Why did you buy your Saturn?

I bought my Saturn bcuz of sega. I’ve had the master system and tjhen the megadrive ond so I bought the Saturn. I dont have it with me n e more, i gave it 2 my nephew in croatia.

I’d had a MasterSystem II and a MegaDrive II so the Saturn was the obvious choice…although I was drawn to the PlayStation as well and choosing was difficult, then one day I was reading an issue of CVG (when it was good) and it had a review of Sega Rally on the Saturn and Ridge Racer Revolution on the PS. They preferred Sega Rally and that pretty much decided it for me (Although looking back I would have probably gone for the Saturn anyways.)

I was actually trying to get a mega CD but i couldnt find one in town and i realised i could afford a saturn instead, im really glad i didnt look harder for that mega cd!

I think I got hold of a Mega CD last year. It’s ok, although as expected I’m finding it hard going getting hold of decent games. I do have Sonic CD though!

In that case, you’ve got all the decent games.

Mebbe, but I wanna get Final Fight and um…um…that tank one by Core Design. Cant remember the name. Possibly with battle in the title.

lol irlol at that

Anyways, i played a SNES at my nextdoor neighbors and i loved it! I asked my dad for one of those, he was like “ok then” THis was christmas 97…

Then nearing christmas advert for Sonic R came on (only saturn advert i ever saw). My and my neighbor looked at it and were thinking “Wow! Thats amazing” “its sega saturn, thats an excellent computer”

Then christmas comes and i open a present and i have a sega saturn controller. Foolishly i said… why have you got me this? I have a commodore 64 (lol) this controller won’t work. my dad replied with “well open your other presents” my face lit up and i opened the biggest pressent there to reveal… a box of coal. Nah j/k it was ym beloved saturn :slight_smile:
I got 5 games with it Olympic Soccer, Sega Rally, Sega Ages. Manx TT, Sonic Jam, and sega flash 5 demo disc.

Ahh such good times… Sonic R was the first game i bought for it too.

i love that Sonic R advert… anyone know where i can d/l it? Or anyone ever taped it? :wink: lol

i love that Sonic R advert… anyone know where i can d/l it? Or anyone ever taped it? :wink: lol[/quote]

Hehe, I remember that advert, more specifically the bit where Super Sonic is speeding towards the slot-machine-ramp-type-thing on the Radical City course. Was Super Sonic Racing the background tune? Can’t remember.

I think that was the only Saturn advert I saw too, even then I only saw it once. Were there any others?

Yeah, Super Sonic Racing was the tune. It also had some corny tagline affixed to the ad.

I dont got a saturn.

“I haven’t got a Saturn”

Repeat after me.


Its’ too painful to hear…

I didnt speak right on purpose shadow =|

Speaking of commercials, I found a really cool site which has a SEGA commercial archive with over 150 adverts from America, Japan and Europe!

Here’s the link:

Click me, daddy!

The European advert promoting the DC with those 3 barbers shearing like mad to Robbie Williams’ “Let Me Entertain You” is a classic lmao!

Up to 6 billion players, eh?

6 more like :l

This advert, along with one showing some kids skimming stones across water and one of Soul Calibur, were the only ones I saw for DC.

EDIT: Can anyone still see my avatar? I seem to be getting a red X :confused:

w00t chuck! I love the old NiGHTS commercial. I remember watching that when it first came out! Dang, game commercials have changed a lot since then… and they certainly don’t diss competing consoles that badly lol!

EDIT: I just watched the two PDO trailers. I’ve seen the US one, of course, but I never saw the Japanese one…I like the US one better.

I remeber seeing that in the cinema!Great,great ad!!Very cool :smiley:

Well, I got my Saturn a few months after its release, mainly because it was the next-gen Sega console I guess. (I think I only payed something like ?300,000,000 for it at that time, instead of the original ?400,000,000. Did anyone else notice how comically expensive the Saturn and Playstation were at first?)

Embarassingly enough, I didn’t really consider buying a Playstation because I never thought that a “new” games developer like Sony could make a system that would catch on. (Memories of Phillips CDI, Panasonic 3DO, etc.) I guess I’d never considered what a bottomless marketing budget can achieve.

And yes, to my knowledge Sonic CD is by far and away the best game on the Mega CD. In my opinion it is actually the best 2D Sonic game, and I’m always disappointed at how Sega keep leaving it off these retro Sonic compilation games they do.

[quote=“Lance”]Embarassingly enough, I didn’t really consider buying a Playstation because I never thought that a “new” games developer like Sony could make a system that would catch on. (Memories of Phillips CDI, Panasonic 3DO, etc.) I guess I’d never considered what a bottomless marketing budget can achieve.

And yes, to my knowledge Sonic CD is by far and away the best game on the Mega CD. In my opinion it is actually the best 2D Sonic game, and I’m always disappointed at how Sega keep leaving it off these retro Sonic compilation games they do.[/quote]

I thought the same thing about PSX when it was new.

Sonic CD is left off compilations because it’s a large game and won’t fit on 1 CD with other Sonic games. I think the best Sega/Mega CD game was Popful Mail, a side-scrolling Action/RPG with tons of dialouge.

nice find Chuck! IMO i hated the dreamcast and saturn marketing strategy (in europe anyways).
Megadrive - Big hit! Everyone loved it! Saturn is released… no adverts… no one knows it exists… Ooo a playstation i’ll get that! They did well cos you see playstation in lots of places… everyone gets that so devolopers go to sony… so disspointing :frowning:

Dreamcasts turn! First 128bit console! Next generation gaming! Arcade graphics! Time to win back customers and devolopers! Lets show a boy throwing a rock into some water! Hardly any game movies at all… and relying on their internet access (with non existant online gaming).
Why can’t sega do things properly :frowning: e.g Sonic Adventure! They should have advertised that to death. Sega should have made people know that the blue blur is back in 3D! Make people buy a DC for that game. Not 4 people racing to shave peoples hair off :’(

Others may like it but i hated those DC adverts… I only ever saw an advert for MSR… and that was cos i waited for it to appear during the half time of a Manchester United European Cup match. So many games they should have shown - SHENMUE!!! Why wasn’t this done! A cinema trailer would have been perfect for that! Even others, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Tennis, Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Soul Calibur…

Even saturn with games such as Panzer Dragoon Saga…

Sega had ?100million to spend on marketing in Europe. How much of it did they spend, I wonder?