Wii browser vs PS3 browser

I’ve got both, I’ve tried both, I’ve spent quite a bit of time messing with online applications including flash (YouTube style) video television sites like (www.alluc.org), flash game sites, and the like.

And, as nice as the PS3’s browser is in it’s current incarnation - it has some compatibility issues with keyboard / mouse flash games (it seems to hang up / become incompatible with most of them) and some audio / resolution issues with flash video (tinny / pingy audio and vertical lines of graphical tearing) … as well as some audio sync issues, which I can’t actually pin on the system…those could have been site / media based.

The biggest upside to the PS3 browser is USB keyboard / Mouse compatibility (or Bluetooth wireless), HUGE high-def browsing on a 16:9 screen, and multi window browsing ala firefox or IE7.

Other than that, I’m VERY happy with the Wii’s Opera browser’s level of compatibility with flash video and games. I didn’t encounter as many compatibility issues with Opera (pretty much none) with sites that required mouse only usage of flash applications, and while flash video runs in much lower resolution on the Wii (480p) it sounded much better and had no graphical issues that I could see.

No keyboard use right now…but that could change in the final release…so, we’ll see.

While both are hardly “convenient” to do the types of things we’ve all come to enjoy doing on the web with a PC / Keyboard / Mouse setup, if you’ve got a broadband connection - with both you can open up your gaming TV setup to a world of free streaming television shows archived on web servers - and with a Wii you can play hundreds of mouse-only flash games.

Since they both come standard (free download on the Wii) it’s not like you need to choose, or even have a choice. You get what you get.

I just thought I’d share a dual owner-based-comparison.

The PS3’s online functionality seems like an afterthought to me.

The good news is the PS3 will probably sink Sony. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The PS3’s online functionality seems like an afterthought to me.

The good news is the PS3 will probably sink Sony. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.[/quote]

Oh dear we’ve got an arsehole who concentrates on hating all others apart from his precious own.

Good luck to you oh twatty squire!


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The PS3’s online functionality seems like an afterthought to me.

The good news is the PS3 will probably sink Sony. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.[/quote]

Oh dear we’ve got an arsehole who concentrates on hating all others apart from his precious own.

Good luck to you oh twatty squire![/quote]

Gee, I wonder when we’ll see your next sig that says something along the lines of “all my posts between this and that date were…” again.

PS: Your post count obsession demonstrated once before has no place here, but to answer to your current sig, pointless drivel like all you did today is how.


Oh dear we’ve got an arsehole who concentrates on hating all others apart from his precious own.

Good luck to you oh twatty squire!Gee, I wonder when we’ll see your next sig that says something along the lines of “all my posts between this and that date were…” again.

PS: Your post count obsession demonstrated once before has no place here, but to answer to your current sig, pointless drivel like all you did today is how.[/quote]

Nah these are basically my posts until someone says something interesting. Plus I’ve come to realize that everybody here is an asshole so I’ve joined up Sergeant Dipshit

Atleast you admit you are an asshole, even if you have to bring up excuses about what you believe other people are, as if they have to define yourself. Nice going, asshole :anjou_sigh:

Yes but being an arsehole to people like you is fun!

I think we are rapidly approaching a historical moment in the long life of TWOTA…

The long, boring life of TWOTA…

Oh I hope so. Sounds like fun :slight_smile:

Just wondering what makes you believe everyone here is an asshole? You’re entitled to that opinion, of course, I’m just interested in why you would think something like that.

Something I should have mentioned before - if we are all assholes, and TWOTA is boring, then why do you post here?

you do realise this doesn’t go down well with anyone here :anjou_sigh:

Well, it’s not like he has any control over the situation, what with that cesspool-soaked dripping wet paper towel occupying that space in his head. Expecting him to not visit this forum if he’s bored of it is like asking a cat to lay some eggs and hatch them into kittens.

Pssst… Jimkemon has the worst website, ever. I’m not even kidding.


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The PS3’s online functionality seems like an afterthought to me.

The good news is the PS3 will probably sink Sony. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.[/quote]

Oh dear we’ve got an arsehole who concentrates on hating all others apart from his precious own.

Good luck to you oh twatty squire![/quote]

Actually I am very willing to play Devil’s advocate with Sony products, but I stand by my opinion: Sony only really took online functionality for consoles seriously when others proved just how far reaching it could be.

Sony was lazy and is now scrambling to catch up, which is of course, a good thing if Sony can actually pull it off.

Just for the record, I am not a fan of the Wii at all, nor do I feel the 360 has a lot to offer me right now. I grew out of brand loyalty a long time ago. Anyone can see, however, that Sony is doing nearly everything wrong at the moment.


Well, it’s not like he has any control over the situation, what with that cesspool-soaked dripping wet paper towel occupying that space in his head. Expecting him to not visit this forum if he’s bored of it is like asking a cat to lay some eggs and hatch them into kittens.

Pssst… Jimkemon has the worst website, ever. I’m not even kidding.[/quote]

I know that was supposed to be insulting but god that was funny and yes my site sucks ass but to be honest I couldn’t give a shit about that waste of internet and I have given up with flash as it is boring and shit. To be honest I didn’t read anyone elses posts apart from SoloWing’s post which made me realize that not every forum administrator uses his power to piss everybody off. I post here when I am very bored in the middle of the night just to see if you legends will come and put any advice I give down (FUCKING TWAT AL3X).

Edit: What the hell I went on Parn’s website how can you call my site shite when all you have is a ‘minimalistic’ (boring) site that was so boring I left instantly.

Over and out til whenever I get bored again.

can you feel the love?



you do realise this doesn’t go down well with anyone here :anjou_sigh:[/quote]

you’re funny

And this is from the “Who’s getting a Wii tomorrow” topic…

Expressing his feelings about the mere possibility of a port of MGS4 to the XBOX 360.


Fanboys are like crap games, every system has them. But the main reason I have anti-Sony sentiment at all is because of this kind of garbage, for sheer hypocrisy and dickheadedness there has never been any faction that compares to the Sony Whores. They are always right by force of might, you know it to be true.