Was Frodo and Sam's relationship homo erotic?


You look kinda like Ted Raimi.

What the…?! Ted Raimi?! That’s a new one.

I’ve gotten David Schwimmer, Ben Affleck (most common one, unfortunately), and more recently, Scott Peterson (for those who don’t know who he is, http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/11/12/peterson.verdict/), but never Ted Raimi :slight_smile:

[quote=“Abadd”]What the…?! Ted Raimi?! That’s a new one.

I’ve gotten David Schwimmer, Ben Affleck (most common one, unfortunately), and more recently, Scott Peterson (for those who don’t know who he is, http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/11/12/peterson.verdict/), but never Ted Raimi :)[/quote]

Scott peterson?! You poor poor man! XD!

Yeah… Maybe not so much in that picture, but I’ve got at least 5 people (including my ex-boss o_O) who call me Scott.

There’s one guy at my gym who, every time I run into him, says, “Hey, Scott! They let you out today?”

I’m usualy refered to as Leonardo Dicaprio (if I’m clean shaved) or Brad Pitt :anjou_love:

Maybe it’s just the picture.



You have to admit, it’s a striking resemblance.

A girl friend called me Zorro today.It’s my new look.I swear it’s teh sexy.It’s kind of like LC’s but heavier on the sexyness.In the end she admited she liked it >D

Abadd you look alot like a guy I knew in middle school.He was one of them old school/bully mofos.Kindda like Kubiak from “Parker Lewis Can’t Loose” but thiner.

And you’re proud? :anjou_wow:

do you haveonly the slightest idea what it’s like to look like Brad and live in tokyo at the same time? I guess not =D

Yeah, I get mistaken for Charlize Theron a lot. Man, it’s just so damn flattering. :anjou_love:

Looking like Brad Pitt is one thing, looking like Leonardo DiCaprio is quite another.

yeah, that leonardo thing was about 3 years ago, I guess I looked different then. also i didn7t have my designer stubble back then wich makes me more brad I guess.

They were definitly very strong homoerotic overtones with Frodo and Sam, also between Merry and Pippin.


  1. Of or concerning homosexual love and desire.
  2. Tending to arouse such desire.

adj : of or concerning homosexual love[/quote]

I don’t really see anything like this implied in Tolkien’s characters. There’s a difference between deep friendship love and homoerotic love. If I said “I love my father” does that mean that my relationship with him is homoerotic?

I do not think that there was anything ment for the two characters to be homo anything, they are just good friends, it is simular to men becoming fast friends when they are in a war, it is just bascially a bond.

Although this is the stuff that 12 year old yaoi type fans just seem to love!
points to any fanfiction/art on DA, Elfwood or any art site…


Well, I’m sure that they loved each other, in a certain sense of the word. But two close friends can be concidered to love each other. It’s just a very relative term.

But hey, to all the SamXFrodo fans out there. XD Sam got hitched to Rosie, get over it.

sheez. this has to be the most debated piece of fiction in the last twenty years or so. Are the orcs black? Is Sauron big brother?Is Sarauman hitler?
Is the ring a nuke? Blah blah blah. If Tolkien knew what people saw in his fiction to further their own agendas he would probably never wrote the damn books.

[quote=“Abadd”]Yeah… Maybe not so much in that picture, but I’ve got at least 5 people (including my ex-boss o_O) who call me Scott.

There’s one guy at my gym who, every time I run into him, says, “Hey, Scott! They let you out today?”[/quote]

heh, i have that same problem.

I find that strangely believable.

I dind’t knwo you were old enough to go to a gym, Scott.