Two things I just noticed

1-Yesterday I re-played PDOrta while trying to improve my reverse Y axis skillz (looking for a challenge since I pretty much dominate PDO’s gameplay).I finished the last elvel (The End of Destiny) and consequently the game.

The credits started and I was surprised to see that the words “Panzer Dragoon Vier” weren’t there.The words “Panzer Dragoon Orta” were.I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I see this.

2-I also decided to listen to Alternative Elements agehn and when I was in the track “Destiny Begins” I thought of something that always had passed me by.

The first PD level storywise (PDZwei’s level 1) is called “Destiny Begins” and the last PD level storywise (PDOrta’s level 10) is called “The End of Destiny”.

Quite funny but also a possible bad omen :anjou_disappointment:

Anyone noticed these things?

Lest a new destiny is opened up in the next game. XD

But cool to see that they used dutch after using german. XD (Vier is dutch for four… obviously)

  1. Pay more attention, boy. =P It was like, the first thing I noticed upon completing the game.

  2. Obviously the whole destiny thing has to do with Lagi’s death. Maybe the new dragon will have a new destiny.

I’m sorry.I meant that Panzer Dragoon Vier WASN’T there.
Panzer Dragoon Orta was.

“Panzer Dragoon Vier” is only shown when you finish the game on Hard mode. Easy and Normal show “Panzer Dragoon Orta”.

Ah.I was trying to play with inverted Y axis so I thought I would take a beating if I played on Hard.I always played the game on hard so I wouldn’t know really.

Interesting point. Now, why would this be if there were different dragons in each game? >:)

There aren’t different dragons in the game. =)

Actually I’m sure this peculiarity is just a coicidence even tho it doens’t seem so…

Maybe Abadd could shed some light.

BUt anyways concerning the dragons I think all bodies are different (except in PD1-Zwei) and all spirits are different.When Endow says that he thinks Edge’s dragons’ spirit is the same as his dragon I think he refers to the Heresy program.

I’m actually writing a theory about this.

Of course, of course, that’s just not the viewpoint that everyone holds… … php?t=1277

Re read my post Solo.Also I wanted to explain that when i say all spirits are different I mean the dragon minus his body.

So by spirit I mean soul and heresy both.

why in the world do you think Vier is Dutch??? it is also perfectly normal German

German - English

Eins = one (and for heaven’s sake NOT(!) “Eine”)
Zwei = two
Drei = three
Vier = four

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Re read my post Solo.Also I wanted to explain that when i say all spirits are different I mean the dragon minus his body.

So by spirit I mean soul and heresy both.[/quote]

So you’re saying that Lagi’s soul is the same as the Heresy program, or am I misunderstanding you?

Is everyone pretty much agreed that it has been the same renegade program which has been fighting the Towers throughout the Panzer Dragoon series?

I know no one is quite sure whether the dragon in PD1 is the same one from Zwei, or if it is the a different dragon, the one from the start of Saga, which then merges with Lagi (Zwei dragon) later on at the Red Ruins. Lance’s Different Dragons Theory is a good read, though, which seems to hold this opinion. I actually find this theory very plausible.

But I would assume that the Heresy Program is the only one of its kind. And since I haven’t played Orta yet, what’s with that? What is Orta’s dragon supposedly controlled by?

I really should read up on this stuff. I appreciate any info nonetheless :anjou_happy: !

LC:The guy’s from Belgium, probably from the ducth side.He’s saying “Vier” also means 4 in ducth.

Solo:I’m not saying that.I’m writing a theory concerning this and a bit more about the Heresy program.Stay tuned too see what I mean :stuck_out_tongue:

In the first three games, it was definitely the same dragon “program” in each game. In Panzer Dragoon Orta, things are a little different. The Heresy program and the physical dragon separated after the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga… the physical dragon returned to the physical world, while the Heresy program remained in Sestren. It is the same physical dragon from Saga that you are playing as in Orta, but without the Heresy program residing inside him.

My personal view is that since the dragon in PDO acted on his own free will to help Orta, it was the same physical dragon in all four Panzer Dragoon games. Lance has definitely raised some worthwhile points that can’t easily be thrown aside (although pretty much anything in Lundi’s journals could have been a translation error, unfortunately). Unless after destroying a Tower, the physical dragon was too exhausted to live on (in which case it wouldn’t make sense, since Shelcoof was destroyed in PDS), I don’t see why Lagi would have needed to die at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. If a physical dragon could have survived throughout the whole of Saga, for another 37 years, and then through the whole of Orta, I don’t see why Lagi couldn’t have survived throughout the short less-than-two-month journey of Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

The Different Dragon’s theory is definitely a good one, though. I used to think along similar lines, at one point.

I’ll be looking forward to reading it. :anjou_happy:

Ok well, heres my theory… I came up with it based on Lances Different Dragons Theory… although i think its near enough the same!
I’ll explain with the aid of a diagram… (Its an edited version of Lance’s, hope you don’t mind! ^_^)

Firstly, look at Lundi’s dragon in Panzer Dragoon. The heresy program entered the coolia pup, and gradually transformed it into the Solo Wing form. Once if had destroyed Shelcoof it “rested” in the dragon crest inside.
Lundi’s Dragon

Now, I belive that the heresy program entered a different creature, probably another coolia pup or maybe something else. This then somehow gained the mysterious sky rider as its rider, maybe the same way Lundi found Lagi. This then grew again into the Solo Wing form. After Kyle became this dragons rider, I think that once the dragon had finished its mission, it too went to “rest”, and resided in the dragon crest in the underground place where Edge fell.
Sky Rider/Kyle’s Dragon

I believe this dragon took the same route as Edge’s dragon, since I also believe that Edge’s dragon is the same dragon (It cave from the crest).
Inside Shelcoof, where Edge finds the crest, the baby dragon that emerges is baisically the pup Lagi was originally like. I think that if that pup was left to grow by itself, it would have grown the same way Lagi did.

After Edge’s dragon finds the baby dragon, and merge, they create the Solo Wing dragon once again. However this is where it gets complicated.
In theory, Edge’s dragon shoul dhave been able to reach the Solo Wing form without needing to merge… Maybe the dragon would have anyway, but it was given the chance to become an even more powerful evolution of itself by merging? (Maybe a more powerful Solo Wing than usual)

Any flaws in this theory? Special thanks to Lance for coming up with the original theory

So you are saying that the Sky Rider’s dragon had been a Panzer Wing on an earlier stage of evolution?

Don’t forget that we have a way to know for sure that Edge’s Dragon is the only one to have become Light Wing.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

In the first three games, it was definitely the same dragon “program” in each game. In Panzer Dragoon Orta, things are a little different. The Heresy program and the physical dragon separated after the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga… the physical dragon returned to the physical world, while the Heresy program remained in Sestren. It is the same physical dragon from Saga that you are playing as in Orta, but without the Heresy program residing inside him.[/quote]

So in Orta, you’re not fighting Sestren or anything? Sorry for being a bit slow but I’ve yet to really learn about that game. I should get it while it’s around, even though I don’t have an XBOX…

Well you put it better than I probably could have! I’m not so sure about the Light Wing there, though, and while I think it’s a strong possibility that Edge’s dragon is Kyle’s, I think maybe it didn’t take this exact route of evolution.

It could have been an original (unreleased, so to speak) prototype which Edge discovered, and the Sky Rider could have been a renegade drone, etc. Someone should write a story about this stuff… Anyway, thanks for the interesting post!

Hey again, Gehn. Get Seq2mid working for ya? :anjou_happy: Yeah, I’m not very convinced that the Light Wing was in the Blue Dragon’s evolutionary path, but I’m not discrediting Scott’s theory, which was well illustrated, and of course Lance’s which started it all.

Interesting schtuff… (sic)

Well i just stuck the light wing in there because i thought it would be the same path needed to become the Solo Wing…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]So you are saying that the Sky Rider’s dragon had been a Panzer Wing on an earlier stage of evolution?
Don’t forget that we have a way to know for sure that Edge’s Dragon is the only one to have become Light Wing.[/quote]

Yeah (about the panzer wing), why that stage in particular?
Also, what do you mean about the Light wing thing?