictions.

holland 4 latvia 0
germany 1 czechs 0
portugal 2 englan 1
france 2 greece 1
czech 3 denmark 1

portugal 2 england 1
france 3 greece 0
czech 2 denmark 0

1-1 30 minutes to go!!!Let’s go let’s go!!


Hurray for Portugal!!!11

We were robbed of a perfectly good goal in the 90th minute, and Beckham missed a penalty… again.

yeeeahhh! Gehn get on MSN so we can be happy together!!
And Becks skied the penalty again haha


that was crazy, england won that game 2-1 and everyone but the referee knows it.

I know how you guys are feeling but I ask you to be racional.See the replay of England’s “clean goal”.The english player is pressing Ricardo in the samll area.

That is agehnst the law.But this is just beyond…

I think Portugal won fairly and deserved to win.

Figo shown he’s an ass once agehn…

EDIT:Sorry Scott… I’m drowning myself in champagne XD!

As Onslaught would say (from Marvel Comics):

“The Dream is dead.”

haha i see. Anyways i feel that Portugal played better overall. England was too negative. And about the decision, I am 50-50. United have had that enough times but you just get over it.
i.e - Scholes getting fouled in the box against Porto in the European Cup if i remember correctly

glares at gehn

Maybe, I don’t really recall.

But really I dare any English man to say we didn’t deserve to win.Moral victories might not serve everybody else but to me they count just as much…

Of course you could argue I said this cause I won but I really believe it.That’s one of the reasons why I don’t regard France as the best in Europe right now…
They aren’t really better in their victories from a moral point of view…

And Porto more so than Portugal deserved it’s victories in Europe.


Text translation : Come on, Ill take you to McDonalds but afterwards you gotta go home (england) ok?

My god if we end up winning this I’m gonna cry, 15 mins left, 1-0 for Greece :slight_smile:

I just read this thread, laughing at all the predictions there have been about Greece so far :stuck_out_tongue: (Even if this match somehow turns to the worse for us in the end, though I’m hoping it won’t)

Edit: WE WON!!! I can’t believe this!!! We WON!!!

Yeah i’m so happy Greece won!! Everythings going great! However if Holland end up Playing Portugal I won’t know who to support…

You support your pimp’s team of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyways like I said before (altho not on this forum) Greece has probably the best tactical defense in the championship.When they are called to play agehnst theorically (sp?) better teams like Portugal Spain and France they excell themselves.

But whne it comes to attacking and to “play to win” like they should agehnst Russia everything falls apart.

I’m not one for beeing on the side of the “smaller” teams like most people but I must say I’m happy for Greece since they deserved everything they done so far (even tho their football much like Italy’s is irritating sometimes).

Plus Seitaridis is coming to POrto next season :smiley:

Still I wanted to play France in the final to avenge ourselves form Euro 2000 :frowning:

I hate france cos they are full of arsenal players. Asieds Sylvestre and Saha of course. Although Saha is normally a sub.

I have a feeling Greece’ll win this.