Viewing .cpk files problem

I recently downloaded two types of .cpk viewers, one from this site and another from but neither work (most likely due to my version of windows). I use windows XP, if that helps any.

Until recently, I had exactly the same problems - check this thread for the location of at least one fully fuctional CPK player.

Hope that helps you.

Thanks, the RPGfan site had it.

Since there aren’t any subtitles, I’m editing the movie script on this siteto make it an easier read. I’m including summaries and file names for easy reference, dialogue editing to match the subtitles when the speaker says them, and other stuff. All props go to the submitter, since a trained monkey can do the stuff I’m working on. If this site will accept the edit, I’d be glad to give it. Otherwise it’s just gonna rot in my hard drive…

That sounds good Lundi, do it :slight_smile:

I’m almost done with it. It should be done by tomorrow (would be today but I have to do some school work)

Yeah I’m looking forward to see it :slight_smile:

I’d be glad to accept it.

Are you actually editting the movies btw? When you said “dialogue editing to match the subtitles when the speaker says them” that’s what I understood. I won’t be able to host the movies (not enough room) but I’ll be able to host any text files/word documents that you submit.

No, not the movie itself, just the text file. I’ve never studied video editing, although I’d like to one day. If anything, to add the subtitles in the movies.

I think it would be worthwhile adding character names to the dialogue as well. So, for the first few lines it would say:

Rua: What’s up, Edge?
Edge: Not much at all.
Edge: So this is life in the heart of the action.

What do you think of that idea?

Oh, I’m already doing that.

I have a lot of homework to do, but given that I have about 80% done already, it should be ready pretty soon. I’ll email it to you when its finished.

I’d like some of ya to review it, and give me any new ideas that you’d like to see in it. I’m already designating dialogue to each respective character, among other things. I’ll post a sample section as soon as I can.

Here’s that sample


K.F. Craymen, leader of the Empire’s black fleet, plots against the Emperor.

Narrator:Thousands of years have passed
since the fall of the utopian civilization.
The survivors live in fear
of the biological weapons
created by ancient technologies.
Then the Empire rose to power
with the technology of the lost civilization on their side.
The age started anew.
The Empire drove away the nightmarish creatures
with ancient weapons excavated from the dormant ruin.
The people rejoiced, believing that humans could live without fear. But power gave birth to ambition, and ambition to war.
The Empire declared war on its
neighboring nations, but they too discovered the ancient weapons.

Narrator:The battles became epic struggles.
To maintain superiority,
the Empire intensified their search of the ancient ruins.
A research institute was established at the Imperial Capital,
to unlock the mysteries of the Ancient Age.

(A black fleet above the clouds)

Navigator 1: 30 minutes to excavation site 4.

Arwen: The operation at the Imperial Capital is proceeding as

Craymen: We must deny the Emperor his prize.
Arwen, now is the time for rebellion.

Navigator 2: Message from Site 4. They’ve encountered a monster…
It’s a distress signal.

Craymen: Excellent. Looks like that’s our invitation.

Arwen: Tell them that we will arrive in 15 minutes!


That’s a cut and paste job so the spacing is off a bit, but you get the idea.

Lundi, am I correct in thinking that you’re working on scripts for the CPK files alone? Well, for some time now I’ve been toying with the idea of producing a complete text-dump of all the in-game text for Panzer Dragoon Saga, edited into a kind-of theatrical script format. I’m quite familiar with how the text is layed out within the game code, and I’ve found some methods of editing it into a readable format extremely quickly.

Anyone who’s interested, check out the example below: it’s all the in-game text for the Excavation Site area, with speakers’ names and sub-headings where appropriate. If anyone would be interested in seeing this kind of thing for each area in the game - which I could quite easily do - and if you’d be interested in hosting such a thing Solo, then please post here.

(BTW, Lundi, if you were talking about doing scripts for this in-game stuff as well, ignore this post, as I clearly wouldn’t be needed!)

Excavation Site


(It’s my Captain!!!)
(There’s my dragon…
Looks like he’s waiting for me…)
Exit the Excavation Site
Don’t Exit
(There’s my dragon…
Looks like he’s waiting for me…)
(An object from the Ancient Age…
It’s a battleship’s engine.)
(A Data Storage Capsule.)
(…All the valuable items are gone.
There’s not much left…)
(It looks empty…)
(A Data Storage Capsule.)
(It’s no use. There’s nothing left.)
(The bridge was destroyed…
There’s no way to the other side…)
(I remember now…
That madman shot me off the bridge.
…How did I survive the fall?)
(An old Container.)
(What? There’s something inside.)
(It’s empty.)
(An old Container.)
(No use. There’s nothing inside.)
(It’s a relic from the Ancient Age.
It’s a battleship’s engine.)
(The entrance to the ruins.)
(The entrance is blocked by rubble.)

Gash?s Dialogue

I’d love to explore these

Damn, someone got here before
me and took everything…
If only I’d gotten here sooner.

The Black Fleet was here.
They have really outdone
themselves this time.

I wonder what they’re up to.

Azel?s Dialogue

It’s all right…
I won’t leave you again.

(Azel keeps staring at the relic.)

Before Craymen woke me,
I saw many places with Atolm.
But I never walked the land.

I’m still afraid of the Tower,
but I can’t be afraid forever.
I need to know what happened.

(I must end this…
for her sake as well as mine!)

Descriptions of Radgam

(Radgam’s lifeless body lies
in a crumpled heap.
His back has been broken and
his blood has been drained.)
(He would have wanted a
hunter to have this.)
His severed hand still grips a gun.
At least he died fighting…)
(…A body something’s fed on.)
(It’s Radgam, the hunter.
He died a hunter’s death.)
(It’s a mangled corpse…)
(A rotting corpse…)
(Empty eye sockets stare at you…)

I’d love to cooperate on a full text edit.
Just curious, but how do you view the files where the text is?


Good news:
Right now, I have finished editing the file from this site. Anything else I could do would be purely superficial.

Bad news:
However, there are two dialogues missing from the text. I can’t think of the specific movies off the top of my head but here’s a discription:

A) Craymen’s lines are missing from where he tells Edge to take Azel and go from the tower. It’s before he is impaled by the monster. It’s the same cinema where the Emperor says “What the…”.

B) A brief dialogue between Gash and a subordinate in the seeker village,
. The seeker reports something to Gash, and then is dismissed by him. I can get the cinema file name’s later (I’m at school right now).

[quote=“Lundi”]Bad news:
However, there are two dialogues missing from the text. I can’t think of the specific movies off the top of my head but here’s a discription:

A) Craymen’s lines are missing from where he tells Edge to take Azel and go from the tower. It’s before he is impaled by the monster. It’s the same cinema where the Emperor says “What the…”.

B) A brief dialogue between Gash and a subordinate in the seeker village,
. The seeker reports something to Gash, and then is dismissed by him. I can get the cinema file name’s later (I’m at school right now).[/quote]

If it would help you, I have a complete text file of the CPK dialogue (edited into readable lines) - it definitely contains this stuff. I’d be happy to email it to you, so just post here or PM me if you’d like it.

As for the offer of help with the in-game text edit, it’s much appreciated Lundi, but I’m afraid I’ve already done the in-game dialogue in its entirity - there sadly isn’t anything left to do.

Solo, if you’d be interested in hosting this full Saga script on TWOTA, just say the word and I’d be happy to get it to you. It’s no big deal if you’re not bothered or anything, but it does seem like quite an interesting resource.

Indeed it does sound like a worthwhile resource. I think this, along with the movie script that Lundi is preparing, would provide an excellent source for Panzer fans to access key pieces of dialogue from the game. A lot of people purchased the Japanese version too, in order to avoid paying huge amounts of eBay, and all they currently have are the few resources on the site.

If I may add my input here, I also think that there should be a clear seperation between what is in game text, and what are titles, comments, and names that you or Lundi add to the script. The way you’ve used a bold font seems to work well enough.

Btw, Lundi, what you’ve got there looks good. I like the way that you’ve used the different line approach, when the subtitles switch like in the game.

I think what we need to decide on is the best way to seperate the game-text from the non-game-text (as I mentioned in my previous post). On the site I’ve currently used { and } symbols, what do you and Lance think of that idea (to keep them consistant)?

As an example:

{— Edge rescues Azel from the Mutants in Uru Caves —}

About the Tower

{Azel} The Tower…
{Azel} It will enslave the world…
{Edge} How do you know that?
{Azel} Once I am synchronized, I can
{Azel} sense what the Tower is doing.
{Edge} Can you stop the Tower from here?
{Azel} No… I must have contact.
{Azel} But… I…
{Edge} Yeah, I know…

Um… can someone please help me? I tried the converter suggested on the rpgfan site but it doesn’t work at all. I double click on the thing and the MS DOS thing shows up on the screen for a second and then disappears… It might be something completely simple but i just can’t figure this out!!

I recently upgraded to XP from 2000 server and found that the results have been the same on both operating systems.


In XP I access the converter through the DOS Command Prompt. Click on the Start menu, then Programs, then Accessories, then Command Prompt.

Once you have access to the DOS Prompt in Windows XP, the rest is a matter of typing in the appropriate commands including the location of the converter.

‘C:\My is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file’

…i hate my pc…

[quote=“Nevey”]‘C:\My is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file’

…i hate my pc…[/quote]

When did you get that error? Were you able to get the command prompt like Geoffrey described?