Well, PDS was mentioned in this months Gameinformer

There’s a little paragraph on p.105 at the bottom right-hand corner. It says:

“May of 1998 saw the release of Panzer Dragoon Saga to the Saturn, often hailed as the finest example of a role-playing game to ever grace a Sega system (sorry, Shenmue fans). The huge four-disc game detailed a story about a boy named Edge and his dragon companion. With a combat system that combined traditional menu navigation with flight simulation, Panzer Dragoon Saga stood apart from its RPG contemporaries.”

Just thought I’d mention it.

Nentioned as part of what kind of article?

The article is titled “This Month in Gaming History”.

They should have said “Often hailed as the finest example of how a console JRPG should be made”. Or something…

And it also should have been written “… detailed the story about a legendary dragon and it’s latest rider, named Edge.” :anjou_angry:

And it also should be four pages long, and…

^ it also should have stated that it took FF7 to school, and…

And, they obviously didn’t put a lot of thought into it. Those bastards put it in a little box in the bottom right-hand corner.

Yup, I knew that people just bash FF7 even though it was no relationship with PDS, unlike Sonic and Mario. >_>.


Since we’re on that subject, I still have never gotten past disc one of FF7. The dialogue in the game was absolutely atrocious. The soundtrack is also marred by crappy hardware. The arranged versions of a few songs on the Reunion soundtrack are very respectable tunes. The rest come off to me as Nobuo Uematsu jamming away on a cheap Fisher Price My-First-Keyboard. Seriously, the Sega Genesis and Super NES churned out better chip-generated tunes than the PlayStation. Ugh. I always lol’d when retards would blabber on about how the Sega Saturn’s sound was bad in comparison. I mean, what the hell was their basis for comparison. Are these people for real.

BTW, Sonic > Mario. True story.

Well, what do you think? Its ten years old. I would like to see a remake of FF7.

In fact, Sonic moves so fast that he didn’t notice his games are getting a little crappy. While Mario is “slow and steady” just like the rabbit and the turtle.

X Play: Sonic The Hedgehog 360 Review

X Play: Sonic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N92Yhgo-Px0)

X Play: Shadow the Hedgehog Review

Ouch, only Sonic Rush for the DS is good. And the co-hosts of that show, they know Final Fantasy Series, but they don’t like it, only FF6. And you should be happy PDS got mentioned for the best sound track here:


The FFVII mention Heretic made was valid because thanks to that title’s hype, gems like PDS were largely ignored and remained unknown to most people despite their quality and reviews that showed they were on par with the best of the best. When you said RPG back then, all people could think of was FFVII like nothing else existed, as if that game created the RPG genre. Any homage to PDS or other worthy RPGs like Grandia should note that the given title can easily stand up next to or above FFVII despite most people ignoring them.

On the other hand, what the fuck do Mario and Sonic have to do with this thread? Are you on crack or what? You must be, if you actually watch G4 for gaming news or reviews. Sonic and the Secret Rings has gotten mixed reviews with many sources giving it a 7-8/10 or similar score, not unlike titles such as Super Paper Mario on Wii which totally fails to deliver compared to previous parts of the series. I’m also sorry to disappoint you but Mario has appeared in rather shit titles like Mario is Missing, Mario’s Time Machine and others.

What’s your point anyway? Are you in these forums just to praise/defend FFVII and mention bad titles of Sega characters out of pure spite and no other reason when you believe people insult your favorites? Nice, lol.

Light Wing… such a curious creature you are. So anything that’s not a compliment to your precious FF7 is a “bash”? If that’s a a bash to you then that means you were actually “bashing” PDS from the very moment you started posting here, since you had some things to say about it that weren’t complimentary.

Final Fantasy VII made a big splash at the time, and for the time it had a long build up of hype even. It did define the standards for A-list RPG’s on CD based 3D capable consoles, and as such Azel/Saga was very much a direct answer to that challenge. Certainly PDS was the first game from any other developer, and on any platform, to come after FF7 that was in the same league for production value. And PDS arguably pulls off some of that production with a lot more art than FF7, such as cinemas that are genuinely cinematic.

You keep accusing people on this forum of being “jealous” of FF7 because it gets compared a lot. Well remember you introduced yourself to this very forum by comparing PDS to FF7, so what does that make you? Final Fantasy is worldwide the most popular console RPG series, so yes that means it’s the de facto yardstick, as in it automatically draws the most comparisons.

It seems you haven’t given any deeper though to the issue of respect though, here’s another hint… respect is a two way street. If you honestly have a problem with how often FF7 is brought up negatively, then how about setting an example for your fellow fans and refrain from treating it like a sacred cow that cannot be criticized at all.

I seriously do not understand why so many people worship the Final Fantasy series - all of them suck, especially FF7. PDS is superior in every respect because it has:

  • amazing art direction
  • a ‘perfect’ soundtrack
  • a story to die for
  • character development
  • emotion
  • perfect voice acting with subtitles (got to love the subs)
  • a godly battle system
  • only one character in the whole game to level up

PDS is the epitome of the perfect RPG; there’s absolutely no question about that. The flaws that are in the game, are due to the limitations of the hardware, not the limitations of the creators’ imaginations; therefore, the technical flaws that are present are irrelevent.

If you do a direct comparison with ALL of the Final Fantasies to date, combined, all you get is:


But it’s no surprise that gems like PDS are forgotten and swallowed up in the deluge of shit, considering this generation, and the one previous to it, are all a part of what is known as the ‘Disney’ generations. In other words, these generations are comprised of people who don’t know what true art is; these also are the people who think the world is a bed of roses and dance to the Sound of Music. This is why I am a huge supporter of Eugenics and Ethnic Cleansing…because with these options, such people would not be allowed to exist in the first place.

The world is fucked up because of people like Light Wing. We live in a world where everything is the opposite of what it should be: the weak control the strong; morons hold positions of power, while the intellectuals are forced underground; religion and belief control logic - the list goes on…

The truly funny thing is, no one truly realizes that the entire world is being thrust into a fascist state - a new world order of fear. This is all because of the damned ‘Disney’ generations who have been so dumbed down, they have no cognitive ability whatsoever to fight back. This is all by design, of course.

I only agree with about three of your points but they’re enough to make PDS stand out. For the rest points you either overeact (ex: battle system was far from perfect) or they are extremely subjective over which is the better option (ex: 1 character only) therefor it can be seen as natural for other people to enjoy FFVII (heck, I had fun with it, it’s just not an all time favorite). Maybe you should try to be less close minded, especially when you accuse others of being so. Of course, you won’t but whatever.

Edit: God you are an idiot, turning every thread into random fucked up babbling.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]I only agree with about three of your points but they’re enough to make PDS stand out. For the rest points you either overeact (ex: battle system was far from perfect) or they are extremely subjective over which is the better option (ex: 1 character only) therefor it can be seen as natural for other people to enjoy FFVII (heck, I had fun with it, it’s just not an all time favorite). Maybe you should try to be less close minded, especially when you accuse others of being so. Of course, you won’t but whatever.

Edit: God you are an idiot, turning every thread into random fucked up babbling.[/quote]

It wasn’t babbling - it was completely relevent to the subject. PDS wasn’t recognized because of the ‘Disney’ generations…and the world is currently fucked up because of the Disney generations…how is that not relevent to the discussion? That’s the global variable of ALL variables!

That’s hardly a feasible excuse. Phantasy Star IV is now thirteen years old and had far better dialogue. Not to mention that Final Fantasy X also had horrible dialogue like this precious gem. It wouldn’t have mattered whether they hired better voice talent or not… the whole scene is embarassingly awful and stupid.

Oh my god and people still complain over Zelda not having voice acting when voice acting turns out like THAT in high profile RPG releases? Thanks for the video xD

That’s why English voice acting should be banned - English is a language with virtually no emotion, anyway. Though there are alot of bad games with bad Japanese voice acting - I would still prefer to listen to that with subtitles rather than hear emotionless English diatribe.

Starts typing a new thread in another forum and sends an email to her friends

Hmm, I knew this would happen types just like Jack Thompson complaining that video games caused the VT shooting types. I guess this place is for worshippers only. I’m not here to spead the words of Final Fantasy. I just want to speak about it in here, but no, you people seem to have problems with others making comments that is not related to Sega. I was expecting this to place to have something like a jukebox, a arcade, a fanart/fanfic contest .etc. I’ve seem so many rules broken in here and I’m sure many knew what the rules are, but some are lazy to know it.

Now if you excuse me, I gonna go and finish typing my chapter of my fanfic, A Dragoon’s Story.

You just want to speak about Final Fantasy in here… but you get angry every time anyone else brings it up? OK, you’re a lost cause to me now Light Wing, god knows I tried. shrug