Your dreams

Don’t think there is much I can add personally to this thread (due to the fact that I can’t/won’t reveal what it is I actually do), but I will say this:

True, if you set lofty goals for yourself, you may never achieve them, leaving yourself disappointed. But, it’s all a matter of expectations. It’s better to not expect to achieve your ultimate goals, but give it a shot anyway… because who knows? Personally, I don’t need to be a millionaire and I’m perfectly happy where I am in life, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t try for more. I’m not going to throw away everything I have right now at a chance for being filthy rich or anything, but I’m not going to let opportunities pass me by just because I’m afraid of getting let down.

For me, the key in being happy with life has always been learning to adjust. Life will always throw curve balls at you, and you have to learn to roll with the punches. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. When you don’t, just shift gears, and try something else. Eventually, something will stick, and you won’t be sorry you at least tried.

Granted, I know that’s not for everyone, but I’d personally rather try than just give up from the get-go. Heck, I’ve seen plenty of people overcome nearly impossible odds to succeed in life to know that it happens all the time.

Hell, take me for instance. I started off as a biology major. Then a psychology major. Then literature. Who knew I’d end up here and be happier than I have ever been?

Really? Well, I plan to go to school to learn how to do make-up special effects in movies (you know, blood, guts, turning people into creatures, the whole nine yards) so if you need a special effects artist, I’ll be happy to help. :slight_smile:

Take Abadd’s advice. His job is awesome. And you’ve probably seen his name somewhere as a result.

Well I have dreams.I still dunno for sure what exactly I wanna do but I wanna work in the videogame developing area.

I just gotta do it.It was Panzer Dragoon that made me want this back in 1997.I still want it.I’m willing to fail too.

The problem isn’t risking…

The problem is knowing where to risk…

Finish my business/economics course, get a steady job and hopefully have enough free time to explore all the possibilities I want about what I eventually want to achieve. I’ll give a good shot at 3D modelling first (I’ve only done it on and off so far for fun) and then who knows what else :slight_smile:
If I succeed in becoming a competent 3D modeller I’d like to find a job somewhere in the US possibly along with current online friends of mine that are already working in this field.
I won’t comment much on the marriage thing, I don’t wanna put anyone off cos of my own experiences meh… Just don’t do it while you are young is my advice, it can end up very bad, and it’s very hard to get out of it, living together is enough for starters, marriage can come much much later after some other things have been established…and it takes a long time for that.


Really? Well, I plan to go to school to learn how to do make-up special effects in movies (you know, blood, guts, turning people into creatures, the whole nine yards) so if you need a special effects artist, I’ll be happy to help. :)[/quote]

Cool. Since I’ll probably wnd up making piss-poor (under $500,000) independant horror movies like Troma, I’ll need all the cheap labor I can get.

Currently my dreams, goals mainly involve getting a place of my own, earn enough money to get by and just be comfortable in life. I would like to travel the world too.

Far fetched dreams: Maybe get somewhere with my art. Maybe. Perhaps be a creature concept artist for a game company of sort. Maybe get some of my story ideas published.

as a short term goal, i want to do the absolute bare minimum to get done with school, then i will begin work on my long term and really long term goals.

long term, i want to be a videogame developer too :slight_smile: i have 10 original videogame ideas (2 of them are fully thought out). i also have 4 ideas for sequels i’d like to make. i also have ideas for 3 movies and 1 novel. i also want to move around a lot, i visited japan for a few weeks a few years ago and i think i’d like to spend more time there. jamaica would be another fun place to hang out. new york and california too.

as a really long term goal i want to get filthy rich enough to hire a crack team of scientists to digitize my mind and transfer it to the body of an android resembling a HuCast. then i’ll live out the rest of my existence hunting other people that also did that and taking the superior body parts to upgrade my own. it’d be awesome…

i am considering becoming an airline pilot… althought the road is long and hard… its more exciting than most other jobs.

I’ll hopefully have a degree in human anatomy by next year but the more I think about what job I could get with it, the more I don’t know what to do!

For guidance, I filled in a career questionnaire on one of the PC’s at uni which asks about the course you’re taking, your interests, what you’d like in a job etc so that it can narrow down the types of jobs it thinks would be suitable for you.

One of the few suggestions that came up was a lorry driver O_o

Anyway, my parents are encouraging me to carry on after my degree and get a PhD, although I don’t think I could cope with the workload. Imagine it though…Dr. RYB! lol

I really don’t know what I want to do.

My parents were giving me ideas the other day and suggested that I become a coroner, but I don’t consider myself responsible enough for a job like that.

Heck, I doubt I’d have what it takes to work at the local butchers, nevermind a bleedin’ coroner lol

Anyway yeah, I’m clueless :confused:

What’s a lorry driver?
What’s a coroner?

Man, Kage, your superior speech is mind blowing :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]What’s a lorry driver?
What’s a coroner?

Man, Kage, your superior speech is mind blowing :P[/quote]

lol Gehn, it’s not just my speech that’s superior and mind blowing :wink:

Anyway, had the following to say:

*Lorry: A motor truck.

*Coroner: A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.

*Gehn: A spamming hyena.


Kage: A lurking runnning skeleton :stuck_out_tongue:

No, the road is not long and hard, unless you count the runway, since you’ll be travelling amongst nice, fluffy clouds.

i want to be a artist i like to draw manga.