What do you think of the idea of

Archive Forum’s make sense when the content is on topic.I dunno what’s so bad about deleting a few dozens of topics…

Just a few dozen?

I was planning on deleting almost every topic on the entire board…

I support you.

As do I.

Go ahead, and why “almost”? :slight_smile:
But that will make the 20000 posts celebration appear wrong :frowning:
And we won’t know when we’ll reach the next 10K :frowning:

I think (Scott, correct me if I’m mistaken :)) that phpBB2 keeps the total amount of posts the same. Programming-wise it would make sense. There would probably just be a “Total Posts” variable stored in the database that would be incremented by 1 every time someone made a new post. To show how many posts there had been on the forum, the total simply wouldn’t be altered when any posts were deleted.

However, on second thoughts, the forum could have been set up to decrement to total number of posts if they were deleted. Hmm…

Anyway, the reason why I said “almost” was because I plan to keep some of the better topics such as the Extended Profile Thread, and the Forum Guidelines (plus any others that people want to save).

I would be shocked if it wasn’t…

It says “Our users have posted a total of 21190 articles”. Deleting those posts wouldn’t undo the fact that they were posted at some point, even if they aren’t there anymore.

PostED suggests that those posts were made in the past. It says nothing about them still being there now.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

It says “Our users have posted a total of 21190 articles”. Deleting those posts wouldn’t undo the fact that they were posted at some point, even if they aren’t there anymore.

PostED suggests that those posts were made in the past. It says nothing about them still being there now.[/quote]

Man i visit a forum where this is over 1 million posts going back to 2001. Talk about a large amount of data there. I’m all for any trimming you decide to do.

Well, over 20k posts with less than 200 members is quite a feat imo. And imagine how many posts there would be if we could sum up the posts that had been done at The Camp :slight_smile:

when you delete a post, it decreases the count shown on the front page… same as if you delete a user, the memberlist number goes down… Likewise if you delete all of a members post, there “toal posts” will go down to zero and rank will change accordingly. i think if you purge however, the numbers will not change. I know that peoples post counts won’t go down when you purge so i assume the same is tru with the fornt number.

So if you wanna delete all the posts but keep the post count, run a purge to get rid of posts less that a day old or sumthing :slight_smile:

EDIT: %between%Lookie what i found

Thanks Scott, now we’ll be able to see both totals :slight_smile: