Azel MP3s

I have a good version of Atolm Dragon, still need it to be uploaded?
Also, how long is Imperial Airforce? Mine is 3:43, but it kinds abruptly stops (dunno if thats meant to happen)

Also, where can I buy the officiall soundtrack? Is ebay my best bet?..

Until a couple of days time…

Sorry mate, but it was until about an hour ago! :anjou_happy:

I can send you Imperial Air Force if you need it, in a few days time, and any other tracks you want in high quality, once my copy of the Complete Album arrives.

I’d be glad to help with some tracks on my website, if you want them. They should be better than SegaXtreme’s (no offence lordcraymen!), and I’ll make sure there aren’t any glitches in them.

You should know that I’m on Tripod, so the number I can put up at any one time is limited, and I’m on dial up, so I could probably only manage one a day, or every two days, due to how slow uploading is.

I can put the Complete Album tracks up in lossless or at the very least, a very high quality format, if anyone’s interested, starting in a few days time, once I receive the CDs.

There’ll be about one track every day (so you’ll have to check regularly) and they’ll probably be in either FLAC, WMA Lossless or compressed WAV, or very high quality MP3/4 if I don’t have enough space for Lossless tracks.

Sound like a good idea? Anyone have a suggestion as to an efficient lossless format?

Also, where can I buy the official soundtrack? Is ebay my best bet?..[/quote] is where I got mine.

I also know a site where you can purchase the Zwei soundtrack, but I cant think of it at the top of my head right now… I had to get it here as some one STOLE my first copy. =(

Cool thanks, i’ll check it out now =)
Sorry to hear about your stolen CD =(

Same here