Videos that should not be missed:

With the advent of the internet, the flow of information has never before been so free to flood our minds.

Since I am a huge fan of delving into the unknown such as the largely uncharted regions of the paranormal, I stumbled over the famous Urban Legends series of streaming videos some time ago.


Anyone who hasn’t seen these videos should watch through them all from beginning to end at least sometime within our lifetimes. They are essentially a collection of compelling facts and gathered evidence (some of which being outdated) surrounding themes not only such as the paranormal but aliens and the origins of certain things from the past we find around us today. The origins of Carol singing is a rather tragic tale of a search that never ended.

Next on my list of favourite videos is a parody of the class community managers from a little known game known as World of Warcraft. Maybe you guys have heard of it? :slight_smile:

This isn’t so much a video as it is a foreign film with some clever subtitling that attempts to parody Blizzard’s community managers regarding paladins. This is what goes on behind closed doors at Blizzard HQ:


FYI, Fangtooth was the paladin community manager before the arrival of the infamous 1.9 patch where he promised that all of the current class issues would be addressed finally, and even sent fan feedback all the way back to the relevant Blizzard developers. After being promised that there was hope for the dying class, Blizzard nerfed it into near oblivion, making the guy look like a complete liar.

It was hilarious. Poor Fangtooth. Hung out to dry. That’s why the video portrays being the CM of the paladins as being a veritable death sentence. Who in their right mind wants that job?

By the way, the video helps to explain why Fangtooth disappeared shortly after the 1.9 patch. The last we heard from him was when the Blizz community team posted on the forums that and I quote: “Fangtooth has gone on to seek greener fishing nodes”…

He vanished without a trace. The parody video plays on the theme of how he got the job and ended up swimming with the fishes.

Feel free to share any other amusing or compelling videos you’ve encountered.

Well, since the topic came up, I think that everyone should give Broken Saints a try.

Link. (Be sure to allow pop-ups.)

It has been around for a few years now, so it may be considered old news, but I don’t really have any idea how well-known it is. It’s essentially a series of graphic novels that have been animated in flash, and put to music. The artwork, writing and soundtrack are all superb, and the plot remains fascinating all the way to the end. If you haven’t seen it already, you really should give it a try. :anjou_happy:

Also, Geoff, I’ve been linked to that WoW video before… but given that i’ve never played World of Warcraft, my reaction was “…what? 0.o”. It now makes a little more sense with your explaination. A little. =/

I quit WoW just a few weeks after the first Pally nerf, I truly laughed my ass off the first time I saw that vid.

I’m a guild leader with a 70 paladin right now and I am honestly feeling a little frustrated. I struggled against the nerfs for a long time but it wasn’t the way forward if I hoped to see the “end-game”. I played WoW from the start and saw the direction things were going in. It’s clear how Blizzard balance the classes.

Each class’s power is directly proportional to the percentage of people playing it. It’s a very clever game Blizzard are playing by making it unfair in some areas while tipping the balance back in others just to keep the game working.

Switcher is my personal fav paladin video:

Link. Using the whole switching from PC to Mac advert theme to illustrate the point is just priceless.

Now the knights of WoW are forced to heal in the end game while priests currently top damage meters.

[quote=“Drenholm”]Well, since the topic came up, I think that everyone should give Broken Saints a try.

Link. (Be sure to allow pop-ups.)

It has been around for a few years now, so it may be considered old news, but I don’t really have any idea how well-known it is. It’s essentially a series of graphic novels that have been animated in flash, and put to music. [/quote]

Wildly gothic artwork. It’s amazing what people can do if they just put their minds to it.

I hadn’t seen that one Geoffrey, good stuff. I tried a pally to lvl 18 or something right after that first nerf, just to see if things were as bad as everyone said. But that’s the huge problem with every MMO, 90% of the players judge other players by their build and not their skill. And from what I heard from the friends who kept playing WoW, end game it only gets worse, every party just HAS to have the same exact mix of proven builds.

Most of the classes may as well not have half their skills, since no one will play with you if you use them…

The end game requires sacrificing a lot to see. But to be honest, I am tired of arguing, because in the end there’s no winning. Paladins were the victims of poor balancing, and now they aren’t what they are supposed to be.

Back on topic though, I have more videos to share.

Here’s the Freespace 1 introduction sequence:


Anyone who is a fan of space flight sims should not miss this game. It upstaged the Wing Commander games in so many ways that it’s not easily forgettable. The Shivans were even a believable alien race in that they were biomechanical in nature whose motives were never clear rather than humanoids who just happened to speak fluent English.

Watch as Terran marines board a Shivan vessel to confront Shivans in person:


The intro for Freespace 2 is much more poetic nature than the action-packed guns-blazing intro of the first game. Overall, however, it was a vastly superior game in all respects with a noble villain right at the centre of it all:


I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of people would have missed these masterpieces. After playing through them from beginning to end, I cannot see how anyone cannot entertain the idea of games being a form of art.

Art doesn’t come much purer than this.

Starcraft: Brood War intro.

Needless to say, no self-respecting gamer should miss this. Blizzard know how to make some of the most memorable motion videos in the industry, and Brood War’s intro stands out as one that does not disappoint.

“Dissecting a dead Zerg in a lab is one thing. Unleashing them on men is another”.

Mere words fail to express this game’s magnificence.

Hey Geoff I saw those Urban Legend videos.The first two anyways.
I demand you give me back those 5 minutes you robbed me!!!

You can’t honestly think these shouldn’t be missed…

Watch them all matey.

I need to scour the net for more content covering topics such as the paranormal. I was purusing some ghost photos recently and I was hooked from the moment I set eyes on the first picture.

Well if it’s something that you are interested in in the first place then I can understand.Still these kind of stuff has bogus written all over it.

I watched all of them, I did think they were pretty cool.

I liked the first one the best, most probably because they had more grounding in reality than the others. Some involving ghost and UFO’s were just such a stretch I can’t understand how some people believe them.

All in all I liked them, my personal favorite was the Manwhich Sloppy Joe!

Any video that wants to be taken seriously shouldn’t be putting screamers in them. It’s weird how they fail to mention that most of this stuff was proven false.