What would be the best way to revive the franchise?

[quote=“Berserker”]I was once linked to an eBay of a copy going for $500…so thats what…roughly ?250?

$500 is utter thievery. PDS is hardly worth the $150-$200 it goes for. It’s still an amazing game, but good god that is overpriced.


Work it out! If people thought ?80 was prohibitively expensive, all copies of PDS at that price would go unsold. Simple fact is people pay it, so people charge it.[/quote]

What are you trying to say? That you’re happy with the situation?

The first game I played in the PD series was Zwei, for me that was a very wonderful journey into a fantasy world. At that time, I never thought to get the original game. Then Saga came along and the PD world became a lot more larger and storyline fleshed out.

After I played Orta, and later the original Panzer Dragoon as an extra, it seems to come full circle. I don’t think Orta was a bad game in terms of being a shooter genre, I have enjoyed it to the fullest. If there ever is a fifth entry into the PD universe, I would prefer to see an RPG this time round, on Xbox 360 or PS3. Unfortunately Sega absorbed all the development studios, so whatever decision to make a fifth game in the series will be up to Sega’s higher ups.


Work it out! If people thought ?80 was prohibitively expensive, all copies of PDS at that price would go unsold. Simple fact is people pay it, so people charge it.

What are you trying to say? That you’re happy with the situation?[/quote]

Of course I’d prefer it if everything was cheaper but it isn’t sellers that dictate prices, it’s buyers. Sellers charge in the region of the average end price - if people didn’t pay ?80 for PDS, then copies at that price would go unsold and sellers would have to charge less.

I had a Silent Hill DVD (the Art & Memories one) from Japan that I put up on eBay as I didn’t use it. The starting bid was ?5, and I thought I’d be lucky to get the ?30 I paid for it back. It went for ?200 in the end. That final price had nothing to do with me at all, I didn’t force anyone to bid.

Basically I have two rules when it comes to “collector” gaming -

  1. Gaming is a hobby and a luxury. There is no right to complain about high prices on rare games, because we’re not talking about essentials like milk, electricity or public transport.
  2. Nobody forced you to be a poor gamer. I’d love to take up archery, but I can’t find a club or the equipment. That doesn’t give me the right to moan about those that can.

I personally think it would be a bad thing if PD went mainstream because look what Sega did to sonic. They found something they could sell and squeezed every last drop of originality out of it and now the recent sonic games have been utter garbage (the mega drive games still remain classics though :anjou_love:). So I think they’d do the same with the Panzer Dragoon series.

However if they did make a new PD game then it should be an RPG with the same battle system as Saga and should be released on all formats.