Wow. Another craptacular regurgitation by Uwe Boll

Everybody’s favorite hack strikes again. This time it’s a movie based on Postal, described by Tv Guide as being a satire like Borat. Or trying to be at least.

What’s the deal with this enigma. Does he know that his movies are universally lambasted? Does he do it on purpose? Or is he just living in his own sad, pathetic world.


I am somewhat pleased that he keeps churning out terrible movies, most of them are cheesy and generic to the point where they are actually quite entertaining.

I think people should take a chill pill. It’s not like he’s the worst director in the world. His movies just get decent exposure, that’s all. After watching an interview with him at I kind of respect the man. His philosophy is to make entertaining pop corn movies. He admits it, he just wants to make fun and not too complex movies. Not that I like his movies or share his philosophy but at least he has a goal. He also has to put up with a lot of shit. But he shows resolve.

If anyone is pissed at how he portrays franchise A or B they should blame whoever gave him the rights to the movie in the first place. The IP owners are the ones doing a disservice to the fans.

It is all done for a tax scam in Germany, much like the movie The Producers. Contrary to popular belief he is not actually a Hollywood filmmaker. As I understand it. rich Germans pump millions into his movies and under their tax law, if the movie does not make a profit (his never do) they financiers can get a tax deduction as well as being allowed to keep all of the profits from DVD afterwards tax-free.

This loophole has been fixed and Uwe Boll’s career is expected to end once all the movies currently in production are released.

Also, has anyone ever heard the man speak? He is clearly just trying to piss people off. Look him up on YouTube if you do not believe me!

The man is clearly a legend, I think we should start an official Uwe Boll fan club.

Old news… but the funny part is Postal, supposdelly his greatest movie yet (not that it means much) was shown in little over 10 cinemas after much begging and crying on his part. Some statements of things along the lines of “boo hoo, my gamer critics made my movies fail, are you happy now?!” were posted on various gaming websites a while ago.

I have no respect for him, he’s just smart and can turn some people around. He has no vision and his supposed goal means nothing if he never even comes close to accomplishing it. Not to mention trash talking sensible critics and inviting them to boxing matches is another example of immaturity and his “everything is about marketing” attitude… Grow up mr Boll.

I still can’t believe companies fall for him as to allow the use of their IPs. The only good thing his exposure has done is that a lot more people now know of his failures and less companies will be likely to do that I guess.

Has MST3K done his stuff yet? I’m smelling a franchise. XD

Watched the first 5 mins of the movie on YouTube (trailer form) and I must say it was pretty decent (if in morbid taste which may offend many and even made me feel bad for almost laughing), but I’m still sure it gets much worse from there so I won’t bother even rensting it or anything… If I want a movie, there’s much better stuff to see…