
Can’t be!!

PS:Read the whole article XD

castration XD

lucky for Gehn, he doesn’t have a pair of “D-units” anyway :wink:


Right. All those in favour of castrating Gehn, sign underneath:


Cheer up boy!Girls will crawl over ya when yer older…

I think.

scratchs beard

forgets he doens’t have one

Now that -was- pure spam.

The hell?

For those of you who don’t understand (everyone except Narayan) Protogeez is me.

“Teh Protogeez kid”

That’s why the mentioned PDS.

WHAT THE FUCK!?! I need more sleep. I read this thread as if Neil posted it. I didn’t realise you had started it, Gehn. And I didn’t pay any attention to who wrote the news topic. Protogeez sounds familiar though. How come your spelling and grammar are decent in that news thing then?

What exactly do you mean by my grammar and spelling?

I didn’t write that.

Lol. Yeah, I was reading and thinking to myself.

*“Hey, can Gehn have written this himself?”

“Nah. Grammar’s decent enough.”*

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]What exactly do you mean by my grammar and spelling?

I didn’t write that.[/quote]

Wait-wait-wait… so was that an official article written by someone who knows you? Or just something written by someone who wants you castrated? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a member of the neomega.net communitty.They make reviews of viderogames and the such.As an April’s Fool joke they made this article.People from the outside wouldn’t get it but it’s actually refering to me.

They even pointed a brazilian site and called it portuguese to piss me off (since i always regard brazilian portuguese as a different lanaguage).

Oh and the law decrete is also a hint

I think he’s skitzo.

You’d think people would have paid attention when we (Greece) did EXACTLY the same mistake a year or so ago (maybe more, I’m not good in judging time).
Ah well, good to see we aren’t the only ones with stupid law writers :slight_smile:
Nothin happened here though, there was all of like 3 or so cases with net cafe owners but they got dropped since the law was found as anticonstitutional. Law either got changed or totally dropped, I’m not sure I haven’t looked into it.

Edit: So, is the article real or what? And what the heck are you talking about when you say portugeeze kid and such, I don’t see any references like that in the article…

Actually we had quite a discussion about that Greek law in those very forums. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]You’d think people would have paid attention when we (Greece) did EXACTLY the same mistake a year or so ago (maybe more, I’m not good in judging time).
Ah well, good to see we aren’t the only ones with stupid law writers :slight_smile:
Nothin happened here though, there was all of like 3 or so cases with net cafe owners but they got dropped since the law was found as anticonstitutional. Law either got changed or totally dropped, I’m not sure I haven’t looked into it.

Edit: So, is the article real or what? And what the heck are you talking about when you say portugeeze kid and such, I don’t see any references like that in the article…[/quote]

I actually remember that, Alex. I was tempted to bring it up.

… Okay. Everyone lost me. Portugeeze… Huh?

Gehn posted a link to a webpage that was created, saying that the portugese government had banned all forms of electronic gaming in order to cut down on illegal gambling.

This article was, of course, put up on April 1st. This trick, in fact, had ALREADY BEEN USED for another country!

But www.neomega.net is a real website.

Yes, but the article was an April Fool.

Just clarifying.You said the webpage was made and to some extent you are completely right but there could be a missinterpretation.