What RPG introduced you to the genre?

I believe that Miracle Warriors, also by Sega, was released in the US even before Phantasy Star, which would make that game the first RPG I suppose. I also thought that Dragon Warrior had preceeded Phantasy Star, but I guess I was going by the Japanese too. :slight_smile:

Phantasy Star was my first console RPG though. My first RPG at all would probably have been Temple of Apshai for the Apple II. Yes, I suppose that does date me right there.

BTW, I own and have beaten Miracle Warriorsā€¦ only about ten years after it was released though. I have no idea what got me through that game, it was sheer hell because the map system was too damn cryptic and there was hardly no animation except for a screen flash or wiggle. Looking back on it, I see it as the seed that Shining Force grew from, lots of similarities. Donā€™t play it unless your absolutely hardcore.

Methinks I have found a fellow old schooler in Rune Lai :slight_smile:

1st RPG would be Phantasy Star on the Master System

RPG that really got me in the genre of RPGā€™s was the incredible Lunar on the Mega CD (still the best RPG).

1st videogame I played was Pong on my brother home pong machine back in about 1982.

Game that got me into gamming and hooked was Jetpack on the Spectrum.

Hey, I played with a Atari 2600 back when they were new! :smiley: I missed Pong though. Methinks Team Andromeda is quite old school as well.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I think in 1994 or 1995. And to those who donā€™t consider an RPG: Go to hell, itā€™s an Action-RPG.

First PRG played: errrm. either PDS, Shining Force (emulated) or FF7. I was playing these things around the same time so I canā€™t recall which was first.

First game played: Again more vaguries. I say Sonic 2 on the MD/Genesis but it may have been Super Mario Bros on NES

Yeah mate Iā€™m in my mid 20ā€™s. I just missed out on the Atari 2600 stuff (not that old ;)).

The Spectrum 48k got me into gaming

Shining Force 3 and PDS, at the same time really :stuck_out_tongue:

I got thenm both for a birthday in 1998, although I had been playing (mainly action platform and racing) games before that in the 16 bit generation.

Pong came out before the Atari 2600, didnā€™t it? I mean, at least the Atari had Pac-Man. Pong was three lines and a square? :smiley: I didnā€™t get into gaming until I got my SMS though (and Iā€™m also in my mid-20s).

Letā€™s hear it for the people born in the 70ā€™s!!!


Anybody else here have an Intellivision??

You know, you just really made me feel old with that comment. :slight_smile: I didnā€™t have an Intellivision, but I had a Colecovision. Does that count? :slight_smile:

[quote=ā€œAbaddā€]Letā€™s hear it for the people born in the 70ā€™s!!!


Anybody else here have an Intellivision??[/quote]

Yes I still have mine. PGA Golf still plays ok, even after all these years


(And yeah, Collecovision counts ;))

Favorite games on Intellivision:

Tron Deadly Discs
Fish Fish
That one frog game where you jump and eat the bugsā€¦

Good times :slight_smile:


(And yeah, Collecovision counts ;))

Favorite games on Intellivision:

Tron Deadly Discs
Fish Fish
That one frog game where you jump and eat the bugsā€¦

Good times :)[/quote]

:). my favā€™s were Super Cobra, PGA Golf, Frogger, Night Striker

Ooh, I also forgot Sea Battle :slight_smile:

Man, the memories are coming backā€¦ Old gamers of the world, unite!

[quote=ā€œAbaddā€]Ooh, I also forgot Sea Battle :slight_smile:

Man, the memories are coming backā€¦ Old gamers of the world, unite![/quote]

:). Never got to play Sea battle

[quote=ā€œAbaddā€]Wowā€¦ You guys are n00bs!!!1!! (j/k)

First console RPG: DragonQuest. The very first one.

But, if you want to get technical, I played Zork and Wizardry on PC before that (I thinkā€¦ kinda fuzzy).

First video game? Donā€™t remember. I was about 2 or 3 years old (and it was either on Atari or Intellivisionā€¦ Oh waitā€¦ actually, I think it was on PC)[/quote]

Good grief. I was beginning to think I was old. I remember playing Zork as my first ā€œrpgā€. When I was seeing things like PSO2, I was getting concerned.

To be honest I dunno what my first game was. Maybe that apple game with the two tanks that shot at each otherā€¦ or maybe an Atari game of some sortā€¦ donā€™t really remember.

First game: Duck Hunt - and it is still fun :slight_smile:

First RPG: Final Fantasy VI