E3 Discussion

Something that’s actually been overlooked is the fact that Sega ARE publishing something on this scale. World of Warcraft is going to be a big game, I reckon. I can see it far outselling Matrix Online.


Something that’s actually been overlooked is the fact that Sega ARE publishing something on this scale. World of Warcraft is going to be a big game, I reckon. I can see it far outselling Matrix Online.[/quote]

What is the game you are refering to? Sega isn’t publishing World of Warcraft, are they?

Yes, they are.

They are publishing Warhammer Online… Which imo sounds great too.

And say what you want but regardless of the last two movies being nowhere near as good as the first one they still were watched by millions of people and people still bought the POS that was Enter The Matrix, a crap game based on Reloaded…
TMO actually sounds like it’s doing things different than a lot of MMORPGs in a lot of ways, nothin about it sounds bad at all and it’s also bound to sell by the truck load because regardless of kadamose’s opinion of noone caring about the matrix, people actually still do… Just look how many games use bullet time and stunts of that type nowadays for example…

Enter the Matrix was released BEFORE Reloaded so… there.

Actually they were released at the same time…seeing how they fill each other’s stories the way they are done… And still that was one of several points…
Besides who the heck says TMO is going to be a bad mmorpg? If they manage to pull off what the articles I’ve read on it describe it’s going to be great as far as MMORPGs go.

Since when? Blizzard still belongs to Vivendi, doesn’t it? Therefore, wouldn’t Vivendi be the publisher?

Y’know, looking at the WoW site I cna’t see a Sega logo anywhere, but I do know they’re publishing it. I remember joking with my Warcraft obsessed friend about it.

I don’t think Sega is publishing WoW… at least, not in the US.

As for the Matrix, well, how do you know what sort of deal Sega got for it? And how do you know there aren’t enough Matrix fans out there to support the game?

Before you go and bash a business decision and claim that it’s the end of the world for Sega, do your homework and know what the hell you’re talking about. YOU may not care about the Matrix… the hardcore gamer who spends all his days on the Gamefaqs boards may not care about Matrix, but there are plenty of hardcore sci-fi fans and MMORPG fans out there who are very interested in playing this game.

And there is such a thing as business positioning/strategy.

The announcement of TMO may not be as earth-shattering as the original press release made it sound, but thing about the implacations: Sega is going MMO, PC, western, and licensed. HUGE changes for Sega.

Rune Lai: To be honest, I don’t know if it’s a PS sequel or a PSO sequel. All I’ve seen is that video. I just meant “Phantasy Star sequel” in that it’s not another Episode #.

I think I’m going crazy, heh.

I really don’t know just how big an MMORPG can be (in terms of success).I don’t know the phenomenon very well.

What I do know is that I don’t think MO will be a success.I hope that I might be proven wrong…

Btw, when I say this was abd decision by Sega I don’t mean financially, I mean that in terms of quality it will be a very limited game…

And you know that how Gehn? You don’t know MMORPGs well as you say, you seem to have read nothing about what MO tries to achieve and yet you think it will be a limited game that will have bad sales… Stop guessing and instead try to read up on things you want to talk about…

And, this goes to everyone, even if it sucks in the end, it’s not like it’s the first time Sega has published a crap game so I don’t see what the fuss is all about… Financially it’s a great decision and basically a non Sega developed game will bring in the cash to maybe fund Sega developed games, what the hell is wrong with that… You all focus on if you like The Matrix or not, well, as I and Abadd too said before people DO care about The Matrix still, it’s not your thing, so what, not every game is made to please you… This is made to please a huge american Matrix fanbase and I’m sure to them it WAS a big announcement since the game was left without a publisher for a while… Drool over the announcement of a new Phantasy Star game just like me instead but stop throwing unnecessary abuse at this decision. Was I dissappointed? Yes I was, but, come on, it was SOA making the announcement, it could never be what you all thought, like Nights 2 or whatever since I’m sure it would be SOJ doing an announcement of that caliber instead… Remember when I claimed that I hoped it wasn’t something as shallow as an announcement for their new mobile phone MMORPG? Guess I was pretty close in the end… But it’s not as bad as that.

Shadow, I think you confused WOW with Warhammer Online, I did once before when Sega first announced it… Warhammer Online is the MMORPG Sega will publish, and it seems quite good as well. And as we know the Warhammer Franchise has a huge fanbase as well so this is bound to be a success as well. And then there’s also that Football Manager game Sega is publishing, a sequel to Championship Manager I think which is the most popular fm game out there so, that’s another great decision. Financially I don’t find any of these decisions wrong, I’m sure all the games will bring good profit, and it’s great to see Sega enter the PC market as Abadd said even if it’s just as a publisher for now. But, these games a) don’t take any of the manpower Sega has working on other games and b) will bring profits to use on Sega developed games (among other things) so I see nothin wrong at ALL with all this, it’s a great movement for Sega, all of us whined about their marketing, well I think they are starting to turn it around and do financially good decisions…
We all feared they will turn mainstream and what not, I was one of the few that would LOVE to see that (what with me wishing Sega had something as popular as Pokemon to keep them going like Nintendo has) since it will keep Sega afloat and able to, in the future, spend a good ammount cash on good games like Shenmue 3 or whatever you all wish for that they simply cannot do now. They still made good Sega games announcements (PSU, SF4 etc) though so I really see no reason to complain…

Reading news won’t make my opnion or anyone else’s any better.

This is my opnion.I didn’t say I knew MMORPG’s well (in fact i said the opposite).

I keep forgetting which forum member said this was a shitty move…

I never said you knew the subject, I said the opposite as well, that’s the whole point… That you can’t form such opinions when you know nothing about these things therefor having nothing to base those opinions on other than just pure guessing.
I didn’t ask you to read news, I asked you to read things about the subject you want to talk about, how can you claim you “don’t know the phenomenon very well.” and yet be so sure that MO will “in terms of quality it will be a very limited game” and that you "don’t think MO will be a success"
So, why don’t you read about MMORPGs so that you can get to know the “phenomenon” to some extend, and then read about what MO is going to try to achieve (that’s not reading news, that’s actually learning something about the subject of discussion rather than just throwing random guesses) and then after that. if you still feel the same it’s all good, but if you do nothing of the two, your opinion is basically based on the title and genre of the game without knowing anything more about either of those and that’s hardly a way to judge and form such opinions over a game is it?

Ah. Well, at least it’s doesn’t appear to be a sequel to C.A.R.D. Revolution. ^^; I haven’t played that yet, but I haven’t heard good things about it.

By the way, I might be a little confused about this, but wasn’t Ubisoft originally going to be the Matrix Online publisher?

[quote=“Al3xand3r”] how can you claim you “don’t know the phenomenon very well.” and yet be so sure that MO will “in terms of quality it will be a very limited game” and that you “don’t think MO will be a success”

Simple.I see people dissappointed at the 2 last movies.I know that aside from Matrix fans few people would possibly play it.It’s an MMORPG.

Add all those three and you get a strict and finite group of people.

So, because the last two movies sucked the game will be “limited in quality” ? I fail to see the reasoning behind this assumption…

The Matrix popularity point was risen before and imo it’s a mute point seeing as even tho Reloaded was “a dissappointment” it still did amazingly well in the box offices, and people still bought that piece of shit Enter The Matrix game, a lot of them just to watch the extra Reloaded story sequences, and the next movie, after that previous “dissappointment” repeated the same success… And a lot of games try to take elements from TM now to be more appealing, practically every game uses bullet time nowadays for example…

And MMORPGS do get popular else the companies wouldn’t be able to support them at all with the money that’s required to run the servers.
They might not get insane sales numbers but don’t forget that for example the 100k players it might get pay MONTHLY, not one time and that’s it… And the popular MMORPGs get LOADS more than 100k subscriptions, that was just a random number…

Rune Lai, that’s correct, I’m not sure if Ubisoft abandoned it and then Sega took it over or if something else happened though. Warner Bros still supports the game afaik.
Anyway, I don’t know if TMO will be a good game but from articles I’ve read they have some unique ideas that if done right will make it a very interesting MMORPG… Either way it will sell tons and fund Sega projects like Phantasy Star Universe and Shining Force 4 :slight_smile:

NO.I think it will have limited quality cause the REAL Mtarix universe proved to suck arse.And since the game will be centered on it …

I can’t go into details, but originally, Warner Bros. was dealing with Ubisoft about TMO, but now Sega is :slight_smile:

I thought Ubisoft dropped out of the deal with Warner Bros because they feared TMO wouldn’t sell, but it was strange that there were no hard feelings between the two companies. So apparently the game always had a publisher…