Things you would do for PD


PLease… stop it…


Well, I’m not the one who appeared for awhile under the name “Endow” and pretended that he was going to Canada :slight_smile:

You still dunno why I did that do you?


I wanted to know how you guys treated me if I was a n00b.And if you would have the same idea of me.Plus at that time I wanted to change my nick.

Thing I would do for PD:

  1. Register myself under a gazillion usernames here at TWOTA. :slight_smile:
  2. Write tons of fanfics
  3. Concept art (refer to my drawing in the Extended Profile thread XD)

I think you guys didn’t understand what i was asking for.I’m not asking for ways to make PD popular or anything like that…

I’m asking for silly,stupid or even criminal acts (unrelated to PD) that you would do if you were promised a sequel to PD.

hmm…I dunno about the whole cow urine thing…

Maybe if it ment the reformation of TA and their domination of the VG industry I would put more consideration into it 8)

TA?! Oy!!

drinks cow urine


It can’t be THAT bad 0.0

No, not really.

drinks more

Good stuff, this is, aye!

I’d be willing to perform a 24hr cheese fast.

That’s right, I’m willing to go to extreme lengths.

Goodness, that is something Chuck! :smiley:

What could you do for Panzer Dragoon that hasn’t already been listed? I guess I’m with Gehn. I’d kill a guy. At least it’d give me an insanity plea in court and a loose excuse to commit murder.

Yes, but then the victim’s whiny family would sue the PD team. You know how that is :frowning:

Hell fire, they can sue me. I got checks pockets a breathmint and a pamphlet to an art school. They can have that!

lol, I wish someone would have said that to the RIAA