XBox 360's design

But, which of those are exclusive? Most of those titles I can’t see them being only on X-Box as Sony has been in close collaboration with many of those developers the past years… So if a Japanese gamer can still find these games on a console from a company that he’s been trusting the last several years (Sony, sigh), M$ will need more than these to attract them…

These are definitely good things, showing that MS is serious about getting better Japanese content on the console.

However, like Al3xand3r said, they’re not exclusive. All things being equal (i.e. the same games being on both consoles), why wouldn’t people simply return ot the brand that they are familiar with?

You see the same problem with Madden vs. NFL2K. The reviews are always extremely close. Some argue that 2K is even slightly better. But, if you’ve been playing Madden for 15 years, are used to the style/controls, why would you switch?

The Mistwalker and Q Entertainment games are exclusive.Team Ninja will probably be.Surely those powerhouses will make japanese people want an X360…

Mistwalker is the biggest dark horse right now. Team Ninja proved it wasn’t a system seller in Japan with the last generation. And Q… well, it’s too hard to tell because the PSP isn’t doing so great in Japan, so no idea how Lumines is doing. Meteos has had decent reviews, but I unfortunately have not heard much about the actual sales. All people can talk about in Japan on the DS is Nintendogs.

360 will sell decent enough in Japan say a few million in 3 or so years imo. Nothing mind blowing by good enough to get some decent support , more so because Japanese developers more and more are eyeing the HUGE US market.

Still in saying that SONY will own that market.
Japan is casuals capital of the gamming world , nothing new or without the #7 ect in its titles sells there :wink: :P.
Sony will own that market thanks to nothing more than Dragon Quest 9, and FF 13 at the end of the day.

Have to give credit to M$ they really seem to have got their act together in Japan.
Getting the likes of Game Republic, Q-Ent, Treaure, G-Rev and even Namco with a Ridge Racer on the 360. Is a massive boost .

Almost from the start one of the things people loved to bash the X-Box with (other than it looks) which was it’s complete lack of traditional Japanese , and weak Japanese development support.
Well they won’t be able to say that this time

I heard that XBox 360 is able to play old XBox games, is that true? And what about XBox live?

It will, but they’re not promising it will with all games and pull a Sony (when the PS2 wouldn’t play some PS1 games). Xbox live subscriptions will carry over to the 360 but there will be a free version of xbox live which will allow you to download content, talk to people, etc. While pay for it allows you to play online multiplayer.

I don’t think they’ve said exactly what the free and pay subscriptions will offer. I think the first (and possibly only?) mention of it had hinted at possible weekend-only playing for the free membership.

No, they have given a detailled list of what each XBL subscription can do. I can’t find it for the life of me now, but I do remember reading it. Whether it was the finalised feature list or not I don’t know, but basically you can do everything on XBL Silver except actually play games, I think.

That’s what I read too :stuck_out_tongue:

It is true that occasionally on specific weekends silver subscribers will be able to play.

GASP! Really?! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was thinking that someone was just hoping that and it somehow started to get spread around as a rumor lol