E3 Discussion

Lets not forget the new Sonic game for the Nintendo DS. Some Sega stuff coming out for the psp as well.

Out of curiosity, what’s so great about Fable? I looked at it and didn’t see anything that made it look like something other than another run-of-the-mill running through the forest and fighting things game. I’m not trying to dog on it. I’m just curious since the anticipation seems to be high but there’s something I’m not seeing.

Also, what’s this confusion about PSO Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution? That game has been done and out on the market for months now. It was at last year’s E3, not the current one.

If left in the hands of Sonic Team, Nights would be a far more successful game than Panzer Dragoon. People ADORE quirky titles like Animal Crossing or Klanoa or Sly Cooper. Nights is as quirky as they come.

And I’m quite sure Skygunner would’ve been a success if Atlus had gotten its act together and advertised it properly. -.-

Fable is the title that everybody’s eyeballing because supposedly you can live life within the game. You can start a trade. Find a wife. Help an old lady across the street. Bear a son. Or so they say. And your appearance changes based on your actions. Whether you prefer range weapons or magic or big heavy armor and swords. And whether you like doing noble deeds or evil ones.

Fable is basically supposed to “redefine” the role playing genre. Whether it will do that or not is yet to be determined. However the game does look very promising, and i enjoy games in which the player has a certain amount of freedom or (or at least a basic good vs dark path to choose from).

B.C. is another Xbox game i’m really excited about. I wonder if it was playable at E3? i cant wait to hunt dinos.

And it’s alsoa Molyneux game (?).

Anyways I’m very excited about Fable but it’s a pity they removed some “options” from the game.In the very beggining you could even hit kids with your sword in their heads and the such…
Ultra gore…

Now all of that was removed. :frowning:
Now, I’m not a gore lover it’s just that I wanted the ultimate realistic experience…

The only RPGs I’m looking forward to now are the new Shining games; I really couldn’t care less about these lesser RPGs. :slight_smile:

The first thing I’m going to say to myself when I buy a Playstation 2 is: “Damn you Sega for forcing me to do this”.

Is there a PS2 emulator? If there isnt then ill only get a PS2 if the Shining games are excellent

LOL. No. There hasn’t even been a GOOD saturn emulator developed. Computers aren’t powerful enough yet anynway, emulation taxes a system very much.

Sony wouldn’t want to give gamers a reason not buy a Playstation 2 anyway.

Although I can afford to buy a Playstation 2, I’m hoping the price will drop soon. Its current price doesn’t really reflect its value; in other words, it’s way overpriced.

All consoles are…

Yes, but especially the Playstation 2 which is nowhere near as powerful as the Xbox yet still more expensive. I’ve known people who’ve gone through four of them since it was first introduced to the unsuspecting world. Sony has made a lot of money from its poorly made Playstation 2, as people buy replacements on a regular basis.

Weird. My Playstation 2 is still going strong. But you’re right. This is the most successful console, and it has graphics probably on par with some of today’s computer games.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

Yes, but especially the Playstation 2 which is nowhere near as powerful as the Xbox yet still more expensive. I’ve known people who’ve gone through four of them since it was first introduced to the unsuspecting world. Sony has made a lot of money from its poorly made Playstation 2, as people buy replacements on a regular basis.[/quote]

PS2 is the same price now as the Xbox in the US. Not that helps you, but. Meh if you get a PS2 pick up ICO. Because its the best game ever.

With Xbox and Playstation 2, don’t the companies actually lose money on the consoles, but gain money from people buying games? At least, that’s what I heard. When the Xbox first came out it packed an 8 gig harddrive, a GeForce 3 quality graphics card, a DVD rom drive, built in broadband internet… if you bought a computer with all this (at least at the time) I suspect it would have cost a great deal more.

Here’s what I don’t get. The western markets are obviously the strongest video game markets in the world, and Sega has been extremely weak in those markets since the early 90’s. And ever since the trend in gaming has shifted to cater to more western tastes, Sega has been left in the dust.

Yet, now that Sega announces a huge title targeted toward the western market (on the PC, nevertheless, thus widening Sega’s business), Sega’s supposed “fans” are now harping on that fact just because Sega didn’t announce a new hardware (which would have killed Sega for good), a new Shenmue game (which would have cost as much money as 10 GTAs to make), or a new Panzer game.

And despite that fact, Sega even announced a proper Phantasy Star sequel, and Sega’s supposed “fans” are STILL crying bloody murder, saying it’s one of the “stupidest” things Sega has ever done.

Pray tell… how is this so? Why is it bad for Sega of America to try and be more fiscally responsible and gain power to fund more projects that are geared toward its own userbase?

Yes, I agree that the wording of the initial announcement was overboard. However, was Sony hounded by its fans when it claimed that the PS2 would be the uber-console that it ultimately never was? No. People said, “Well, it’s good enough! And if it means that we can continue playing games on a Sony system, screw it!”

Where is the faith among Sega fans? Is not the new Phantasy Star a sign of good faith on the part of Sega?

Gamers are a selfish, fickle bunch. And sometimes, it’s disheartening.

(And by the way, I personally thought that aside from the DS, Nintendo had the weakest showing out of the first parties… but that’s just my opinion. Not that what Nintendo had was bad or anything, it’s just that Sony and MS had much stronger lineups.)

I don’t know how many people on this board are Phantasy Star fans, but PSU did rock quite a few boats among the Phantasy Star communities online. But, you added something here which the others aren’t aware of. You mentioned that it’s a proper sequel, which apparently isn’t something the press has picked up, since most of the fans actually don’t know about it.

Half of the PS crowd I’m familiar with is horrified that it’ll be a MMORPG and the other half is scared that it’s going to be a Final Fantasy-style sequel where it’s completely unrelated to any of the previous games. (So just about everybody is running around like a chicken with their heads cut off.) They’re calmer now that they’ve had some time to digest, but man, I hadn’t seen that board so active in a couple of years. :slight_smile: They’re afraid Sega is just trying to “cash in” on the old series.

They’re also breaking down the movie Gamespot posted bit by bit to analyze everything (I think someone also dismantled the flash movie on the official site). I don’t think that the die-hard PS crowd has an absolute lack of faith in Sega, but they do have a lack of faith in Sonic Team. Usually when I hear someone lamenting about PSO they blame Yuji Naka and talk wistfully about Rieko Kodama.

So anyway, that’s a perspective from another Sega fan community.

It has nothing to do with the fact that Sega decided to make a western oriented game, Abadd. It’s the fact that they’re doing Matrix Online that pisses everyone off - why? Because there isn’t any interest in the Matrix anymore, considering the last 2 movies have finished (and were a complete disappointment on all levels). So you really wanna know why the fans are pissed? It’s because Sega has once again shot itself in the foot, and this time, it might not recover.

If Sega were helping publish, say, Starcraft II or something of that regard, THEN it would be something that’s praise worthy. But this is garbage, and is just going to dig Sega an even bigger grave.

As a fan of Sega, I am pissed that my favorite company is going to die a miserable death, while those other companies, (i.e. Sony, Nintendo, and MS) remain alive to feed the masses with old and overly used concepts.

As for the Phantasy Star Universe unveiling…It’s NOT Phantasy Star V - it’s just another MMORPG set in the ALGO Solar System this time around…(in the cutscenes you see all three planets…including Parma…hinting that it’s a PREQUEL to the entire series). If SegaWOW were designing the game - then yes, it would be the Phantasy Star V we have all wanted for years…but it’s being done by Sonic Team…so it’s going to the same old shit with new characters is all.

Abadd:Matrix Online is nowhere near special.

PSU - I still dunno.If it’s only an Action RPG I’ll definately get it but if it’s a MMORPG…

EDIT:I found it funny that in the falsh movie at phantasystaruniverse.com/ two questions appered int eh background : Phantasy Star V?? & Phantasy Star Online 2??

I want something linear and offline god damnit!!!

PS : Abadd if Phantasy Star Universe was the big announcement I would be pleased and it would make a lot more sense…

I’m happy with Sega’s new development plans. I’m tired of Sonic Team’s endless re-releases of Phantasy Star Online, and a new title (not in the same vein as PSO Episode 3) was long overdue. I await more news.

First Shining Force, now Phantasy Star. What will Sega resurrect next? I didn’t expect Sega to commit to the development of so many big-budget RPGs all at once.

Btw, Sega will be making yet another huge mistake if Phantasy Star Universe is yet another Playstation 2 exclusive…