XBox 360's design

There’s some “news” on Halo 3 here, Shadow: … 21637.html

And yeah, I’m interested in seeing what appears on this MTV unveiling, although I suspect most of it will be what we know already? I’m just waiting for someone to post an active torrent since it’ll probably never air on NZ TV.

From what I get the show has already been aired this Thursday on america.

Grrrr!Oh well no info I can’t get online.

It’s a crap show with no info in it anyway. Avoid.

I just watched it this afternoon… ditto to Shadow’s post. The show was really all hype and no substance. More footage would have been nice.

Well, we’re not exactly the target audience as far as MTV goes, really.

Microsoft’s going to be losing a fair chunk of change with each Xbox 360 sold, assuming a $299 price tag. I don’t see any way they wouldn’t be, considering the specs. It really makes me scratch my head a bit, but more power to them I guess.

Just about every console released loses money per console sold. It’s what’s called the “razor principle.” Companies that sell shaving razors sell the main unit at below cost, in the hopes that you’ll buy those refill razors at inflated prices. With games, the first parties make their money off of royalties from the publishers.

As for MTV, I’m not sure who that was for. I’ve got a teenage step sister who is prime MTV audience material, but even she said it was lame.

Microsoft are going to have to make a lot of money off their first party games in order to cover the costs of the Xbox 360 hardware. If those kinds of parts were bought separately for a PC, they’d prove quite expensive. Still, the exclusion of a built in harddrive should help Microsoft keep their costs down.

I wonder if Sony are worried that the Playstation 3 won’t be that spectacular compared to the Xbox 360 anymore, or if their machine truly will blow the 360 out of the water. I’ve got a gut feeling that this cell processor won’t live up to the hype, although what it can do should still be amazing compared to today’s range of CPUs.

Btw, Microsoft have launched their official Xbox 360 website, - it’s a flash site that lets you look at the console and controller from different angles. I take back my opinion that the console looks ugly, it actually looks quite slick when looking at it from the right angles, although I’d prefer a colour that blends in with other electronics better.

I’d hardly apply the “razor principle” here… we’re not talking about a reasonable amount of money lost per box that’s made back from game sales. This thing is pushing some insane specs, stuff that’d put a lot of gaming PCs to shame, and we all know how expensive this stuff gets.

I think they’ll live to tell the story to their grandchildren for a variety (1) of reasons.

Concerning the PS3 - I think Sony might be showing something brutal from a specifications stand point as well.I’'m sure it will be able to run games like Gears of War.

Don’t worry. The first parties are well aware of the costs involved in manufacturing hardware, and unless they’re planning on taking a huge loss to close the gap with Sony, I’m pretty sure they have those sorts of details all worked out.

The technology gap between the PS3 and Xbox 360 shouldn’t be two great anyway. A 4-6 month difference won’t amount to much in terms of what’s noticeable on-screen.

I think Microsoft is setting itself up to take a huge loss on the Xbox 360 to lessen the gap, because we all know Sony won’t be too eager to sell the PS3 at too high a loss. Microsoft can afford to do it while Sony cannot.

One last thing… it took developers years to figure out how to optimize the performance of the untested PS2 hardware; if Sony expects developers to write tons of assembly code to get a good grip on the PS3’s throttle, it has another thing coming.

Warning - extremely negative post

Come on, does it really matter what sort of graphical coolness the 360, PS3 or Revolution can pump out? We’ve gone beyond the time when games were really fun, now with the exception of some RPG’s, we’re relying on tried and tested game characters and series to provide any entertainment whatsoever. Sonic, for example, except Sonic Heroes was complete crap compared to SA2.

Whoo, we’ve got photo-realistic graphics. Graphics now apparently maketh a game, to paraphrase The Master. Give me a Burning Rangers sequel, a PDS sequel, even something I can enjoy playing as much as I could before I left high school and I’ll start getting excited. Otherwise, I really, really just don’t care.

The best part of enhanced graphics is the opportunity to set up new franchises with a greater size and scope. Morrowind simply wasn’t possible on the Saturn.

I doubt all we’ll see from the next generation consoles are graphically upgraded clones of what we see this generation.

Ditto.Besides the sooner the graphics reach a sort od dead-end the sooner this industry will become more indie.Like it should be.

All electronics are becoming silver! Besides, I’m sure you can find a nice face for it if you want. =P

More power = more than simply better graphics. It means improved AI, more interactive environments, more complex physics, etc. It means that games that simply weren’t possible before are possible now.

Granted, I think (hope) we’ll see a slowdown of hardware updating after this generation. Developers are (hopefully) going to start pushing back if hardware manufacturers try to change hardware too quickly simply because it’s costing too much in R&D. And we’ve gotten close to the point (I think) where each hardware upgrade is going to be less and less noticeable. But trust me, this one is.

But let’s get one thing straight: no game will ever compete with nostalgia. When you’re younger, it’s a simple fact that things will wow you so much easier than when you are an adult. I, for example, simply don’t have time to sit through a 40 hour RPG unless it’s REALLY worth it (or unless it’s something I am being forced to do for… uh… certain reasons). You’ll never have an experience that matches the first time you played your first Zelda game or first Panzer game or whatever. That’s the beauty of youth. But, who cares??? Simply enjoy games for what they are. And if you don’t find any specific game that engaging, then go do something else! What’s the point in sitting around, complaining about things like this??? Go and read a book, learn a musical instrument, watch a movie, hang out with friends… whatever. And maybe you’ll find you have the urge to come back and play a game now and then, and maybe once you’re a little more removed, you’ll enjoy it a little more.

Yeah, the face plate idea is a good one. Still I’d prefer for the rest of the console to not be so… bright. Call me uncreative, but I’d prefer a silver console, or ideally a jet black machine to match my black TV. Besides, everyone knows the good guys dress in black. :wink:

What do you mean??

But yeah, black all the way.Unless there are bonish, exoskeleton plates out there.

Sorry, just a relatively lame joke regarding that movie Men in Black that came out in the 90s.

Anyway, what Xbox 360 games are you guys looking forward to now that E3 has come with information about new games that are coming out for the console? I watched a trailer of Dead or Alive 4 and it sure did look impressive, although I only play fighting games causally so it isn’t a big seller for me. Halo 3 will look great in 1280 by 768, but it’s going to take more than that to convince me that the Xbox 360 is worth my $$$… there’s nothing I’ve seen that’s really grabbed me as a “must have” so far.