
This was something I worked on a year ago, pretty much after Orta.


I was looking at making a small game ?fan-fic? using the Genesis 3d Engine + Reality Factory. My big idea was that if I could make enough pieces ( towns people, monsters, villages, etc) there would basically be a Panzer Dragoon action-adventure ?game making kit? that anyone could use with some small modifications. I was being fairly relaxed with stuff- I was trying to not be such a perfectionist and just get it done- I actually only got about 3 weeks of work on it but I was pretty close to releasing it- the characters in the screens were modeled, you could walk around a world… but then I got promoted at my job and I simply haven?t had any free time to work on it, and the PD fan-fic game has been pretty dead.

The story was fairly small and simple- It took place in the time between Saga and Orta. The ?New Empire? was just building strength, and most of the remnants of the old Empire had formed independent groups. One of these groups had been tipped off from locals of an excavated temple of the Ancients that was supposed to contain a powerful Drone that was still working. The Empire group came in and discovered Abadd, and took him with them to their base for research. What they did not realize was they left another drone in the temple, a boy drone of the higher order, named Uri. The boy drone was left at the bottom of a shaft in the temple, with only a small ?pure-type? creature as friend for many eons. Uri would have no memory of anything.

Near the ruins there was a small village. This story involved three hunters from the village, Raanan, a young hunter who is more interested in archeology and ruins than hunting monsters, an Elder hunter, who was once great but was now quite old and frail, and a girl hunter named Emid (same Emid from PD Orta). They would find Uri and try to help Uri put his past back together.

I was hoping to release the whole thing as a surprise playable package, but for now it is pretty dead. All this talk of ?making a game? made me just want to share this one attempt. Maybe I’ll try to finishing it, but to a similar point Lord Craymen made, it is difficult putting so much work and time into something you yourself don’t ‘own’.

I’m sure we’d all love to see you finish this project one day, Lagi, as it looks very impressive, not to mention ambitious. The drone child looks incredibly authentic in terms of both style and modern graphical representation. Nice story too.

What was to become of Uri in the end?


ushers Lagi int the Hall of Godliness alongside Shadow and myself

Wow… I guess we all had our thing goin’ after Orta, eh? Looks really nice.

That’s just too cool Lagi especially knowing it’s a one man project!!!
I love the hunter’s look, very very awesome :slight_smile:
And the place looks like a PD Zwei level (the one with those stingers bombing that city and stuff) Shame u had to stop working on it.
BTW where do ya work now :slight_smile:

Those screenshots look really good, I’m impressed! Very true to the Panzer style, especially the drone boy. I think it would be well worth finishing this game.

hey, at least finish a demo or something… we need a taste, Lagi. All screenshots do are tease us.

Not bad,not bad.

The drone child Orta’s sister perhaps :wink: ] is awesome.

Yeah, I liked the little drone. For some reason, he reminds of the little guy from Phan… Fantasy Island.

Lagi wrote: “The Empire group came in and discovered Abadd, and took him with them to their base for research. What they did not realize was they left another drone in the temple, a boy drone of the higher order, named Uri. The boy drone was left at the bottom of a shaft in the temple, with only a small ?pure-type? creature as friend for many eons. Uri would have no memory of anything.”

I dind’t read it all. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just called him Orta’s sister cause it reminds me of Azel a lot…

They look great, Lagi… keep it up!!

wow! Thats very very nice! Make sure you do back ups tho, i made some levels for a game and then they all dissapeared :frowning: Don’t let that happen to you…

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

That work is stunning: excellent stuff, lagi. It’s all very authentically Panzerish; the hunter woman looks particularly convincing to me. If you ever did find the time to complete it, I’m sure we’d all love to play the finished product.

Yes, the environment is very reminiscent of Zwei Episode 2, as well. Did you have that part in mind when you created it?

Thats really cool Lagi, looks like you did quite a bit of work in that short span of time. It would be great if you could find some free time to finish it (hint hint). But seriously thats cool.

What was to become of Uri in the end?<<

I had a few ideas, one where he eventually hooks up with Orta and new Dragon, but I think in most of them, he died. They all pretty much died except for the girl who would join the seekers.

looks like a PD Zwei level (the one with those stingers<<

the environment is very reminiscent of Zwei Episode 2, as well. Did you have that part in mind when you created it?<<

Yeah-I love that level. Isn’t that the old Empire of Meccania? I felt the series never really explored that culture much and I wanted to elaborate on it.

[quote=“lagi_webmaster”]>>What was to become of Uri in the end?<<

I had a few ideas, one where he eventually hooks up with Orta and new Dragon, but I think in most of them, he died. They all pretty much died except for the girl who would join the seekers.

looks like a PD Zwei level (the one with those stingers<<

the environment is very reminiscent of Zwei Episode 2, as well. Did you have that part in mind when you created it?<<

Yeah-I love that level. Isn’t that the old Empire of Meccania? I felt the series never really explored that culture much and I wanted to elaborate on it.[/quote]

Yes i believe if you take the route that gives you less points (towards dragon evolution) you can see the Empire fighting the Meccania forces. I too love that level.

Yep its’ Meccania alright.

Sounds like a tragic end to a tragic beginning.

Cor! Nice screens!!