To Win XP or not Win XP

Well, it probably does not help out the video games, but it does help out the Speed. Unless im mistakeing that for something else…Well, sure you are probably a computer Genius if you hadnt any problems for that long Alexander, responsible too, if you leave me with a computer and a few Video games i would proabably go to far. =) And as for the Giga Bytes, all of my computers have 80-160 and no less, got three hard drives for 50 bucks. I was lucky >.>

Ah,so you have more than one harddrive…

It’s just that I’ve been away of any news concerning new computers coming to the market,for a minute I thought I had missed too much …

You do know that you can get a single drive of 500GB in a machine these days, don’t you? o.O

(im gonna risk seeming naive)


Well. You can.


Yes, and just think Gehnny boy, that’s 1500GB if you have 3 HDDs.

Holy mother of Orta!Yep my shining days are over…
I’m old now.
Excuse me,I’m gonna do what old people usually do, now…

Though, I wouldn’t really recommended it. Just think though, the PC of tomorrow…

Pentium 5 HT 5Ghz processor
3x 500GB 7200rpm HDD
3GB DDR2100 RAM (or whatever the bloody latest spec is)
GeForce FX 6200 256MB DDR graphics
24x16x8 DVD Re-writer.
21" TFT Monitor.

Obviously I just made half that shit up, but you get the idea.


anyways for XP - it runs best with at least 256mb, and it takes around 2-3gb space on your hdd. Coupled with the percentage cut windows pts on it, if you have a 10gb hdd then your left with only about 6gb for all your stuff… (then you got office to think of, photoshop, games x.x)