Things you would do for PD

Common spill the beans!How mcuh do you love the series?

I’d um…lemme think…write stuff for it 0_o

Well, I mean, if the continuation of the series depended on it, I would drink cow urine :wink:

(hey, it’s a tradition in some countries, it can’t be that bad)

Neil’s weird. Let me think upon this o.o

You might be suprised but I might actually consider killing someone for it.

If that someone is me I’m not surprised xD

But seriously, you would? o.o That’s a bit extreme (And easy to say now…)

Yes,but if I was absolutely sure I was getting a good sequel and the person wasn’t related to me…


Well, he IS dubbed “The Berserker”.

I’d probably finish my fan fics and guides. All of them. And that’s a lot.

I would seriously attempt a good fan art…

I would run naked around some place ^^ Thought of it a minute ago =P

pictures all 101 of us streaking down the streets of Japan carrying signs supporting the release of a new PD RPG


I wouldn’t want to picture Scott nekkid >.x HE’S JUST A BOY FOR PETE’S SAKE.

of course you mention scott, but you say NOTHING about TSE, Berserker, and G*hn :stuck_out_tongue:

…maybe I’m being nice? =)

Hmm… I guess I am the youngest guy here. breaks down

Panzer Dragoon, at its core, is just a game, so aside from joking I don’t think anyone here would literally kill for it (I hope no one would at any rate :)). However the series is one of the best ever made and a lot would be worth doing in order for a new game to be released.

Just admit it Solo, you would streak with the rest of us 8)

Hell, he’d be leading out naked charge upon the world.

You wish! (to see me naked)
And I’m not a boy, your younger than me 'member Neil?! :stuck_out_tongue:

I know that, I was speaking in terms of maturity 8)