Well, PDS was mentioned in this months Gameinformer

[quote=“Kadamose”]I seriously do not understand why so many people worship the Final Fantasy series - all of them suck, especially FF7. PDS is superior in every respect because it has:

  • amazing art direction
  • a ‘perfect’ soundtrack
  • a story to die for
  • character development
  • emotion
  • perfect voice acting with subtitles (got to love the subs)
  • a godly battle system
  • only one character in the whole game to level up

PDS is the epitome of the perfect RPG; there’s absolutely no question about that. The flaws that are in the game, are due to the limitations of the hardware, not the limitations of the creators’ imaginations; therefore, the technical flaws that are present are irrelevent.

If you do a direct comparison with ALL of the Final Fantasies to date, combined, all you get is:


But it’s no surprise that gems like PDS are forgotten and swallowed up in the deluge of shit, considering this generation, and the one previous to it, are all a part of what is known as the ‘Disney’ generations. In other words, these generations are comprised of people who don’t know what true art is; these also are the people who think the world is a bed of roses and dance to the Sound of Music. This is why I am a huge supporter of Eugenics and Ethnic Cleansing…because with these options, such people would not be allowed to exist in the first place.

The world is fucked up because of people like Light Wing. We live in a world where everything is the opposite of what it should be: the weak control the strong; morons hold positions of power, while the intellectuals are forced underground; religion and belief control logic - the list goes on…

The truly funny thing is, no one truly realizes that the entire world is being thrust into a fascist state - a new world order of fear. This is all because of the damned ‘Disney’ generations who have been so dumbed down, they have no cognitive ability whatsoever to fight back. This is all by design, of course.[/quote]

If you have a !@#$ing problem about it, then why don’t just spread the !@#$ing word of Panze Dragoon to the whole world and bow before the statues of Edge and Azel? Not everyone is a FF fan and you just !@#$ed up just because not many knew about Panzer Dragoon(heck, no one even wants to know about Sega Saturn). FF is not only one, theres Kingdom Hearts. Even the game sounds stupid, its has a good story, characters, etc. I would like see you calling every FF fan a retard in a FF forum.

I want to talk about FF, but non PD related problems. And I see no rules that saids that any topic about FF is banned.

If you think I’m @#$%ed stupid to say this. I don’t @#$%ing care! It takes a strong person to say whats in their minds. Besides, its a “Freedom” of speech from what Solo said.

Actually, he’s done stuff like that plenty of times and more. Kadamose is just very uh… passionate with his opinions. He’s a very unique individual, and while many dislike his mannerisms, I continue to find it refreshing after all these years. I just love how he gets a rise out of so many people. I’m still sort of surprised how attached he’s become to Panzer Dragoon Saga though, since he used to champion the Ys series with the same fervor back in the day. Hell, his shoveling Ys songs down my throat was how I was introduced to the series…

Now that I think about it, have you heard from JD at all, Kadamose? He seemed to just disappear off the face of the earth after The GIA shut down.

… could she BE any closer to what she claims to despise?!?

Now you just sound like Chandler from Friends. :slight_smile:


Actually, he’s done stuff like that plenty of times and more. Kadamose is just very uh… passionate with his opinions. He’s a very unique individual, and while many dislike his mannerisms, I continue to find it refreshing after all these years. I just love how he gets a rise out of so many people. I’m still sort of surprised how attached he’s become to Panzer Dragoon Saga though, since he used to champion the Ys series with the same fervor back in the day. Hell, his shoveling Ys songs down my throat was how I was introduced to the series…

Now that I think about it, have you heard from JD at all, Kadamose? He seemed to just disappear off the face of the earth after The GIA shut down.[/quote]

Man, memories can be painful sometimes. I think I will just outright admit that the only reason why I liked the Ys series was due to the fantastic soundtrack and nothing more. The story is rather stupid, the characters are extremely one-sided, there are cliches everywhere, and the battle system was silly. But, back in 1991, games of this caliber (the Turbo Duo versions only apply) were unheard of and really left a lasting impression; in my case, that impression lasted just a tad bit longer than it should have. Now that I look back on things in retrospect, I’m somewhat ashamed - not because of my eccentric behavior at the time, but mainly because I put so much support behind a game that really didn’t deserve it. Panzer Dragoon Saga, on the other hand, is different – it’s perfect, and, unlike Ys, it gets better with age. It’s so sad we will never be graced with another game of this caliber again…

As for JD, I haven’t heard from him since 1999. Am I the only one noticing that time is speeding up drastically? It seems like yesterday when we were arguing about all this stuff. I turn 30 this year - or at least my body does anyway; my mind, on the other hand, will probably always remain 16. I don’t have a problem with that, though.

I’m beginning to love FF :smiley:


I’m beginning to love FF :D[/quote]

…Are you saying it in a mocking tone?

Make sure to watch the same campy scene in Japanese! Tidus sounds like a crow, and it’s hilarious.

Yes and no.Yes because I don’t really love FF and no because it provides some very funny moments.


[quote=“Al3xand3r”]I only agree with about three of your points but they’re enough to make PDS stand out. For the rest points you either overeact (ex: battle system was far from perfect) or they are extremely subjective over which is the better option (ex: 1 character only) therefor it can be seen as natural for other people to enjoy FFVII (heck, I had fun with it, it’s just not an all time favorite). Maybe you should try to be less close minded, especially when you accuse others of being so. Of course, you won’t but whatever.

Edit: God you are an idiot, turning every thread into random fucked up babbling.[/quote]

It wasn’t babbling - it was completely relevent to the subject. PDS wasn’t recognized because of the ‘Disney’ generations…and the world is currently fucked up because of the Disney generations…how is that not relevent to the discussion? That’s the global variable of ALL variables![/quote]

the world is currently fucked up due to the jews and their power and their mediacontrol like mtv, hollywood, papers like new york times, pretty much whole bush administration, israel etc., it has nothing to do with disney

the world is currently fucked up due to the jews and their power and their mediacontrol like mtv, hollywood, papers like new york times, pretty much whole bush administration, israel etc., it has nothing to do with disney[/quote]

I hope that was sarcasm.

I think it was just a bad joke.

I mean, come on, I’m all for Jew jokes, but a Jew joke that doesn’t involve money? Where is your dignity, man!? :anjou_wow:

I wasn’t sure, since some people actually believe that kind of thing.

Just like the anti-videogame lawyer Jack Thompson saying videogames caused 9/11, which isn’t true.

Of course it’s not true. 9/11 was clearly a scheme of the Jews.

EDIT: Changed my signature to something appropriate to the joke. Lawl.

I love how threads can go so horribly off topic sometimes.

Must be another Jew conspiracy.


[quote=“Light Wing”]

I’m beginning to love FF :smiley:

…Are you saying it in a mocking tone?[/quote]

You need to accept that people will have differences of opinion.

I could harp on about how much I dislike FF until I am breathless, but it won’t change the fact that there’s a bigger demand for what it offers than there is for more thought-provoking subject matter.

Just keep in mind that this will never be a simple black/white scenario.